Embrace Dance UK @ Island House

Registration Form

Please make sure you have read and understood our terms and conditions before completing this form which can be found on the back.

Students Full Name: ………………………………………………………………………

Date of Birth: …………………………..Age:……………………



Home phone:…………………………..……Mobile Phone:………………………



Emergency contact name:…………………………………………..

Emergency contact Number:…………………………………………..

Please cancel out or circle options:

I/ We authorise/ do not authorise Island House to seek treatment for any injury occurred by my child whilst in a dance class with ‘Embrace Dance Tutors’.

I/ We give / do not give permission for my child to be included in any photo sessions/ video footage for any classes or performances done by ‘Island House , Embrace Dance uk and Melymadness photography’.

I/ We give / do not give permission for my child to be included in any photo sessions/ video footage that may go in the newspaper, website, social networks or any advertising and promotional posters.




How did you hear about us? (Please Circle) School Social media Word of mouth

Other (please state)

Embrace Dance COMMUNITY Classes 2018 Terms & Conditions for Parents/Guardians/Students

Embrace Dance aims to provide a high quality and positive dance experience to all those attending our classes and as such we ask that all participants adhere to the relevant terms and conditions below:

Registration forms must be filled in and submitted prior to attendance at a class

All students must arrive to class on time

You must notify us of any changes to contact or medical information to enable us to keep up-to date information for the safety of your child

Students participate at their own risk and are obliged to inform Embrace Dance and its staff of any existing injuries or medical conditions along with emergency contact information

Embrace Dance will from time to time take photographs and film footage of students during the class time for use in marketing and publicity material

If you do not wish for your child to be photographed or filmed please indicate on the registration form otherwise permission is assumed

Embrace Dance asks that all participants abide by the Health & Safety requirements of the

Embrace Dance accepts no responsibility for any loss of property or personal injury during class times

Embrace Dance reserves the right to refuse entry to classes at their discretion

Embrace Dance reserves the right to substitute tutors without notice

Correct footwear and clothing must be worn to all classes and at all times. No jewellery is to be worn in class and hair must be tied back off the face

All students should refrain from eating or chewing gum during classes

 By enrolling in our classes you are agreeing to take part in our annual performances

We are only responsible for your child within the times of their dance class. You must pick up your child on time and pick them up in the venue, not outside the venue or inform us of those who travel home alone.

2018– Embrace Dance uk @ Island House Community Centre