Supplementary table i:

Gastric Carcinoma Patient Collective and Clinical Data

Parameter / Number / % of total
Total / 50 / 100%
Male / 30 / 60%
Female / 20 / 40%
Age (mean /range) / 61.9 yr / 30.4 – 82.4 yr
Tumor type (Laurén)
Intestinal / 25 / 50%
Diffuse / 25 / 50%
Histological Type
papillarycarcinoma / 3 / 6%
tubularca. / 18 / 36%
mucinousca. / 2 / 4%
signet-ring ca. / 18 / 36%
undifferentiatedca. / 8 / 18%
unclassifiedca. / 1 / 2%
moderatelydifferentiated / 11 / 22%
poorlydifferentiated / 35 / 70%
undifferentiated / 4 / 8%
I / 12 / 24%
II / 14 / 28%
III / 12 / 24%
IV / 12 / 24%
Tumor stages
pT1 / 6 / 12%
pT2 / 12 / 24%
pT3 / 29 / 58%
pT4 / 3 / 6%
Nodal status
pN0 / 21 / 42%
pN1/2/3 / 29 / 58%
pM0 / 38 / 76%
pM1 / 12 / 24%
pR0 / 37 / 74%
pR1 / 4 / 8%
pR2 / 8 / 16%
pRx / 1 / 2%

Supplementary table ii:

patient collective with clinically manifest gastritis

Parameter / Number / % of total
Total / 10 / 100%
Male / 3 / 30%
Female / 7 / 70%
Age (mean /range) / 62yr / 29 – 80 yr
H. pylori infection
Positive / 2 / 20%
Negative / 8 / 80%

None of the patients suffered from known gastric neoplasia, or other malignancies.

Supplementary table iii:

Characteristics of cancer cell lines

Cell line / AnatomicalOrigin / Differentiation / Reference
Gastric Carcinoma: intestinal type (Laurèn)
MKN-7 / Primary gastric carcinoma of the intestinal type / (1)
NCI-N87 / Liver metastasis of a gastric carcinoma, intestinal type / (2)
St 2957 / Lymph node metastasis of gastric carcinoma, intestinal type / (3)
St 3051 / Primary gastric carcinoma of the intestinal type / (3)
St 23132 / Primary gastric carcinoma of the intestinal type / (3)
Gastric Carcinoma: Diffuse or undifferentiated type (Laurèn)
AGS / Moderately to poorly differentiated, recognizable gland formation with sheets, clusters, and cords of malignant cells as predominant pattern / (4)
GP220 / Primary gastric carcinoma of the diffuse type; signet-ring cells / (5)
KATO III / Gastric carcinoma of the diffuse type; signet-ring cells;derived from metastatic site: pleural effusion, supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes and Douglas cul-de-sac / (6)
MKN-45 / Primary gastric carcinoma of the diffuse type / (1)
NUGC 4 / Metastatic paragastric lymph node metastasis of a gastric carcinoma of the diffuse type; Signet-ring cell / (7)
SNU-1 / Poorly differentiated primary gastric carcinoma / (2)
Other Tissues
HCT 116,
CaCo2 / Primary colon carcinoma / (8)

References for cell lines:

1.van Rees BP, Sivula A, Thoren S, Yokozaki H, Jakobsson PJ, Offerhaus GJ, et al. Expression of microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 in intestinal type gastric adenocarcinoma and in gastric cancer cell lines. International journal of cancer Journal international du cancer. 2003;107:551-6.

2.Park JG, Frucht H, LaRocca RV, Bliss DP, Jr., Kurita Y, Chen TR, et al. Characteristics of cell lines established from human gastric carcinoma. Cancer research. 1990;50:2773-80.

3.Vollmers HP, Stulle K, Dammrich J, Pfaff M, Papadopoulos T, Betz C, et al. Characterization of four new gastric cancer cell lines. Virchows Archiv B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology. 1993;63:335-43.

4.Barranco SC, Townsend CM, Jr., Casartelli C, Macik BG, Burger NL, Boerwinkle WR, et al. Establishment and characterization of an in vitro model system for human adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Cancer research. 1983;43:1703-9.

5.Gaertner FC, Rohde F, Mueller J, Blechert B, Janssen KP, Essler M. Endogenous expression of the sodium iodide symporter mediates uptake of iodide in murine models of colorectal carcinoma. International journal of cancer Journal international du cancer. 2009;125:2783-91.

6.Sekiguchi M, Sakakibara K, Fujii G. Establishment of cultured cell lines derived from a human gastric carcinoma. Jpn J Exp Med. 1978;48:61-8.

7.Akiyama S, Amo H, Watanabe T, Matsuyama M, Sakamoto J, Imaizumi M, et al. Characteristics of three human gastric cancer cell lines, NU-GC-2, NU-GC-3 and NU-GC-4. The Japanese journal of surgery. 1988;18:438-46.

8.Brattain MG, Fine WD, Khaled FM, Thompson J, Brattain DE. Heterogeneity of malignant cells from a human colonic carcinoma. Cancer research. 1981;41:1751-6.

Supplementary table iv:

IC50-values for gastric cancer cell lines

IC50 [µM] / St3051 / AGS
STxB-SN38 / 0.44 / 21.4
Irinotecan / 63.6 / 32.5
SN38 / 0.21 / 0.13