Games and Activities
Games can be used during language lessons as reinforcement or can be used as a quick activity at any stage during the week to further reinforce, consolidate and revise language.
Here are some suggestions for games.
Whole class games
1. Lotto/Bingo. This can be played with any vocabulary not just numbers. It is easy to arrange if you give pupils laminated grids with images for the vocabulary. These grids can be wiped clean and used again. Mini whiteboards can also be used so pupils can create their own grids quickly. Teacher calls out numbers/vocabulary until a pupil shouts “lotto” which means that the four items of vocabulary they have on their grid or they have chosen have been called.
2. Chinese whispers. Arrange the class in a circle. Teacher whispers a word or phrase to a pupil. Word gets whispered around the circle. At the end of the circle the last pupil has to tell the rest of the class what they heard.
3. Os and Xs. Divide class into 2 teams. Number or letter the Os and Xs grid. In turn members from the 2 teams select a box and give the French for the symbol in the box.
4. Quickest gets the point. Divide class into 2 teams and give each pupil a number or a letter. Teacher calls out a number e.g. number 3, the pupils who are number 3 in both teams should stand up. Teacher mimes or points to an image. The first pupil to give the French for the mime or image gets a point for their team.
5. Slaps. Divide class into 2 teams. Stick flashcards on board. Ask for a volunteer from each team and give them a shatterproof ruler each. Teacher says a word or phrase which represents one of the flashcards. The first pupil to slap the correct flashcard with the ruler gets a point for their team. Select new pupils for each go.
6. Kim’s game. It is easier to do this on an overhead projector. Show pupils images for vocabulary which you have presented and repeated in class. Turn off the OHP and remove one or 2 of the images. Turn the OHP back on and ask pupils to say which ones are missing. To involve the whole class you could get them to write their answers on mini whiteboards.
7. Pelmanism. Divide board in 2. On one half stick image flashcards facedown with blue tack, on the other half stick word or phrase flashcards face down. Divide class into 2 teams. In turns a volunteer from each team turns one card from each side over if they match they get a point for their team. If the cards do not match they have to turn them over again.
8. Hangman. Exactly the same as in English but insist on using French pronunciation for the alphabet. Again this can be played as a team game by dividing class into 2 teams. Which ever team finally guesses the word wins.
9. Pass the parcel. When music stops unwrap a layer. Inside each layer is a question in French which pupil has to respond to.
10. Jacques a dit (Simon says). If you teach using mimes this can be used for any vocabulary. Pupils only do the mime if you say Jacques a dit before you say the vocabulary.
Any of the activities listed in the practice section may also be used as reinforcement games or activities.
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Joanne Crease - Dane Court (Games and activities for PL)