Gynaecology 3D Ultrasound Course
26th January 2018
Seminar Room, Level 2, Maternity and Gynaecology Building, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby DE22 3NE
Course Organisers:
Mr. K. Jayaprakasan Consultant Gynaecologist and Subspecialist & Honorary Associate Professor in Reproductive Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby and University of Nottingham. Email:
Mr. Kamal Ojha
Consultant Gynaecologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, St. Georges Hospital, Tooting, London. Email:
What is the aim of this course?
The aim is to promote safe and competent clinical use of 3D ultrasound in diagnosing gynaecological pathologies like uterine anomalies. We intend to extend the knowledge on principles of 3D ultrasound and power Doppler, 3D image volume acquisition and application of post-processing software in gynaecology. This course is structured to give both theoretical and practical component with incorporating lectures having plenty of videos and pictures and hands on experience with patients.
Who should attend this course?
The Gynaecology 3D ultrasound course is aimed at health professionals who are working in the area of gynaecological ultrasound including O&G Doctors, Sonographers, Fertility nurses and Gynae nurses with an interest in ultrasound.The trainees could get OSATS for the cases that they perform hands on.
Registration Fees:
The registration fee is £350 for consultants and senior clinicians, £250 for speciality trainees, nurses and ultrasonographers.
For registration, please email with the registration form. Registration fee can be paid through electronic transfer (Account Name: Derby Fertility & Ultrasound; Sort code: 206328; Account No. 33040542). Alternatively, please send the cheque payable to “Derby Fertility & Ultrasound” to
Sahdia Ansar,
Level 2, Maternity and Gynaecology,
Royal Derby Hospital, Derby,
DE22 3NE
013327 85386
LAST NAME: ______
FIRST NAME: ______
______POST CODE: ______
CONTACT NUMBER (work): ______
(mobile / home) : ______
EMAIL: ______
Programme(Lectures with video demonstrations, hands on patients and scan trainers):
26th January 2018
Time / Session / Learning Objective8.30-9.00 / Registration
9.00-9.10 / Introduction / Overview of the course
9.10-9.40 / Setting up the machine &safety / How to optimise the ultrasound image
9.40-10.00 / 2D/3D ultrasound : Uterus and Ovaries / Systematic evaluation of normal pelvic anatomy including cyclical changes
10.00-10.40 / Clinical applications of 3D ultrasound in gynaecology: Uterus
(including saline sonography & HyCoSy) / Data acquisition and storage of uterine volume, post-processing to get coronal view and its clinical application in diagnosing various uterine pathologies particularly uterine anomalies
10.40-10.50 / Coffee Break
10.50-11.15 / Clinical applications of 3D ultrasound in gynaecology: Ovary / Data acquisition and storage of ovarian volume, post-processing to get objective volume and blood flow measurements and its potential clinical application in Gynaecology & Infertility
11.15-11.30 / Clinical applications of 3D ultrasound in gynaecology: Early pregnancy / Potential application in diagnosing some early pregnancy problems
11.30-12.30 / Hands on scanning (phantom) 3D Volume acquisition / post-processing / To have practical experience on 3D scanning
12.30-13.30 / Lunch
13.00-16.30 / Hands on scanning (patients &phantom) 3D Volume acquisition / post-processing / To have practical experience on 3D scanning
16.30-17.00 / Feedback and Summary / Summarising ‘Take home message” for the day
Mr. Kamal Ojha, Consultant Gynaecologist, St. Georges Hospital, London Mr.K Jayaprakasan, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby & University of Nottingham Dr. Lukasz Polanski, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
How to find us:
Car Parking
The Hospital has several Pay & Display car parks with Disabled parking spaces.