Lesson plan

Subject: The competitive environment

Duration: 50 min

Grade level (students` age): XII grade, 17-18 years

Title: The promotion on the market of the personal offer of products and services as well as the promotion of the firm. The participation to fairs and exhibitions – knowledge fixation and systematization


1. Cognitive objectives: at the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

·  defining the promotion concept

·  enumerating the promotion techniques

·  identifying the similarities and differences between the notions of fair and exhibition

·  realizing the importance of the participations of the tourism firms to international fairs and exhibitions

·  organizing a stand of a tourism firm to an international fair

·  developing an adequate language as well as confidence in expressing personal opinions and interpretations

·  respecting the others, cherishing the diversity of cultures and representations

·  acquiring knowledge about European cultures and others.

2. Affective objectives: at the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

·  showing interest in using the knowledge concerning the promotion by solving problem- situations

·  participating in an active way to the lesson

3. Psychological objectives: at the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

·  working in a proper manner, paying attention to the given tasks

·  cooperating with the co-workers

Methods and Approaches:

·  active learning

·  learning through cooperation

·  portfolios achievement

·  achievement of power-point presentations of intern and extern tourist offers

Materials: flyers, travel guides, posters, brochures, maps, flags, hymns and symbols of the countries participating to the project.

Procedures/activities: “International Tourism Fair” contests

In order to achieve the proposed activities- the “International Tourism Fair” contest- students groups must be formed one week ahead ( 7 teams). Thus the students will have the possibility to collect material and to co-work in order to accomplish their task properly.

Each team will represent a tourism firm from the participating countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Greece, and Romania

All teams will present a stand at the “International Tourism Fair”, within 10 minutes, (having exposed national symbols of the country). The presentation of the country must have as musical background the national hymn.

The members of the teams must present the country by flyers, brochures, maps, photos, souvenirs, travel guides, power-point presentation.

Each team has5 minutes to present its country.

It is suitable that the students should wear the national outfit of the country they present.

Evaluation: Portfolios (flyers, brochures, maps, photos, souvenirs, travel guides); power-point presentation. The maximum grade will be given to the best presentations.

It is also possible for each team to give a grade to the other competitors, the teacher being the one to decide the final score.













