Global Education Committee Meeting
Locke Library 120, 3:00 PM
Meeting called by: Kelly McEnany
Attendees: John Davis, Jonathan Grunder, Valerie Watts, Melanie Parham, Jonathan Ross, Pete Kennedy, Gigi Derballa, Phyllis Boone and Marilee Bush.
Global Ed Collection:
· The materials that the Library purchased on behalf of the Global Ed Collection are on display in the Don C. Locke Library. The display is located on the upper level near the main staircase. Please check it out when you have a chance.
· The book Three Cups of Tea and the controversy surrounding the author was discussed. A disclaimer was suggested to put in the book. Phyllis will speak with a librarian about it before discussing it again with Kelly and making a decision on whether to keep it in the collection or not.
Update on Budget:
· We currently have $367 left in the budget to spend for this spring semester.
· For the mid-year budget review, Kelly requested $2,000 since we did not get any money when the budgets were first allotted to divisions.
· Kelly and Phyllis will speak with Beth to confer with her and to gain her support.
· Kelly has to report to the ELT each year on what our deliverables and outcomes are for the year. Suggestions were made and changes will be made to the document before Kelly presents it to the ELT in April.
· John asked whether or not we do enough in regards to foreign language. He pointed out that several community colleges offer more than just two foreign languages. The Pathways project may determine what the college can offer. This is a valid concern. A sub-committee was formed, which will include the following members Gigi, Kelly, Valerie, Melanie, and John.
· Marilee suggested having a Jeopardy-like game event that featured topics in foreign languages.
· Jonathan G. suggested that we could collaborate with the music department (chorus perhaps) and offer a foreign music-orientated event. Also, research other community colleges of similar size regarding foreign languages but from an enrollment perspective.
· Jonathan R. suggested having a table at the spring fling/student activity event where students could come up and guess what the titles are while the music is playing.
· Marilee suggested giving out fortune cookies.
· Kelly thinks we should come up with a recommendation. More will follow after the sub committee meets.
· Discussed the definition of deliverables (what we plan on doing) and outcomes (results of those plans).
Marketing/Technology Updates:
· Facebook: Jonathan R. last posted for the photo contest. Can post events for the future.
Word/PDF Count:
· Phyllis was one of the Compliance Liaisons for the quantification of documents for her division. She collected what Global Ed had online and added it to the live Portal count on the Web Accessibility page. The count was only halted for Faculty’s documents on Moodle, which IT was able to electronically count themselves. The rest of the documents on the College’s website and Portal were the ones that still needed to be manually counted.
Study Abroad Updates:
· Val has two students signed up for the Spain trip. As the deadline draws near, more students will sign up, which is expected each year. One of Val’s students is applying for the Gilman but her grade point average does not met the requirement. She has had some difficulties in the past, which brought down her GPA. She is an excellent student now. Jonathan G. said to send the student to him.
Spring Events:
· Skyping with Kyrgyzstan is scheduled on March 29th at 9:00 am in ELM 214.
· Teaching in the Global Classroom is scheduled for March 15th at 2:00 pm.
· Plagiarism: Punishment or Opportunity? Is scheduled for March 1st at 2:00 pm.
· Teaching with Global Resources is scheduled for March 29th at 2:00 pm.
Other News:
· Faculty Development: Psychology faculty will be traveling to Chapel Hill to create global modules for PSY 241 (Developmental), which will be shared with other NCCC’s and used in our courses.
· GELP: Kelly and Ron attended the previous Global Education Leaders Program. Ron enjoyed the experience. Beth asked Kelly to see if anyone else was interested.
· Food Truck: The Hibachi food truck “the Purple People Feeder” will be on campus on Feb 10th in the Ferguson AHWD parking lot from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm.
· Other ideas for this semester or beyond:
o Marilee suggested researching job fairs and the like to see what type of job opportunities are available for bi-lingual or multi-linguals. Especially if we’ll be offering a grad degree in this area.
o Does the Criminal Justice/BLET programs have a foreign language component in their programs? If not, why not?
o Jonathan mentioned one of his students created a video in Spanish for the ESL program. Kelly suggested that one of Jonathan’s current or future students could make a project out of creating a video to promote foreign languages to relevant departments (like Criminal Justice).
o Kenna Sommers, in Transitional Studies, has brought in a couple of organizations that will help ESL students, like “Know Your Rights”. Presenters asked each student what their situation was and what they could do to prepare in case of raids, being arrested, etc. This would also be helpful to the students who fall under the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) policy. This immigration and refugee situation affects them just as much as it affects us in regards to FTE’s. At a system level, Terry Brasier wanted to know what could be done for students in the community colleges. There are approximately 750,000 people with a DACA status.
The meeting adjourned approximately at 4:10 PM.