Daily Bulletin9-4-2009
Minor rescued : The Nagpur City police has recovered 8 minor girls and one minor boy. Out of the recovered children, 2/3 girls are reported to be from Delhi. Photographs alongwith descriptions areas follows to facilitate their identification.
Nagpur City Police found following 8 Minor Girls and 1 Minor Boy/ Name: Twinkle
Age: About 9 Yrs,
Height : 4 Feet
Color : Fair
Language - Hindi
Built : Slim
/ Name: Tisha
Age: About 4 Yrs,
Height : 3.5 Feet
Color : Fair
Language - Hindi
Built : Straight
/ Name: Anjali
Age: About 17 Yrs,
Height : 5 Feet
Language - Hindi
Built : Slim
/ Name: Bhoomi
Age: About 4 Yrs,
Height : 3 Feet
Color : Fair
Language - Hindi
Built : Slim
/ Name: Minu
Age: About 12 Yrs,
Height : 4.6 Feet
Color : Brown
Language - Hindi
Built : Strong
/ Name: Daksha
Age: About 17 Yrs,
Height : 5 Feet
Color : Sallow
Language - Hindi
/ Name: Laxmi
Age: About 17 Yrs,
Height : 4.5 Feet
Color : Fair
Language - Hindi
/ Name: Renu
Age: About 12 Yrs,
Height : 5 Feet
Color : Fair
Language - Hindi
Built : Medium
/ Name: Ashwin
Age: About 6 Yrs,
Height : 4 Feet
Color : Fair
Language - Hindi
Built : Slim
Public help is sought:-
SHO P.S. New Friends Colony have sought public help in identifying the body of a male height 5’7”, strong built, shallow complexion, wearing blue pant jeens, black T.Shirt, found on 2-4-2009.
Dated: 09.04.2009
With the arrest two accused persons namely (1) Jagjit Sharma, Aged 28 Year and (2) Pankaj Kumar, Aged 28 Year, Kalkaji Police has bust a racket of Extortionists who used to extort money from Builders and Construction Companies by publishing defamatory articles against them in their magazine “New Bright Star”
On 8.4.2009, Sh. Dhananjay Srivastava, Deputy General Manager in a construction company M/s Omaxe Limited having its office at 16 LSC, Kalkaji, New Delhi reported that a few days ago, a person came to his office and handed over a copy of magazine “New Bright Star” published in March 2009 containing a defamatory Advertisement and asked him to contact Mr. Jagjit Sharma publisher and Editor of said magazine. He threatened that if they failed to contact then they would publish an article to sully the image of the company. On contacting, Mr. Jagjit Sharma demanded Rs.10 Lacs and threatened that if the money is not given to him by Tuesday i.e. 7.4.2009 then he will publish some more articles which would destroy the image of the company in his magazine. They again contacted the complainant on 8.4.2009 and demanded money. The complainant approached the police and requested for legal action on his complaint.
An investigating and raiding team was constituted, headed by Inspr. Joginder Kumar, SHO/Kalkaji comprising of Inspr. Anil Kumar, Inspr. Investigation, SI A.K. Singh, SI Naresh Kumar, Ct. Shiv Kumar, Ct. Devender Kumar, Ct. Surender Kumar under the close supervision Sh Rakesh Paweriya, ACP, Sub-Division Kalkaji. A trap was laid and accused persons were arrested red handed while they were demanding and accepting Rs.1.5 lacs as the first installment from the complainant.
During sustained questioning, he disclosed that after completion of his matriculation, he started working in print media as reporter. Then about 3 year ago, he started publishing his own monthly magazine in the name of “New Bright Star”. He learnt that the Builders/Construction Companies are taking huge amounts from the public for allotment of flats/plot in their undeveloped projects. He started publishing articles against these companies. Some Builders contacted him and requested not to tarnish their names and he started extorting money from them for not publishing articles against their companies. He earlier also extorted a huge amount from various well known Builders/Construction Companies.
During questioning, he disclosed that after completion of his matriculation, he got in touch with Jagjit Sharma and started working with him as a reporter/manager. With Jagjit Sharma, they started publishing said monthly magazine in the name of “New Bright Star” They started publishing articles against some builders ss in the magazine. Some Builders contacted them and requested not to sully their image. They started extorting money from them for not publishing articles against their companies. They earlier also extorted a huge amount from various well known Builders/Construction Companies.
