Meeting: 10th June, 2008
at 2.30 p.m.
PRESENT:- Councillors McClure (Chairman), Wood (Vice-Chairman), Bleasdale, Dawes, Heath, Husband, Irwin, Jefferson, Liversedge, McEwan, Murray and Waiting.
93 – Disclosures of Interest
Councillor Dawes declared a personal interest in Planning Application No. 2008/0444 – 12-22 Dalkeith Street, Barrow-in-Furness (Minute No. 138). The applicant was known to her.
Councillor McClure declared personal interests in Planning Application No. 2008/0356 – 3 Snipe Gill Cottages, Snipe Gill, Marton (Minute No. 131) and Planning Application No. 2007/1520 – Corridor of Land commencing at Mean Low Water on the western shore of Walney Island, North West of South End, eastwards across Walney Island to Snab Point, crossing Piel Channel, onto the mainland south of Westfield Point and north west of Rampside and a site bounded to the west by the coast, to the north by south Gas Terminal and west of Rampside Road (A5807) (Minute No. 133). On both applications he knew an objector. He also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Planning Application 2008/0339 – Our Lady’s School Chetwynde, Rating Lane, Barrow-in-Furness (Minute No. 132) and left the meeting during consideration of this item. His son attended this school.
Councillor Waiting declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Planning Application No. 2008/0459 – Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness (Minute No. 135) and left the meeting during consideration of this item. She was the Chairman of BDDA.
Councillor Wood declared a personal interest in Planning Application No. 2007/1520 – Corridor of Land commencing at Mean Low Water on the western shore of Walney Island, North West of South End, eastwards across Walney Island to Snab Point, crossing Piel Channel, onto the mainland south of Westfield Point and north west of Rampside and a site bounded to the west by the coast, to the north by south Gas Terminal and west of Rampside Road (A5807) (Minute No. 133). An objector was known to him and he was also appointed as a Council representative to the Gas Terminal Liaison Committee. He also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Planning Application No. 2008/0335 – Land adjacent to 7 Prospect Avenue, Barrow-in-Furness (Minute No. 129) and left the meeting during consideration of this item. The objector was the Headteacher at Barrow Island School to which he was a Governor. He also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Planning Application No. 2008/0356 – 3 Snipe Gill Cottages, Snipe Gill, Marton (Minute No. 131) and left the meeting during consideration of this item. The neighbour of this application was a close friend of his. He also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Planning Application No. 2008/0459 – Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness (Minute No. 135). Councillor Wood reserved his right to speak on this item and then left the meeting following his representations. He is Chairman of the Townscape Heritage Initiative Committee which passed grants for the staircase to this application.
94 – Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 20th May, 2008 were taken as read and confirmed.
Town and Country Planning Acts
The Director of Regeneration and Community Services submitted for information details of planning applications in this report which he had determined under delegated authority (Minute No. 254, Planning Committee, 3rd September, 2002, confirmed by Council 24th September, 2002). The decisions are reported for your information. The plans recommended for approval under the Town and Country Planning Acts will be subject to the standard conditions referred to in Minute No. 208 (April, 1971) of the Plans Sub-Committee, Barrow-in-Furness, County Borough Council, in addition to any conditions indicated hereunder. Applications with a (P) besides the applicant’s name denotes those applications that were reported to the Planning Panel.
95 L. Sillars Erection of a two storey side extension forming ground floor lounge and kitchen/dining room with first floor bedrooms and erection of a rear conservatory at 29 Sedgefield Road, Barrow-in-Furness as shown on plan number 2008/0329.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modifications) no opening of any kind shall be made in the south facing elevation of the permitted extension without the prior written consent of the Planning Authority.
In order to protect the residential amenities of neighbouring properties from overlooking or perceived overlooking.
Reason for approval
That having regard to the provisions of Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and all other material considerations, and subject to the proposed conditions, the development as proposed by reason of its location, design and orientation, will not have a detrimental impact upon the neighbouring properties or the visual amenities of the area. As such, the proposal complies with the Development Plan for the area, specifically policy B14.
96 Mr J. B. Trainer Change of use from light and general industry Gyrodata Inc (B1 and B2) to general industry (B2) at Units 1 and 2, Meeting Industrial Estate, Park Road, Barrow-in-Furness as shown on plan number 2008/0404.
2. Any facilities for the storage of fuels, oil or chemicals shall be sited on impervious bases and surrounded by impervious bund walls, details of which shall be submitted to the Planning Authority for approval. The volume of the bunded compound should be at least equivalent to the capacity of the tank plus 10%. If there are multiple tankages, the compound should be at least equivalent to 110% of the capacity of the largest tank, or 25% of the total combined capacity of the interconnected tanks whichever is the greatest. All filling points, vents, gauges and sight glasses must be located within the bund. The drainage system of the bund shall be sealed with no discharge to any watercourse, land or underground strata. Associated pipework should be located above ground and protected from accidental damage. All filling points and tank overflow pipe outlets should be detailed to discharge downwards into the bund.
In order to minimise the discharge of contaminated drainage or accidental spillages to underground strata or surface waters.
3. Full details of any areas to be used for the handling, loading and unloading of oils, fuels, chemicals or effluents, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Planning Authority prior to any beneficial use of such areas taking place. The area(s) shall thereafter be operated in accordance with the agreed details unless the Planning Authority gives prior written agreements to any variation.
In order to minimise the discharge of contaminated drainage or accidental spillages to underground strata or surface waters.
4. Any external lighting shall at all times be directed and shielded so as to minimise light spillage outside of the application site, and shall not shine directly onto any adjacent highways.
To minimise light pollution in accordance with saved policy D63 of the former Barrow Local Plan Review 1996-2006, and in the interests of highway safety.
