Learning Grace

by Pastor Tom Irwin

God is great and God is good

And we thank him for our food.

By his hands we all are fed.

Give us, Lord, our daily bread. Amen.

This was the grace I knew as I was growing up. Every night as my family gathered at the table, we would recite this prayer before eating supper.

One night I was invited to stay for dinner at my friend Steve’s house. As they prepared to eat they bowed their heads to pray. Then they said:

Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest

And may these gifts to us be blessed. Amen.

“What is this?!” I thought. “This can’t be grace!” For me, grace could only be “God is great….” I was not very patient in discovering that every family has their own traditions. But Steve’s family was a lot of fun and they always had good food, so I learned to pray a new way.

I am honored to be invited to your house as your new pastor. I look forward to living the Gospel and sharing the Lord’s Supper with you. Together we will discover each other and find new ways to live together in the Calvary household of faith.

May the Spirit guide us as family with abounding opportunities for ministry and, of course, good food and fellowship. And may Grace abound.

Peace be with you,

Pastor Irwin

Church Picnic – August 8

Join us on Sunday, August 8, at Maier’s Grove for our annual church picnic. Starting at 2 p.m. there will be games for all ages. We’ll also play bingo, so please bring some appropriate bingo prizes.

Our cakewalk is at 4 p.m. Participants donate 25 cents per round to walk around a circle of numbers until told to stop. If you are standing at the number that is drawn, you win the cake of your choice. The more cakes donated, the more fun it is.

The meal is at 5 p.m. Hot dogs, paper goods, condiments, birch beer and bottled water are provided. You may bring your own (non-alcoholic) beverage. Barbeque is available for those who cannot eat hot dogs.

You will be asked to supply a cold side, hot side, dessert or snack item for the meal (see reservation form for details). Please feel free to bring your own table cover or lawn chairs for your comfort.

Reservation forms are available in the narthex and are also included in this newsletter. Please complete one and turn in by August 1 at the latest. This is a rain-or-shine event. In case of severe weather, the picnic will be held at the church.

Questions? Want to help? Please call Ann Miller at 610-929-0301. If you need directions to the grove, please call the church office.

Church Directory

All phone numbers are 610 area code

Office phone 929-9606


fax 929-4372

web page www.calvarylutheranlaureldale.com


Rev. Thomas Irwin Jr.

Youth Ministry/ Cong. Program Coor. Joy Gerhart

Congregational Admin. Wendy Sharp

Sunday School Supt. Kasey Young

Asst. Supt.. Carol Kulp

Central Treasurer Melanie Kummerer

Current & Building Treas. JoAnn Solomon

Financial Secretary Joan Raifsnider

Payroll Officer Marcia Conver

Organist Diane Spohn

Choir Director Melinda Rentz

Youth Choir Directors Donna & Bill Sweigart

Sextons Christine Bradley

Bill & Juli Pfautz

BillieJo Steffy

Church Council: (number indicates year term expires.)

President Carol Wertz (2011)

Vice President Kate Peires (2010)

Secretary Kathleen Kercher (2010)

Linda Boegner (2011)

Chris Carson (2010)

Cody Fritz (2012)

Christy Fritz (2011)

Robin Gardner (2011)

Matt Kretz (youth rep., 2010)

Ann Miller (2012)

John Seyfert (2012)

Donna Sweigart (2012)

Calvary’s Booster

Published monthly to share information with the friends and family of Calvary Lutheran Church, 1009 Elizabeth Ave., Laureldale, PA 19605. Donation: $10 annually.

Articles received after the deadline may be included in the following issue.

Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

POSTMASTER: send address changes to The BOOSTER, Calvary Lutheran Church, 1009 Elizabeth Ave. Laureldale, PA 19605.

Deadline to submit articles for the next Booster is the first business day of the month. Submit articles to the church office.

Our Christian sympathy is extended to the family of

Florence Reitnauer

a member who recently passed away.

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”

Holy Communion

Saturday, July 3, at 5 p.m.

