Some Further Reading
Ackerman, L. (1997) Development, transition or transformation: the question of change in organisations. In: Van Eynde, D., Hoy, J. and Van Eynde, D. (eds) Organisation Development Classics. San Francisco, Jossey Bass.
American Association for Higher Education (2000) Lessons Learned from FIPSE Projects IV – Forum on Faculty Roles and Rewards. (http: accessed 4 February 2002).
Anghern, A. (2004) Behind the EIS Simulation: An overview of models underlying the simulation dynamics. CALT Report
Balogun, J, Hope Hailey, V (2003) Exploring Strategic Change FT Prentice Hall
Bamber, V, Trowler, P, Saunders, M, and Knight, P (April 2009) Enhancing Learning, Teaching, Assessment and Curriculum in Higher Education: Theory, Cases, Practices. Buckingham: Open University Press. Pp230
Bascia, N. and Hargreaves, A. (2000) Teaching and leading on the sharp edge of change, in: N. Bascia and A. Hargreaves (eds.) The Sharp Edge of Educational Change: Teaching, leading and the realities of reform. (London: RoutledgeFalmer), 3-26.
Blackler, F. (1995). “Knowledge, knowledge work and organisations: an overview and interpretation.” Organisational Studies 16(6): 1021-1045.
Blackwell, R. and Preece, D. (2001) Changing Higher Education, The International Journal of Management Education, 1(3), 4-14.
Bonamy J, Charlier B, Saunders M [2001] ‘Bridging Tools’ for change: evaluating a collaborative learning network Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Vol 17, no 3 pp295-305
Bonamy J., Charlier B., Saunders M., (2001), "Produire la qualité dans la diversité: comment un réseau de formation construit sa qualité", Education Permanente, n°147, 2001-2, p.131-139
Bridges, W (2003) Managing Transitions, Da Capo Press.
Bridges, W. (1998) Leading Organizational Transitions. .
Brophy, J. (1999) Research on motivation in education: past, present and future, in: Urdan, T. C. (Ed.) The Role of Context: Advances in Achievement and Motivation. Stamford, CT: JAI Press Inc, pp. 1-44.
Brown, A. (1995) Organisational Culture. London, Pitman.
Conner, D.R. and Patterson, R.B. (1982) Building Commitment to Organizational Change. Training and Development Journal, 36(4), 18-30.
Davenport, T. H. and Prusak, L. (1998) Working Knowledge, Boston Mass: Harvard University Press.
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