Report on the BIOXEN Training course
Training course “HIGH RESOLUTION MASS SPECTROMETRY OF XENOBIOTICS” was organized within the IPA BIOXEN project at the Faculty of Technology, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, Novi Sad, Serbia on June 1st – 3rd 2011.
The aim of the training course was to provide the participants with knowledge on the latest trends in analysis of xenobiotics by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, through the lectures and practical sessions.
The lectures and practical sessions were based on the experience and knowledge gathered in the Laboratory for Chemical Contaminants at the Faculty of Technology as well as the expertise of the trainer, Dr. Michal Godula, with scientific contribution in the area of xenobiotics analysis that is internationally recognized.
On the first day of the Training course, June 1st 2011, the program started by the opening speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Prof. Zoltan Zavargo.
Prof. Zoltan Zavargo, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
Next, Prof. Biljana Škrbić,Deputy Project manager from the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad gave a presentation of the BIOXEN project. The program continued with two lectures by Dr. Michal Godula entitled “Advanced mass spectrometric multi-compound determination of xenobiotics in the environment and food” and “Orbitrap technology – new dimension in high resolution mass spectrometry”.
Prof. Biljana Škrbić, Deputy project manager from the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
The afternoon program continued by practical session devoted to the multicompound screening analysis of xenobiotics by UHPLC-HRMS Orbitrap, conducted in the Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry at the Faculty of Technology by the Serbian BIOXEN Project team and Dr. Michal Godula.
Dr. Michal Godula with the members of Serbian BIOXEN team in the Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry at the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
The program of the second day, on June 2nd 2011 continued byPresentation of the Laboratory for Chemical Contaminants in the Environment and Food and Laboratory for Mass spectrometry of the Centre of Excellence for Food Safety and Emerging Risks by Prof. Biljana Škrbić. Dr. Godula gave a lecture about the multicomponent analysis of pesticides by advanced UHPLC-MS methods, while Prof. Škrbić gave an overview of the methods developed within the BIOXEN project for the analysis of selected pesticides and their degradation products in soil. During the practical session of the second day of the course, the participants were introduced to the analytical methods for pesticides employing UHPLC-HESI-MS/MS.
Dr. Michal Godula with the participants during the practical sessions in the Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry at the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
After the practical session, group meeting of the Hungarian and Serbian IPA BIOXEN project teams was held at the Blue Hall of the Faculty of Technology on June 2nd 2011 at 18.00 h.
Prof. Škrbić with Prof. Csaba Vágvölgyi, Project manager from the Department of Microbiology, FSI, University of Szeged
The third day of the training course started by introducing the participants with regulations and trends in the multi-class xenobiotic analysis in the lecture given by Prof. Škrbić. Next, Dr. Godula talked about simple preparation methods and the analysis of crude extracts in determination of xenobiotics by UHPLC-HESI-MS/MS. The practical session was dedicated to showing the participants the simple preparation method and multi-class xenobiotic analysis of crude extracts.
In order to motivate scientists from Hungary and Serbia to participate in the BIOXEN Training Course, accommodation of 13 participantsfrom these countries was covered. Candidates were chosen on the base of theCVs and brief description of the area of work and motivation for the training course participation.
Regarding the information and publicity activities, Prof. Škrbić gave an interview for Radio Novi Sad („Pod staklenim zvonom“) and article about the Training course and BIOXEN project was published in the “Dnevnik” newspaper.
This Report contains the following documents:
- Agenda of the Training course in Hungarian, Serbian and English
- Leaflet with information about the BIOXEN project in Hungarian, Serbian and English
- Signed list of all the participants
- Minutes of the working meeting