Age UK Barrow & District has been piloting a new lottery funded project (Barrow RespectAbility) since September 2012. The project comprises a variety of ‘ventures’ for people over the age of 50 designed to help them develop new skills, encourage social interaction and provide valuable service to the community. Current ventures include IT training, a men’s shed, cooking club, craft group, trading through eBay and healthy living.

We have now been selected to apply for a Flagship Grant which would allow the project to continue for a further 3 years. With additional funding we want to include harder to reach groups within our community, including people aged over 50 with a) long term illnesses (including dementia), b) their carers and c) older men.

We would very much welcome your thoughts on whether you think this service could benefit the people you support and complement the services you provide.


Full Name/position: Click here to enter text.

Organisation: Click here to enter text.

Address/telephone Click here to enter text.

Q1. Which of the following are problems affecting your client group?

Please tick any that apply
Loneliness / isolation / ☐
Depression / ☐
Low confidence / self esteem / ☐
Reduced ability / opportunity to be physically active, contributing to reduced physical health / ☐
No opportunities to learn new skills / participate in hobbies & interests / ☐
Limited opportunities for guilt free respite / ☐

Other key issues? Click here to enter text.

Q2. Which of the following barriers might prevent your client group from participating?

Please tick any that apply
Caring responsibilities / ☐
Transport problems / ☐
Physical disability / ☐
Forgetfulness / ☐
Need to be accompanied / ☐
Other (please specify)
Click here to enter text. / ☐

Q3. If we extend Barrow Respectability to reach people over 50 years with long term illnesses (including dementia), their carers and isolated older men, do you think this project would fill a gap in provision as far as your organisation is concerned? Please circle YES/NO

Q4. Would a representative from your organisation be interested in joining our Steering Group Committee? Please circle YES/NO

Q5. Do you have any further comments or suggestions?

Click here to enter text.

End of Questionnaire

Thank you for taking part!

Please return completed questionnaires to by Tuesday 17th September

Age UK Barrow & District @AgeUKBarrow

Age UK Barrow & District Limited is a registered charity (number 1149975) and company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales

No. 8224619. Registered Office: Lakeland Pennine Building, Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness, LA14 1XL. Age UK Barrow & District is an

appointed representative of Age UK Enterprises which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. FSA Register number 311438.