Proper zoning and use of Gold Isle
One of the major issues in the controversy that GGWSC has with the County is in the definition of terms. Gold Isle is currently zoned as A-2, a designation that provides for the application of land use permits which allow recreational use and the creation of recreational facilities. The County Building Department insists on treating Gold Isle structures as residences, even though there is no running water or electricity to support any sort of permanent residence. The County continues to insist on the one dwelling per 20 acre parcel rule that applies to agricultural land, without any investigation into how the island is actually being used and without any thought as to why multiple structures are important to the maintenance of the island itself.
Golden Gate Water Ski Club is a club. It is made up of 100+ families that share an interest in recreation on the water. The purchase of the island by the club involved more than just buying some property. The idea was to create and maintain camping and picnic facilities that could be used by the club. Maintenance is a key issue. Consider a nice grassy lawn area. When you think maintenance, you have to think of lawn mowers, weed whackers, etc. Do you take that equipment home every week? No, you build a shed. Do you appoint one family as the caretaker, whose job it is to mow the lawn every week. No, you share the responsibility. This shared responsibility becomes much easier when you do the work because you are there, rather than going there to do the work. The point is that the existence of multiple structures does not imply that the island is fully occupied. In reality it is very sparsely occupied most of the time, even during the summer months. The leaseholders, those club members who have physical structures on the island, end up doing the bulk of the island maintenance. You certainly feel more like mowing a lawn if all you have to do is jump in your car and head for the island as opposed to packing up a tent and related gear, then pitching the tent, etc.
Back to zoning … Gold Isle is zoned A-2, meaning agriculture, with possible extensions for recreation. What is the agricultural use of Gold Isle? The small size of the island along with very limited access, accessible by boat only, severely limits any benefit from farming. The island is surrounded by the waters of the delta, often called the recreational playground of the central valley. Being surrounded by such a recreational presence would certainly bode in favor of being granted a recreational use permit, or so you would think. Apparently the County feels otherwise. Sadly, without the presence of GGWSC, the island will not become home to some dedicated farmer. A far more likely scenario would be that the island would attract recreational boaters, as do many other islands in the delta. Islands which become hangouts and eventually require increased Sheriff marine patrols to maintain order. Note that we are now talking about the maintenance of ORDER, not the maintenance of the island, and that this maintenance of ORDER comes with a COST to each taxpayer in the County.
The granting of a recreational use permit to GGWSC by the County would not only eliminate the need for maintenance of order and associated costs, but also ensure the maintenance of the island and the continued TAX REVENUE that the County has enjoyed for the 30+ years that GGWSC has owned the island. It’s a difficult choice.