Merit is one of the cornerstones of good public administration. The merit in employment principle supports an organisation in achieving fair and reasonable outcomes in employment actions. Merit applies to the recruitment and selection process and development and advancement opportunities.

Merit in Employment Guidelines, Public Sector Standards Commissioner

1 September 2006

This checklist is based on current DEECD policy contained on the DEECD Website at Human Resources A-Z Topic list. Current appropriate Ministerial Orders also provide requirements and guidance.

Further guidance is available from the DEECD Human Resources, HRWeb, A-Z Topic Index - ()


1.1 Has the appropriate procedure for identification and advertisement of vacancies been followed,relative to the position advertised?
1.2 Has the position been reviewed in the context of the school’s strategic plan, the school’s special characteristics, features and programs?
1.3 Have the selection criteria been prepared, reviewed, and/or revised in accord with the appropriate Order?
1.4 Has the position been advertised in the broadest possible way?
1.5 Has a position description been made available to potential applicants?
Prin.1 Has the school council minuted the membership of the Principal Selection panel including the Council President (or Nominee), a parent member selected by the School Council and a staff member selected from the staff of the school?
Prin.2 Has the school council decided on and minuted a local criteria to be added to the mandated criteria?


2.1 Has a properly constituted selection panel been formed?
2.2 Is there a person on the panel who has been accredited in merit-based selection by the Merit Protection Boards according to appropriate requirements?
2.3 Is there gender representation on the selection panel?
2.4 Are all panel members aware of their obligations in relation to relevant legislation, Orders, specified procedures and guidelines?
2.5 Has the panel met to plan and document its selection strategy?
2.6 Has the panel agreed that the selection process must focus on assessment of applicants against the selection criteria?
2.7 Has the panel discussed the selection criteria, ensured that they are non-discriminatory and reached an understanding of the requirements of each criterion?
2.8 Has the panel checked the criteria are free from bias?
2.9 Has the panel agreed on a fair process for disclosing, recording and dealing with their prior knowledge of applicants?
2.10 Has a thorough check been made to ensure all applications have been considered?


3.1 Has the panel developed a fair system for shortlisting applicants based on the selection criteria?
3.2 Has the panel agreed that shortlisting should be an inclusive process as far as is practicable?
3.3 Has the panel developed an agreed ranking system?
3.4 Have the panel members considered all applications against the selection criteria?
3.5 If the panel has shortlisted some applicants, has it recorded its reasons for not shortlisting other applicants?
3.6 Have applicants who have not made the shortlist been advised?
3.7 Have shortlisted applicants been advised of the interview time and location, the members of the selection panel, the relative importance of the selection criteria and the selection methods to be used?
3.8 Has every effort been made to accommodate applicants' requirements as to interview times etc.?
3.9 Has the panel organised a suitable venue for interviews and ensured appropriate support is available?


4.1 Has the panel agreed to and documented a process for information gathering about applicants - use of the written application, structured interview, any other methods of assessing work performance, prior knowledge, qualifications, referee checks, etc.?
4.2 Has the panel prepared a list of questions relating to the selection criteria?
4.3 Is the panel aware that questions should not be ambiguous or unnecessarily complicated and that they should be appropriate to the level of the position?
4.4 Has the panel agreed that all interviews should have a similar structure and that all applicants should be asked to respond to similar areas of questioning?
4.5 Has the panel agreed on and documenteda process for the interview?
4.6 Is the panel familiar with behavioural interviewing?
4.7 Are members of the panel aware of common decision-making faults and some possible strategies to overcome them?
4.8 If the panel intends using any additional selection tools (such as a presentation), have the practical aspects of this been worked out and has the panel reached agreement as to how these additional tools will be assessed in relation to the interview and referee checks etc.?
4.9 Has the panel provided an opportunity for the applicant to seek or give any relevant information not covered in the interview?


5.1 Do the applicants have the required qualifications?
5.2 Is the panel aware that referee reports are a critical part of the selection process?
5.3 Is the panel aware that the purpose of referee reports is to allow referees to comment on the applicants in relation to the selection criteria?
5.4 Has the selection panel agreed to and documented a consistent process for contacting referees?
5.5 Does the panel know that it must record referee comments and treat them confidentially?
5.6 Have panel members agreed to ask referees to verify what they have said at the end of the discussion, and to advise them that while what they say will be treated in confidence by the panel members, it may be referred to in any review process?
5.7 Is the panel aware that it may contact referees other than those nominated by the applicant?
5.8 If the selection panel intends contacting referees other than those nominated by the applicant, is the panel aware that the applicant should be advised of the name(s) and given the opportunity to comment?
5.9 Are panel members aware that if prior knowledge statements are declared and noted, they must be validated by a referee not on the panel?


6.1 Has the panel assessed all relevant information and ranked applicants against the position's selection criteria in order of merit?
6.2 Is the panel aware that, if it is unable to reach consensus, it may make a majority decision or decide to make no recommendation?
6.3 Has the panel agreed how its report is to be written - who does what, by when etc.?
6.4 Has the panel checked the details that should be included in the selection panel report?
6.5 Does the selection panel report make it clear why the preferred applicant has been selected in preference to other applicants?
6.6 Does the selection report provide a fair assessment of all applicants against the selection criteria?
6.7 Does the selection panel report provide meaningful information for unsuccessful applicants?
Prin.6 Is the panel aware that its report must be tabled at a School Council meeting for endorsement?


7.1 If the panel requires advice or clarification on the selection process, is it aware that this advice should be sought from the DEECD?


8.1 Has the panel arranged to advise all applicants of the outcome of their application?
8.2 Has the panel agreed on a process for providing post-selection feedback to applicants?
8.3 Is the panel aware that short listed applicants may seek a copy of their individual selection report once the provisional appointment has been announced?
8.4 Has the panel agreed to meet after the recommendation has been made to review the selection process?
8.5 Has the panel considered advising unsuccessful internal applicants the result before any formal announcement is made?
8.6 Is the panel aware that copies of all applications, interview notes and selection reports must be retained for the time listed in the schedule?
8.7 Is the Panel aware that applicants may seek a copy of their individual selection report once the provisional appointment has been approved by the Secretary?

Last updated October 2011 Page 1