
Mr Carruthers (in the chair), Mr Bruin, Mr Dyke, Mr Jones, Mrs Haddock, Mr Hughes.

6 parishioners.

Mrs Drinkwater (Clerk)

102.1 Apologies for absence.

Mr Slee (EDC) – another meeting to attend.

Mr MacInnes - “ “

Mrs Buss - away on business.

102.2 Declarations of interest in agenda items.

None were made.

102.3 Minutes of the meeting held on January 24th.

Having been circulated they were taken as read. They were approved as a correct record and signed as such by Mr Carruthers.

102.4 Public comments aand concerns.

Questions were raised regarding the council’s actions in relation to ‘dangerous’ ponies on Knipe Scar and the matter was discussed at length. Concerns were expressed that the action of the Council was disproportionate and it was confirmed that no further action would be taken by the Council. Mr Jones spoke on behalf of the Council.

Mr Noble, Chairman of the local Commoners’ Association said that all grazing rights licences should be passed to the Commoners so that it is known who is exercising these rights.

Mr Dickman gave a statement regarding the successful appeal of a neighbour against the removal of a shotgun licence. The Council was not being asked to involve itself in the matter just informed of his future actions.

102.5 EDC, CCC and LDNPA reports

EDC councillor and LDNPA representatives were not present.

CCC report.

Mr Hughes said that he would welcome comments on the recently completed road resurfacing.

He reported that the 111 bus service was currently running with very few passengers but it was not in imminent danger of withdrawal because of subsidy from other routes.

102.6 Finance.

Bank balances at 1/3/17 Current account 4952.77

Business reserve 1001.88

Cheque issued 20/2/17 to Brampton Skip Hire cleared - 360.00 (VAT 60.00)

Cheque issued 3/3/17 to Bampton Memorial Hall – 70.00 – not cleared at time of meeting.

Rent for the children’s playing field – 10.00 – paid from Petty Cash.

Paid in;- 1000.00 grant from LDNPA for parking area.

To be paid;- Petty Cash - 40.00

Payment was authorised and the cheque signed by Mr Bruin and Mr Hughes.

At the year end estimated balance in current account;- 4842.77

102.7 Ponies on Knipe Scar

Already discussed.

102.8 Millennium Footpath extension

It was reported that the Council had now received permission from the landowner of the land concerned to extend the path towards Haweswater Beck and the existing riverbank path. This permission would be sent to LDNPA for dedication of the proposed extension as a public right of way.

Questions were asked about whether planning permission would be required for the work. Mr Dyke was working on the project.

102.9 Signpost at Knipe and signage for ambulances.

It was reported that the newly renovated signpost at Knipe points to Whale but not Askham or Penrith so drivers are confused about the route and carry on to Low Knipe. Highways would be asked to add Askham and Penrith to the sign.

Signage would be put at the Askham end of the Whale road directing ambulances and other emergency vehicles away from that route to Bampton at some time in the near future after a request to Highways by Mr Carruthers.

102.10 Bus shelter at Bampto Grange.

It was reported that several parents at Grange were in favour of the erection of a bus shelter.

It was agreed that Mr Carruthers would investigate the possible costs further.

There was a possibility of funding from CCC and LDNPA for such a project.

102.11Broken bottles in the stream at Widewath Mill.

Mr Hughes had had this brought to him by workmen and said that it was not the responsibility of Highways or the Environment Agency to deal with problems such as this but that of the landowner.

Mr Carruthers offered to contact Eden Rivers Trust who might be able help with one of their volunteer groups.

102.12 Planning

a)Approved;- 7/2017/3002 1 Smithy Croft, Bampton.

Extension and alteration

b) New application;- 7/2017/3030 1 Wheat Close, Bampton

External wooden staircase to gable end of outbuilding.

102.13 Councillors’ concerns.

a) Mr Carruthers reported that the memorial tree for Mrs Hall had been planted on Bomby Green and the memorial plaque placed there.

b) Some unspecified complaints had been received about Bomby Green.

c) It was reported that the Recreation Field was looking rather unkempt and was not much used. The Field Committee was not planning any activities for the near future. Mr Carruthers would speak to Mr Leckie and Mrs Haddock said that the Sports Committee might possibly use it for some activity.

d)Mrs Haddock reported that a Community Asset Registration application had been submitted to EDC with the required amount of public support.

e) Mr Jones expressed concern over the road signage at the Burnbanks junction which he felt had been changed without any public consultation.

f) Mrs Haddock showed councillors the maps naming village properties that she had obtained as a First Responder. She would investigate whether these could legally be shared with councillors and others without breaching copyright.

g) Mrs Haddock was also concerned about speeding on the Burnbanks road. This matter would be raised with Highways.

102.14 Annual Parish Meeting.

After some discussion it was decided, in spite of the misgivings of the Clerk, to hold the APM on the same night as the AGM of the Council.

102.15 Items for the next agenda.

Risk management assessment.

Chairman’s and financial reports.

102.16 Date of next meetings.

Tuesday May 23rd.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.40pm.