Sunday, July 4, at 8 & 10:30 a.m.

Saturday, July 31, at 5 p.m.

Sunday, August 1, at 8 & 10:30 a.m.

In the Hospital

The following is a list of members and friends known to have recently been in the hospital:

William Weand III, Barry Himmelberger, Rev. Richard Schaefer, Wendy Sharp, Alva Nagle, Sandra Rothenberger, and Robert Eiler.

Please notify the church office when a family member or a church member you know of is in the hospital.


We celebrate the birth of Madison Rose Readinger on May 25. Congratulations to Madison’s parents, William and Amanda Readinger.

We pray for God’s blessings on Madison and her family.

Recent contributions to Calvary’s Memorial Fund

In Memory of Martin “Pete” Anderson

…Leroy & Eleanor Klock

…Clarence & Sherri Randall

Church Office Hours

Until further notice the church office hours will be from 8:30-2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The hours will continue until Wendy is able to return to work. She was injured in a fall at church and is recovering at home.

Summer Outdoor Worship

If you are unable to attend worship on a weekend, plan on attending our mission district’s outdoor services, held on Wednesday evenings June 30 through Aug. 25 at 7:00 p.m., at Bern Lutheran Church, Leesport.

The worship, led by a different pastor each week, will be indoors if bad weather is predicted. Lawn chairs are essential!

Looking for Youth Help in July!

During Sunday School time in July, we will enlist the youth in projects to prepare for Vacation Bible School (VBS). We already spent one Sunday—June 27—distributing doorknob hangers to invite members of the community to come to VBS and also Rally Day in the fall.

July 4 and 11: Work on Baobab Tree and other decorations

July 18 and 27: Work on painting t-shirts for VBS

Please call Joy Gerhart if you can help, or just show up!

Hoss’s Fund Raiser

Thanks to everyone who supported the Muhlenberg Churches Pantry fund raiser on April 14. Calvary (and our healthy appetites) helped the pantry raise $475.

The next pantry fund raiser at Hoss’s Steak and Seafood in Leesport will be July 21. Tickets are available in the rear of the church closer to that time. One ticket needed per party; the tickets are free. Present one to your server that day, and 20 percent of your bill will be donated to the pantry.


Something to Bank On

Are you thankful? How do you express your gratitude? For years, Calvary’s Women of the ELCA, along with similar groups around the country, have observed the practice of Thankoffering. Once a year we hold a special service, called a Thankoffering service, during which monetary gifts are received as an expression of thanks for all God has given us.

Each time we are thankful for something, we drop a coin in a bank, often kept on a desk or kitchen windowsill. Good news from the doctor? Drop a coin in the bank. Neighbor got a new job? Drop a coin. Say a word of prayer…you get the idea.

Thankoffering banks are available on the tables in the rear of the sanctuary. How do you express our thanks? Pick up a bank and give it a try. Banks will be returned at the Thankoffering service in October.

All women are invited to a retreat offered by Calvary’s Women of the ELCA. The retreat will be held at Rosedale Camp Grove in Laureldale. It is a chance for some time away to relax, reflect, rejuvenate, reacquaint and rejoice in God’s gifts.

More details to follow.

Vacation Bible School

Baobab Blast

July 26-30

6:15-8:30 p.m.

Ages 3 – completed grade 6

We are putting the finishing touches on lesson plans, scenery, t-shirts, CDs, and all the good things that go into Vacation Bible School. There is still time to register your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends; please send in all registrations by July 12. There is still time to volunteer to help with the program; please call Joy Gerhart.

We appreciate any donation of snacks. Especially popular are pretzels, popcorn, goldfish crackers, and cheese balls; of course, drinks and drink mixes are appreciated, too! There will be bins in the back of church to receive your donations.

Be sure to come to the 10:30 a.m. service on August 1 to hear the children share some of the songs they learned at VBS. It is one way they can thank you for supporting this ministry of the church.

