Governor’s Commission on Building Access to
Community-Based Services
June 1, 2012
Governor’s Commission on Building Access to
Community-Based Services
June 1, 2012
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Fox Run Conference Room
Meeting Minutes
In attendance: Jerry Gallucci (DHSS); Andrea Guest (DVR/DOL); Terri Hancharick (CDS/GACEC); Matthew Heckles (DSHA); Bonnie Hitch (DART); Kyle Hodges (SCPD); Anthony L. Horstman (Parent); Patricia Justice (DSAAPD);Rita Landgraf (DHSS); Lottie Lee (DSAAPD); Bill Love (DSAAPD); Rosanne Mahaney (DMMA); Pat Maichle (DDC);Daniese McMullin-Powell (DMMA); Beth Mineo (U of D);Ginger Nobles (Easter Seals); Victor Orija (DHSS); Brian Posey (AARP); Lauren Skiver (DTC); Ken Smith (DHC); Eileen Sparling (CDS/U of D); Susan Starrett (HPC of DE); Wendy Strauss (GACEC); Denise Weeks-Tappan (DSAAPD)
Topic / Discussion- Welcome and Introductions
- Approval of Minutes
K. Hodges motioned for acceptance of the minutes with the one correction noted above; the motioned was second by T. Horstman.
- Community and Choice – Housing Needs for People with Disabilities in Delaware: An Executive Summary
The Housing Sub‐Committee and the Delaware Housing Coalition came together in February 2011 to encourage wide collaboration,facilitate the collection of data, conduct focus groups and interviews, collectively review research products, and discuss and refine thestudy's recommendations. The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) provided assistance with data collection, research andanalysis. The various divisions of the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) provided data, input and feedback on thereport.
To improve the availability of affordable and accessible housing for people with disabilities in Delaware, the working group offers fourbroad recommendations:
1. Accessibility: Increase the availability of and access to rental and homeownership opportunities with accessibility features;
2. Affordability: Increase the availability of and access to affordable housing for people with disabilities;
3. Community: Build a community‐based system of care with a range of housing options; and,
4. Systems: Improve the affordable housing and disabilities services systems that serve people with disabilities.
As Delaware's housing and disabilities services systems work to prioritize community care and settings for people with disabilities, the Stateshould be able to serve more people better with fewer resources with the anticipation of allowing these systems to begin to absorb the naturalincreases in people needing assistance. However, many different pieces must come together for successful transitions to communitycare to work, at the individual, agency, and system levels.
The electronic version of the report can be found at under the link for Libraries.
K. Hodge, S. Starrett, K. Smith and D. McMullin-Powell were thanked for their work on the committee.
IV. HUD 811 Funding Opportunity / M. Heckles, Director of Policy and Planning, Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA), presented an overview of the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program. This supportive housing program would create new project-based rental assistance for extremely low-income individuals and families, enhance partnership between DSHA and DHSS, and link supportive services and housing.
The project rental assistance authority would enable DSHA to enter into rental assistance contracts with eligible sites to set aside and subsidize units for households with at least one non-elderly member with a disability who have extremely low income and are eligible for long-term services and supports through Medicaid.
DSHA will be the applicant for Delaware, and the application is due on July 31, 2012.
Please refer to the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program attachment for further details.
V. Community First Choice / R. Mahaney provided the Commission with an overview of the following:
- The Community First Choice Option; and,
- The State Balancing Incentives Payments Program, along with the Benefits and Requirements of the Program.
VI. Employment First Act / P. Maichle advised the Commission that although grant funds insistthat individuals with disabilities are gainfully employed, the individuals themselves want to be involved in their communities.
Rep. Heffernan offered to draft legislation for the Employment First Act which ensures that all persons with disabilities, including veterans with service-connected disabilities, have a right to the opportunity for competitive employment. To promote the realization of this right, this bill creates the EmploymentFirstAct. The Act requires that state agencies that provide services and support to persons with disabilities shall consider, as their first option, competitive employment in an integrated setting for persons with disabilities. The Act does not require an employer to give preference to hiring persons with disabilities.
The Act requires all state agencies to follow this policy for employment by coordinating and collaborating efforts among agencies. In addition, agencies may share data and information whenever possible across systems in order to track progress.
The legislation passed the House and is in the Senate for vote.
Update July 2012: House Bill # 319 w/HA 1 was signed by Governor Markell on July 16, 2012.
VII. Transportation Trust Fund / L. Skiver, the new Executive Director for the Delaware Transit Corporation, was introduced to the Commission. Ms. Skiver has a strong background in ParaTransit, and is looking forward to working with the Commission.
VIII. State Transition Task Force for Emerging Adults with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs / T. Hancharick reported that more could be done for children who are leaving the ‘kids’ system and are moving into adult services, other than just health needs. Ms. Hancharick is working on the development of work groups to oversee housing and transportation issues. The workgroups will start meeting in July, and will review the transition gaps that are present and how best to go about closing them.
The Senate passed Senate Concurrent Resolution # 34 w/HA 1
This Resolution creates a State Transition Task Force for Emerging Adults with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs (the “Task Force”) within the Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) with research support from the University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies (CDS) and the Catalyst Center. The Task Force shall study the transitional needs of children and youth with disabilities and special health care needs and develop strategies to ensure successful transition from children and adolescent services into adult services. The Task Force shall present a final report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly within one year of the passage of this Resolution.
IX. Other Business / The following agenda items were tabled for discussion at the next meeting:
- Adult Protective Services: The Need for a Safe Haven (B. Love)
- Money Follows the Person – Update (B. Love)
- Commission Structure: Follow Up to Retreat (R. Landgraf)
X. Public Comment / No Public Comments were received at this time.
Adjournment / Secretary Landgraf thanked the Commission Members and guests for their attendance.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 pm.
Next Meeting / The next meeting will be held in Fall 2012. Details to follow.
Respectfully submitted7.23.12