
GCADTF Clinical Doctorate Survey questions

1. Where do you practice?

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Other (please specify)

2.) What professional degree(s) do you hold? (choose all that apply)

  • Master’s degree conferred by a genetic counseling rtaining program
  • Master’s in another field
  • MBA
  • PhD (genetics related)
  • PhD (unrelated to genetics)

3.) Choose the option that applies to you:

  • I graduated from a Master’s level genetic counseling training program
  • I graduated from another type of training program
  • I am currently enrolled in a genetic counseling training program

4.) What year did you graduate?

  • Before 1987
  • 1987
  • 1988
  • 1989, etc [All years through 2012 listed as a separate choice]

5.) I am currently enrolled in my:

  • First year of training
  • Second year of training
  • Third year of training
  • Fourth or higher year of training

6.) There are many models for educational training. You are being asked to choose between two models put forward by the GCADTF. Choose the statement that best reflects your opinion about the educational training for entry level genetic counselors at the current time:

  • The profession should maintain the master’s degree as the entry level and terminal degree at this time. Part of this option is that a new task force will explore advanced training options for genetic counselors.
  • The profession should move towards the clinical doctorate as the required entry level degree for new trainees. Part of this option is that master’s level training programs would be phased out over time.

7. If an entry level clinical doctorate became the required entry level degree, which of the following approaches to implementation do you support:

  • Master’s trained genetic counselors would be required to transition to the clinical doctorate within a specified time frame (e.g. 5-10 years)
  • Master’s trained genetic counselors would have the option to transition to the clinical doctorate, but this would not be required to practice
  • No opinion
  • Other (please specify)

8. If the master’s degree were maintained as the entry level degree, which of these additional advanced educational opportunities would you personally be likely to pursue, if available to master’s trained genetic counselors? (check all that apply)

  • Advanced practice clinical doctorate without specialization
  • Advanced practice clinical doctorate with specialization
  • PhD program focused on research of genetic counseling provision and outcomes
  • Academic credit-granting certificate program to gain/enhance a specific set of skills/knowledge (Universityapproved graduate level Certificate Programs develop knowledge and skills in specialized subject areas. While requirements vary among institutions, they generally involve 1 to 2 semesters.)
  • Non credit-granting certificate program to gain/enhance a specific set of skills/knowledge
  • I am satisfied with current continuing education opportunities
  • I am not considering additional formal education opportunities
  • No opinion