Lewisham Coaching Scheme

Before completing this form, please ensure that you have confirmation of 75% funding from the Mayors Skills Legacy Fund. Incomplete forms will result in a delay in assessment of your application. Please note that the 25% or £200 (whichever is the lesser amount) will be a re-imbursement to you for the funds that you have already paid direct to the course deliverer. As such you will also need to provide evidence that this has been paid and your course has been booked.


Your name

Contact phone number

Contact email address

Contact address (including postcode)


Date of birth

Ethnic background (please tick)White/White British Asian/Asian
British Black/Black British Chinese Mixed Would prefer not to say Other

Do you consider yourself to be disabled? Yes No

If yes, which impairment group are you?

Name of organisation/club/team/school


Course details

Name of course you want to attend


Full cost of course

Name of course deliverer

Contact details for course deliverer

Volunteering Placementdetails

Name of organisation at which you will be completing your volunteer hours

Contacts name at organisation

Contacts email

Contacts phone number

Individual declaration

I declare that all information that I have provided in this application is true and that if successful I will abide by the awarding criteria/funding conditions as described by the funding body. Specifically I commit to the delivering the specified number of volunteer hours indicated by the NationalSkillsAcademy, and will track them through the ActivePassport that I will be supplied with.

Name Date



I have completed the application form fully

I have enclosed evidence showing that 75% of my course costs will be covered by the Mayors Skills Legacy Fund

I have enclosed evidence that I have already paid the remaining funds to the deliverer

I have enclosed evidence showing that I am booked onto a course

I have kept a copy of my completed application for reference

Please return your completed application form (or if you have any queries) to

Lewisham Coaching Scheme

Sport and Leisure Service

2nd Floor Laurence House



Please note it is your responsibility to confirm that your application has been received and that incomplete application forms won't be taken forward to the judging panel.