
Farm Camp Counselor-in-Training
Organization: Gorman Heritage Farm, Cincinnati, OH

Contact: Claire Long, Volunteer Coordinator

(513) 563-6663 ext. 102

Volunteer Description: Gorman Heritage Farm is seeking about 15 Counselor-in-Trainings to assist our creative, experienced, and dedicated staff for summer 2014.As a camp Counselor-in-Training (CIT), you will play a very important role in your campers’ week. Your actions and attitude willset camp tone and determine the quality ofcampers’ experiences.

Below are the expectations for CITs. Being a CIT can be very fun and rewarding, but it is also a big responsibility. Please review this job description and expectations with a parent to make sure you are comfortable committing to these guidelines.

As a Counselor-in-Training, it will be your job to:

Help all campers have fun.

  • Help campers feel welcomed.
  • Smile often, make eye contact, and call campers by name.
  • Create and maintain a positive atmosphere throughout the day.
  • Praise positive behavior and provide lots of encouragement.
  • Each camper is important; help them feel valued.

Ensure that campers stay safe.

  • Two counselors should be with each group at all times. Never be alone with a camper.
  • Be aware of potential hazards in the area.
  • Help counselors with group management.
  • Help keep the group stay together and on task.
  • Never yell at or strike a camper.
  • Don’t initiate touching a camper. Don’t carry campers or let them sit on your lap.
  • Don’t share food from your lunch because campers might have unknown allergies.
  • Close gates after the group has passed through them to ensure animals do not escape.

Encourage campers to experience new activities and make friends.

  • Encourage campers to try all activities, and try them yourself.
  • Actively participate in camp activities including chores, games, songs, and crafts.
  • When playing games, play at the level of the campers.
  • Don’t be afraid to get dirty or be silly.
  • Be enthusiastic.
  • Be respectful of animals, GHF staff, other CITs, and campers at all times.
  • Model a positive and inclusive attitude.
  • Don’t pick favorite campers.
  • Do not tease or argue with other CITs, camp counselors, or GHF staff in front of campers. Younger children may not understand sarcasm.

Provide structure and organization.

  • Help with sign-in and sign-out.
  • Help plan and lead at least one activity, game, chore, or craft a week.
  • Help counselors set up and clean up daily activities.
  • When a counselor needs something, be the first to volunteer to help.
  • Support the camp staff with their directives to campers.
  • Try to think ahead and anticipate the needs of the counselors and campers.
  • Remember: camp is for the campers. You are a Counselor-in-Training.

Be prepared.

  • Come to camp with a positive attitude.
  • Arrive at camp at 8:45 a.m. and plan to leave no later than 3:30 p.m.
  • Wear appropriate clothing (no spaghetti straps or low cut shirts, wear close-toed shoes and clothes that can get dirty). Keep jewelry to a minimum.
  • Bring a water bottle and lunch.
  • Wear your name tag each day.
  • Personal cell phones should be turned off and used for emergencies only.
  • Come to camp for the entire week-long session to which you have committed.
  • Go over daily and weekly schedule with the camp director and/or your group’s counselor so you know what to expect and can help prepare.
  • Know that errors are part of the learning process (for counselors, CITs, and campers).
  • If you find yourself without something to do, ask your senior counselor how you can help.

As a Counselor-in-Training you will get to:

  • Spend several weeks during the summer as part of a fun and talented staff
  • Be a role model for young children
  • Gain leadership and volunteer experience
  • Earn community service credit, if needed

Description of Site:

Gorman Heritage Farm is an educational working farm in the Village of Evendale, just north of Cincinnati, Ohio. This 120 acre non-profit farmGorman Heritage Farm provides the opportunity to explore and learn the history, methods, and values of a working family farm in a natural setting.

Gorman Heritage Farm promotes:

  • Hands-on education for people of all ages (particularly local students) about agriculture, local habitats, and the value of manual labor
  • The preservation of a distinct regional identity and local traditions, specifically the history of Gorman Heritage Farm and values of the Gorman family that helped it flourish
  • An understanding of modern food systems and how sustainable agriculture, the consumption of locally grown food, and responsible land use can support a healthy society
  • The entrepreneurial spirit that seeks new avenues for self-sustaining business opportunities
  • Community building that highlights the essential connections between people, land, and meaningful labor

Desired Qualifications:

  • Previous experience working with children
  • Volunteers must bebetween the ages of 13 - 15
  • Ability to work as a member of a team
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrated interest in the environment, sustainability, and agriculture and education
  • Passion for the natural world and working with children
  • Flexibility and creativity
  • Special skills and experience such as playing musical instruments, singing, or crafts a plus but not required

Experience: Experience with children – Experience with camp and/or animals preferred

Responsible to: Senior Farm Camp Counselors, Junior Farm Camp Counselors, Assistant Camp Director, & Camp Director

Location: 10052 Reading Road, Evendale, OH (just north of Cincinnati citylimits)
Duration: 3 weeks in June 2 – August 15, 2014


  • May 31st is a mandatory training day from 9:00am – 2:00pm at Gorman Heritage Farm.
  • Camp Training Week for the Senior Counselors is May 27th through May 31st. If you are available please come after school one day during that week to meet the staff.
  • If you are unable to attend the mandatory training day you must meet with Assistant Camp Director to be trained before your first week as a CIT.

Hours: 34 hours per week- approximately 8:45-3:30 Monday - Friday
Application Procedure:

  1. Fill out our online application at with three weeks selected that you can volunteer as a CIT. Even if you are a returning CIT, you must fill out the application.
  2. For new applicants, the camp director will email you to schedule a 30 minute tour and interview. We will then contact your references. You will be notified by a phone call or email about the position. If selected please send in your signed duties contract and medical release form found at May 24, 2014.
  3. The application will be open until all spaces are filled. Positions will be filled based on your interview and a first come first served basis. So please apply as soon as possible.

Deadline: Ongoing, until positions are filled.

Please call (513)563-6663 ext. 106 with questions.