GRADE LEVEL: High School—Grades 9-12


Students will research information on different careers in the JOBS section of the Houston Chronicle.


Students will:

  1. Use research and critical thinking skills.
  2. Practice analysis, synthesis, and evaluation—Bloom’s Taxonomy
  3. Demonstrate presentation skills.


High School: Career Orientation, High School 127.12 a, b, c

Junior High: Career Orientation, Middle School 127.1 a, b, c


JOBS section of the Houston Chronicle (5-6 different dates highlighting different careers)

Information Chart created by teacher (included)


Poster Paper



Strategy: Jigsaw and Gallery Walk


JIGSAW: This is a cooperative learning activity. Students work in learning groups that are responsible for researching subtopics of a larger topic. The steps are:

  1. Divide students into groups of 4-5 members. An article from the Chronicle “Career Section” on a career topic is given to the group. They are to read the section and fill out the given chart with information from the article. (To supplement any information not given in the article, students can research the web.)
  2. After one class period of research, students will prepare a poster on their career topics to present to the class. Posters can include pictures but must include information regarding a definition of the career, required training/education, salary, job availability, and websites, (for further information) if available.

GALLERY WALK: After a jigsaw lesson which includes a visual presentation, each group selects a docent to explain their work as students rotate among exhibits. The steps are:

  1. Members of each group are assigned a number (1,2, 3, 4) and then divided into new groups. Group #1 has a 1,2,3,4; Group #2 has a 1,2,3, 4, etc. Posters should be taped to the wall and labeled Group 1, 2, 3 & 4.
  2. Student #1 in Group #1 will present to the rest of the group while they take notes on a given chart. Student #2 in Group #2 will present to their group, etc. After 15-25 minutes (depending on the length of content), groups will rotate to another group with a new leader from that group.

ASSESSMENT: Product (Job chart) or a test can be created for students to take as an “Open-book” test, using their job charts.

HOMEWORK: Further research, if needed.

EXTENSION: The assignment can be shortened or lengthened according to the students’ needs and teacher’s discretion. Job information can be given as an overview of the career or students can research further into the specific careers to get more detailed information.