Ms. Girvan

Exam Review 2009-10

Your exam will be composed of types of questions that fit under the four assessment and evaluation categories: knowledge/understanding, communication, inquiry, and making connections. Practice each kind of question in your review.

The exam covers material from the entire year. Any assigned work is fair game for the exam.

Good luck and don’t be afraid to ask for extra help!!

UNIT #1: Diversity of Living Things

1.The Six Kingdom System (basic comparisons)

2. Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

3. Domains

4.The Classification of Living Things


-Binomial Nomenclature

5. Dichotomous Keys

6. Viruses

7. Origins of Diversity

-Charles Darwin


-Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

-Evidence for Evolution

8. Phylogeny and Phylogenetic Trees

9. The Six Kingdoms (details)

10. The Eight Major Animal Phyla

-General characteristics

-Development of germ layers

-Development of a coelom

11. Biodiversity

UNIT #2: Genetic Continuity

1. DNA Structure

2. Nucleotide Sequences, The Genetic Code and DNA Fingerprinting

3. DNA Replication

4. Errors in Replication

5. Cloning

6. Cell Cycle

7. Mitosis – function and phases

8. Mutations

9. Meiosis – functions and phases

10. Gamete Formation (spermatogenesis and oogenesis)

11. Errors in meiosis (non-disjunction, monosomy and trisomy)

12. Non-disjunction Disorders

13. Karyotyping

14. Mendel – his life and work

15. Mendel’s Experiments

16. Monohybrid crosses and The Law of Segregation

17. Dihybrid Crosses and The Law of Independent Assortment

18. Punnett Squares

19. Probability and Genetics

20. Test Crosses

21. Incomplete Dominance

22. Co-Dominance

23. Multiple Alleles (blood types)

24. Sex-linked Inheritance

25. Pedigree Analysis

26. Genetic Counseling, Diagnosis and Treatment

27. Genetic Disorders

28. Human Genome Project

UNIT #3: Internal Systems and Regulation

1. The Task of Respiration

- Single celled organisms/Multi-cellular organisms

- Specialized systems

- Water/Land Transition

2. Human Respiratory System

- 4 types of respiration

- Pathway of air

3. The Mechanics of Breathing

- Inhalation and Exhalation (diaphragm and intercostals muscles)

- Lung volume measurements

- Inspiratory Reserve Volume

- Expiratory Reserve Volume

- Tidal Volume

- Residual Volume

- Vital Capacity

- Total Lung Volume

4. Control and Regulation

- High Altitudes, Control of Breathing, Drowning, Respiratory Impairment

5. The Mammalian Circulatory System

- Three Cycles of Blood Vessels

- The Composition of Blood

- Arteries, Veins, Capillaries, Arterioles, Venules

6. Human Blood Groups/Rhesus Factor

7. The Mammalian Heart

8. Initiation and Control of the Heartbeat (Chemical Regulators)

9. Cardiac Output and Fitness

10. The Lymphatic System

11. Capillary Fluid Exchange

12. Temperature Regulation

13. Blood Pressure

14. Circulatory Diseases and Disorders

15. Obtaining and Processing Food

16. Human Digestive System

17. Chemical Digestion and Enzymes

18. Organs Related to Digestion (Liver, Pancreas, Gall Bladder)

19. Nutrition, Fitness, Lifestyle and Health

Unit #4: Evolution

1. Evolution: Historical Perspective (Cuvier, Lamarck, Darwin, Wallace, etc…)

2. The Peppered Moth Story

3. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection

4. Evidence of Evolution

- The Fossil Record

- Geographical Distribution of Species (Biogeography)

- Homologous Structures

- Vestigial Organs

- Embryological Development

- DNA and Biochemistry

5. Population Genetics – Review of terminology

6. The Hardy Weinberg Principle

p + q = 1

p2 + 2pq + q2= 1

7. Mechanisms for Genetic Variation

- Mutations

- Genetic Drift (Bottleneck Effect, Founder Effect)

- Gene Flow

- Non-random Mating

- Natural Selection (Stabilizing, Directional, Disruptive, Sexual)

8. Artificial Selection

9. Types of Adaptations

10. Formation of Species

11. Biological Species Concept

- transformation vs. divergence

- pre-zygotic and post-zygotic barriers

12. Types of Speciation – sympatric and allopatric speciation

13. Adaptive Radiation

14. Divergent and Convergent Evolution

15. Co-evolution

16. The Pace of Evolution – gradualism vs. punctuated equilibrium

17. Evolution of Humans

Unit #5: Plants

1. Plant Anatomy (vascular vs. non-vascular plants, angiosperms vs. gymnosperms, monocots vs. dicots, vascular bundles (xylem and phloem)

2. Structure and Function(s) of Leaves, Stems, and Roots (be able to label all parts and define all terms)

3. Transport in Plants (transpiration vs. translocation; glucose, sucrose and starch)

3. Plant Reproduction and Flower Structure

3. Plant Responses to Stimuli (types of meristem tissue (apical vs. lateral), plant hormones, tropism (3 types), nastic movement)