Reason for approval
The development hereby approved has been assessed against the Development Plan for the area, specifically the policies listed below, and material considerations, including third party representations. The Planning Authority concluded that the development, subject to the conditions imposed, would accord with the Development Plan and there were no other material considerations to justify a refusal of permission.
RSS NW policies DP1-DP9
Cumbria JSP policies ST3, ST10
Barrow Borough Local Plan Review Saved Policies A3, A5, A7, D57
97 Mr D. Johnston Advertisement Consent to display internally illuminated fascia signs to front and side elevations at Cumbria Diesel Centre, Roose Road, Barrow-in-Furness as shown on plan number 2008/0364.
5. Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the site shall be left in a condition that does not endanger the public or impair visual amenity.
Required to be imposed pursuant to Regulation 2 and Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.
6. The lighting units shall be directed and shielded so that no direct rays of light from the source of illumination shall be visible to the drivers of vehicles using the highway.
In the interests of highway safety.
7. Maximum brightness of the signage must not exceed 1200 candelas per square metre as per the unlit zone of the I.L.E. Recommendation.
To minimise light pollution in accordance with Policy D63 of the Barrow Local Plan Review 1996-2006, and in order to minimise potential hazards for users of adjacent highways.
8. The advertisement(s) hereby granted consent shall not be illuminated between the hours of midnight and 7 am on the following day, unless subject to prior written agreement with the Planning Authority.
To minimise light pollution in accordance with Policy D63 of the Barrow Local Plan Review 1996-2006, and in order to minimise potential hazards for users of adjacent highways.
98 Mr and Mrs Taylor Construction of a new, taller roof incorporating dormer to front and rear elevations at Brow Edge, Long Lane, Barrow-in-Furness as shown on plan number 2008/0289.
2. The front and side elevations of the dormers shall be clad in vertically hung tiles of a colour and texture to match the existing roof covering of the property, prior written details of which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The subsequently approved treatment shall thereafter be permanently maintained unless the Planning Authority gives prior written consent to any variation.
In the interests of visual amenity, it is important that the dormer appears as an integral part of the roof, thereby, complying with Policy B18 of the Borough of Barrow-in-Furness Local Plan Review 1996-2006, Housing Chapter alteration 2006.
3. No dormer shall protrude above the ridge of the property.
For the avoidance of doubt and to protect the residential amenity of the area, thereby, complying with saved policy D21 of the former Borough Local Plan Review 1996-2006, Housing Chapter alteration 2006.
4. Notwithstanding the plans hereby approved or the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order, 1995 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modifications) the windows of the rear dormer must be fitted with manufacturers obscure glazing of an obscurity rating of no less than level 4 from the Pilkington glass range (or an equivalent range and rating subject to prior agreement with the Planning Authority) and thereafter retained unless the Planning Authority gives prior written consent to any variation.
In order to protect the residential amenity of both the occupier(s) of the property and occupier(s) of neighbouring properties from overlooking or perceived overlooking.
Reason for approval
That having regard to the provisions of Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and all other material considerations, and subject to the proposed conditions, the development as proposed by reason of its location, design and orientation, will not have a detrimental impact upon the neighbouring properties or the visual amenities of the area. As such, the proposal complies with the Development Plan for the area, specifically policies B15, B18 and D21.
99 Mr M. Carroll Listed Building Consent to install fire Holker Estates Co Ltd alarm panels to the bottom of each stairwell (14 in total) to work in conjunction with free radio detectors and sounders installed into each flat at Devonshire Buildings (Closes 1-14) Buxton Street and Ship Street, Barrow-in- Furness as shown on plan number 2008/0312.
Reason for approval
The development, subject to conformity with the stated conditions, will not cause any material harms to an interest of acknowledged importance. The Development Plan policies which are relevant to the decision to grant Listed Building Consent are as follows: D15, D18.
100 Mr P. Wall, Bowness Incorporation of 2 Bowness Road with No. 4 to Road Post Office form a single shop, rear ground floor extension and creation of a 2 bedroomed self contained flat at 2-4 Bowness Road, Barrow-in-Furness as shown on plan number 2008/0341.
2. Prior to beneficial occupation of the first floor flat details showing the location of a separate letter box for the flat must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.
To ensure the occupiers of the flat have an acceptable level of amenity, given that access is from the rear.
Reason for approval
That having regard to the provisions of Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and all other material considerations, and subject to the proposed conditions, the development as proposed by reason of its location, design and orientation, will not have a detrimental impact upon the neighbouring properties or the visual amenities of the area. As such, the proposal complies with the Development Plan for the area, specifically policy B14.
101 Allied Carpets Advertisement Consent to display 1 No. internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 No. illuminated side sign, 1 No. ‘Welcome’ illuminated entrance sign and 1 No. small ‘goods in’ sign to the rear elevation at Allied Carpets, Walney Road, Barrow-in-Furness as shown on plan number 2008/0343.
6. Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the site shall be left in a condition that does not endanger the public or impair visual amenity.
Required to be imposed pursuant to Regulation 2 and Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.
7. Maximum brightness of the signage must not exceed 300 candelas per square metre as per the unlit zone of the I.L.E. Recommendation.
To minimise light pollution in accordance with Policy D63 of the Barrow Local Plan Review 1996-2006, and in order to minimise potential hazards for users of adjacent highways.
8. The advertisement(s) hereby granted consent shall not be illuminated between the hours of midnight (0000hrs) and 0700 hours on the following day, unless subject to prior written agreement with the Planning Authority.
To minimise light pollution in accordance with Policy D63 of the Barrow Local Plan Review 1996-2006, and in order to protect the visual amenities of the area.
102 Taylor Young Screening opinion for redevelopment of Barrow 6th Form College, Rating Lane, Barrow-in-Furness as shown on plan number 2008/0457.