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Geoscience Bulletin Board – 13 August2018 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Long Valley Caldera is currently dormant – 240 cubic miles of magma lie beneath
- Hot water:
New study suggests Cascadia Subduction Zone less likely to produce major EQ off Oregon Coast
Hunting for landslides from great earthquakes along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
New South Wales declares itself 100% in drought
- Drought Report:
Orca mother grieves death of its calf
USGS using airborne geophysics in multi-state water availability in Mississippi River Basin
US Army creates new technique for modeling atmospheric turbulence
Rain-on-snow floor risk predicted to increase in US mountain regions
Data gathering & mapping of Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault system completed – multi-beam high resolution sonar defined bathymetry
Alaska was Late Cretaceous “superhighway” for migrating dinosaurs
Iron & silica particles in ancient seawater may have facilitated oxygen production by cyanobacteria on Early Earth
Microscopic tunnels in garnet crystals from Thailand may be result of boring micro-organisms
Chemical composition of volcanic gases can change depending on size of rising gas bubbles
Study constrains history of volatile transport of Mantle xenon
Teaching geoscience in the context of location & culture
The ocean as wilderness
Massive drought or myth? – rethinking the wisdom of the Meghalayan
Melting of ice has reduced Kebnekaise Mountain by several meters – no longer the highest in Sweden
Fogo Island geologist-in-residence spends 6-week rotation engaging tourists & locals
What happened the last time Antarctica was ice free?
In Memoriam: Liu Guangding “Father of Chinese marine geology” 1929-2018
Volcanoes show why “geoengineering” would be counter-productive
Topographical mapping of the Ganges River to begin using Lidar
Meteorologist Kelvin Droegemeier nominated as White House science adviser
25 of the most iconic mountains
Animation based on satellite data shows Southern California land surface deformation with increases & decreases in groundwater pumping
Ground deformation after 6.9M earthquake on 5 August 2018 in Indonesia
Nitrogen isotopic composition of sediment reflect changes in marine conditions during PETM
Satellite measurements of magnetosphere may lead to improved space weather forecasts
When Santorini volcano (that inspired “Atlantis”) erupted is still subject to debate
Pink and White Terraces were buried by eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886
Is the dinosaur-apocalypse story all wrong?
Ice sheets from last Ice Age seeded the ocean with silica
Climate of early Earth was more stable and warmer
Perspective: “Global warming” is a perspective
Prehistoric mass graves on Pacific Islands and in northern Scotland linked to tsunamis
- Paper:
How to see a “full circle” rainbow
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 13 August2018 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Astronauts on the ISS captured images of smoke from California wildfires – why air quality in Reno, Nevada has been in the “unhealthy for sensitive groups” range
Ferguson Fire results in indefinite closure of Yosemite Valley – 68% contained
First patient diagnosed with Candida auris in Australia – put in isolation & pubic warned
Recovery of American Bison from near extinction (by human hands) deemed “greatest of all time”
Four foals join the herd of critically endangered Przewalski’s horses at the SCBI in Front Royal, Virginia
Perspective: Obama-era fuel economy standards frozen: Finally – some common sense
Federal Appeals Court rejects two permits for Atlantic Coast pipeline – USF&W permit was “arbitrary & capricious” and right-of-way permit not consistent with National Park
CRS Report: US Fish & Wildlife Service: An Overview
FERC directs halt to construction of Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline from West Virginia to Virginia
Engineers now say Lynchburg, Virginia, dam is “stable and safe” -- hope they are right!
Mendocino Fire Complex now the largest in the modern history of California
Superb fair wrens can learn “foreign” language to stay safe
Koalas may provide key to understanding retroviral assimilation
Other factors besides climate change should be considered when assessing decline in bird species in the Mojave
For some birds, rivers of the Amazon do not present geographical barriers
Hanford Nuclear Waste Site moving toward low-activity waste treatment as part of site cleanup
- Hanford VIT Plant:
Harris County, Texas, still hoping “flood control” is viable - $2.5B flood infrastructure bond proposal
Hand sanitizers are not working very well against MRSA – they mostly give false sense of security
Small dogs go the extra measure to mark their territory
US EPA delists Frontier Chrome Superfund site in Vancouver, Washington, from the NPL
Nuclear Ghost Towns attest to shift in Taiwan to wind & solar power
Indonesia vows to ban trade in dog and cat meat
Globally adopting the North American diet would require more arable land than is available
Global Warming Alarmists – would haves, should have, could haves – doomsday warnings
Most effective way to cut plastic pollution?
Studies in 1870s & 1980s demonstrated PFA toxicity – kept under wraps by chemical companies
- Paper:
EPA urged by citizens at public meeting to regulate toxic PFA chemicals
Prozac in the environment is messing with wildlife
Jury decides Monsanto glyphosate (Roundup and other pesticides) caused cancer – awards $289M
USEPA investigating hazardous chemicals (PCE & TCE) from old dry-cleaning operations near elementary school in Vermont
Comprehensive family tree & atlas of living & extinct mammals reveals new patterns of biodiversity
Behaviors that humans freely choose may result in deadly consequences – drownings in Poland & suicide barrier for the Golden Gate Bridge
- Poland:
- Golden Gate Bridge:
Examining the hydropower boom – thousands of hydropower dams are planned or under construction
Ever hopeful of outsmarting the influenza virus & its ability to mutate
Human error causes most oil tanker spills – double hulls & fire systems have reduced tank breaches
Agencies propose $1.8M compensation for wildlife restoration and other costs for cleanup of 2013 oil spill near Lake Conway in Arkansas
Approvals being sought for natural gas power plants in New Jersey
Lombok EQ in Indonesia inspires expert advice on EQ survival strategies
Roman emperors were more likely to be assassinated during drought
Volcanic eruptions have dramatic impacts on the ecosystem
Study of tick-borne disease dynamics could help prevent future outbreaks of infectious disease
CRS Report: Chesapeake Bay Restoration: Background & Issues for Congress
Chemicals poisoning wildlife in Africa
Jettisoned fuel containers & booster rockets are being salvaged by villagers – likely source of toxins
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 13 August2018 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
China designing 84-mile long undersea railway tunnel to connect Taiwan to the mainland
Wildfire moves toward tourist coastal spots in Portugal
Toxic red tides are reported in all US coastal states
Seawater quality along the coast of Montenegro is rated “first class” – only two are “second class”
Coastal water quality in China deteriorated in 2017
US Census data shows coastal counties & parishes along Gulf of Mexico had 24.5% population increase – that’s 3M more people to rescue from hurricanes
Chatham, Georgia, leads coastal towns in population growth – study underestimated growth
“Most psychedelic snorkeling experience in the World” in the Maldives Hurawalhi Island Resort
Wetlands land swap with oil company about to be approved by California Coastal Commission
Public Lands Day celebrated at Cape Hatteras National Seashore
What is the future of offshore energy in the US?
Company filing for approval to proceed with construction of Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind demonstration project
Perspective: What are coastal nuclear power plants doing to address climate threats?
Offshore wind energy expected to be significant share of zero-emission energy strategy in New Jersey – who will pay for it?
Battle for the beach & construction – sand is in short supply