Syllabus: Chemistry
Teacher: Mr. Walter Belisle email: Room: # D114
Welcome to Chemistry. This class will focus on applying mathematic skills in real world applicable environment. We will study linear and rotational physics, Electricity and Magnetism, Thermodynamics, Balancing Chemical formulas, Stoichiometry, atomic structures, Molecules and more.
To contact me, I must receive emails from a parent or guardian only. I will not contact students through email or cell phone.
Textbook: Glencoe Chemistry – Cost = $83.00 -- Must be covered at all times!
Lab safety rules will be practiced to ensure the safety of all participants. A 3 ring binder notebook with paper, writing utensils, and textbook should be brought to class daily. Calculator should be Ti-30 or Ti-35 minimum. If yours is a higher model for math, that will be fine.
· Remind- Go To sign up as student or parent with the code [@mrbelisl]. I will send periodic texts as reminders about upcoming labs, quizzes, tests, and projects.
· Schoology- Go To sign up as a student or parent with the code [TRJXK- JTJJK] All practice problems, work sheets, class documents, videos, power-points, and images are posted for students use at home. If I had it in class, they have it at home.
· Assignments- Go To Click on courses and then your specific class. All assignments for each unit is given 1 to 3 weeks in advance
Academic Rules
1. All work is due at the moment I call for it. Not later that class or next period. I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK from students that did not turn it in and were present that day.
2. Refusal to take a test or participate in lab will result in a zero for that assignment. No make up allowed.
3. All school absence and tardy policies are strictly enforced. Make up tests and labs are after school. Day of the week will be announced after school classes start.
4. Horse play in Lab will result in 1 warning and then a zero for the lab. Any equipment broken by fooling around or proved stolen will result in fees for the replacement of the equipment.
5. Late work for excused absences will be given 2 school days to make up assignment once the absence is officially listed as excused. Otherwise a zero is placed in the grade book. Any assignment not turned in receives a “1” until excused and completed. Extended excused absences may be allowed more time as directed.
6. NO electronic devices allowed during quizzes, test or class unless specified specifically by me for that day and assignment.
Grading Policy
· Major Grades - 60%
o Tests
o Major Labs
o Minor Lab
o Projects
o 9 Weeks Exam
o Minor Quizzes
· Minor grades - 40%
o Notebook
o Class work
You are expected to participate cooperatively in all activities; group or individual. Discipline for disruptive or inappropriate behavior will be in accordance with the guidelines written in the Marianna High School Student Handbook.
I look forward to working with you and I am available before school or after school if you make an appointment with me. I hope you will find that Chemistry is challenging and fun as we discuss the many concepts in this course.
I have read and understand the syllabus which includes the grading policy and expectations for Chemistry
________________________________ ________________________________
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Contact Information (phone number/email): ______________________________________________________________________________________