Thanks to our staff: Marcia Conver (co-coordinator and office), Doris Rismiller (advance calling), Jackie Feltenberger (office), Richard Barth (publicity sign), Melanie Kummerer, Lindsey Kummerer and Seth Gonzales (snacks), Phyllis and Kasey Young (crafts), Lori and Courtney Christ (Age 3), Ann Miller (Age 4), Linda Schmehl (Pre-K), Merita Kissinger, Amanda and Kyle Kissinger (completed Kindergarten or Grade 1), Kathie Kercher and Terese Reppond (completed Grade 2 or 3), Tracy and Olivia York (completed Grade 4), Joy Gerhart and Bob Miller (completed Grade 5-6), Donna Sweigart and Jamie Shoemaker (music), and additional teen helpers Kayla Lash, Courtney Sanders, Brock Stoudt, and Colin Painter.

Pantry Volunteers Needed for July

July is our turn to help staff the Muhlenberg Churches Food Pantry. Each month one of the congregations that support the Muhlenberg Churches Pantry sends volunteers to assist the regular pantry staff. Calvary is scheduled to help with the set up on July 14 at 7:00 p.m. and then to distribute the food on July 15 from 3:15-6:00 p.m.

There is a sign-up sheet on a bulletin board in the rear of the church, or you may call Donna Sweigart at 610-929-0931.

The June food distribution is Thursday, June 17, for residents of either 19605 or 19560 zip code areas.

Rummage Sale moved to May

Calvary’s annual Rummage Sale will be held in May 2011. There will not be a Rummage Sale this fall.

Help For Haiti

Thank you from the Social Ministry Committee!

Thank you to everyone who brought the much-needed items for the people of Haiti. Along with the food items, we also had donations of walkers and crutches. When we dropped off the items at Christ Lutheran, Fleetwood, we were greeted by many smiling faces helping us unload into the freight container and many thank yous for the donation we brought them. Because of your kindness and many donations, a lot Haitians will benefit greatly.

Grace is a Gift

When we work an eight-hour day and receive eight hours' pay for our efforts, that is a WAGE.

When we compete with an opponent and receive a trophy for our superior performance, that is a PRIZE.

When we receive something in recognition for our service or achievement, that is an AWARD.

But when we can earn no wage, can win no prize and deserve no award — yet we receive such a gift — that is unmerited favor. That is undeserved kindness. That is GRACE.

Church Basement Ladies

Dinner Theater Trip

Our women’s group has organized a trip to the Dutch Apple Dinner Theater in Lancaster on Sunday, October 31. It is a matinee performance; lunch begins at 11:45 a.m. the show is at 1:15 p.m. Tickets are $45 paid in advance.

Church Basement Ladies celebrates the women who work tirelessly in the church kitchens to keep stomachs filled and coffee brewing for every important event from weddings to pot-luck suppers. See where the heart and soul of the church is!

We have a limited number of seats. Please contact the church office to reserve. Payment is due with your reservation.

Committee Highlights from

May’s Council Meeting

Christian Education

·  This committee is preparing for Vacation Bible School.

·  After June 20 the Primary Department will start its summer programming.

·  Committee is currently working on its kick-off Sunday program for September.


·  Grocery cards will be sold on the first and third weekend after services.


·  Reported positive comments on the Easter breakfast that was co-sponsored with Christian Education Committee and plans to repeat next year.

·  Will co-sponsor an Advent Night with Christian Education Committee on the first Sunday in Advent.


·  On May 1 a fuse blew at a utility pole. Power was restored during the 5:00 p.m. service. As a result of the outage there was no air conditioning in the nave the next day. AC repaired the following week.

·  The air conditioning unit on the flat roof was moved by the heavy snow sliding off the slanted roof; lines were kinked and roof damaged. The repair to the air conditioning unit was $903; roof repair cost approximately $300.

·  Thanks to those who helped mulch the flower beds and to those who are maintaining the beds.

Worship & Music Committee

·  Organ recital scheduled for October 17.