The accused persons were arrested red handed while they demanded and accepted Rs.1.5 lacs from the complainant as first installment of extorted money.
Further investigation is on.
PRESS RELEASEDated : 09.04.2009
With the arrest of (1) Chaman (BC of bundle A of PS New Usmanpur) s/o Dwarka Prasad, aged 31 years r/o X-19B, Gali no.9, Bharampuri, Delhi (2) Suraj @ Ashish s/o Ramchandra r/o 1/50, Garima Garden, Bhopura, UP (3) Pawan s/o Madanlal r/o Shiv Maidan Gali, Chhajupur, Delhi. (4) Md. Imran @ Tony s/o Taj Mohammad r/o C-67, Gali no.8, Bharampuri, Delhi (5) Vinod s/o Badan Singh r/o Vir Abdul Hamid Colony, Sector 12, Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP (6 ) Safeer Abbas s/o Chand Faizi r/o N-86, Gali no.16, Bharampuri, Delhi (7) Kasim @ Raju @ Baichain s/o Dilawar Hussain r/o Q-25, Gali no.18, Bharampuri, Delhi (8) Kesar s/o Gulam Qamar Ali r/o R 47, Gali No. 19, Bharampuri, Delhi (9) Chhote Lal s/o Harkaran r/o JJ Colony, Bhalasva, Delhi North East Distt. police has solved a blind case of bus robbery of PS Seelampur registered vide FIR No.117/09 dated 25.3.09 u/s- 392/397/34 IPC and liquor shop dacoity with murder case of PS Krishana Nagar, East Distt. registered vide FIR No.54/09 dated 11.2.09 u/s- 396 IPC & 25/27 Arms Act. Other robbery cases and hurt cases have also been worked out.
A special team was constituted consisting of Sh. Data Ram ACP/Seelampur, Inspector Jai Kishan Gautam (Inasp. Special Staff/NE), Inspector Ved Singh Malik (SHO/Seelampur), Insp.N K Lamba (Insp. Investigation/NE), SI Rakesh Yadav, SI Arun Kumar, SI Shailendra Kumar, SI Pramod Anand, SI Ajay Singh Negi ASI Devicharan, ASI Satyapal Singh, ASI Satbir Singh and others.
A sensational robbery in the running bus occurred on 25.3.09 in the area of PS Seelampur. The bus route no.216 plying between Birla Mandir and Seemapuri was near the foot of flyover of Seelampur when three robbers got into the bus. All of them took out their country made pistol and closed the door of the bus. One of them went to the driver slapped him and warned him at gun point to drive slowly or to face bullet. The other two robbers started looting passengers one by one at gun point. They even looted the conductor of the bus and all of them fled away when the bus came down from Seelampur flyover. They decamped with cash rupees about 7500/- and four mobiles from 8 passengers. In this regard case FIR No. 117/09 dt. 25.3.09, u/s- 392/397/34 IPC was registered at PS Seelampur. This case was given wide coverage by print media as well as visual media. During investigation, it was revealed that a jail release and BC of PS N U Pur namely Chaman along with his two associates is involved in this incident. On 8-4-09 secret information was received that Chaman and his associates are present at house of Chaman. Accordingly a raid was conducted and Chaman, Pawan and Suraj were apprehended and 3 Country made Pistols were recovered from them.
During sustained interrogation Chaman, Pawan and Suraj broke down and confessed their involvement in bus robbery case. At the instance of Chaman one robbed mobile phone and one SIM card were recovered. Their three associates namely Imran @ Tony, Safeer Ahmad and Kasim @ Bechain were apprehended from factory of Tony in Gali No. 8, Bhram Puri, Delhi and 3 Country made Pistols were recovered from them. Their 3 more associates namely Chote Lal, Vinod Kumar and Keshar were apprehended from near Gurdwara, Seelam Pur, Delhi and 3 Country made Pistols were recovered from them. During sustained interrogation all of them confessed their involvements in several other criminal activities.
There had been spat of house robberies, bus robberies, dacoity cum murder at liquor shop and robbery in running bus during the month of February and March. On 11.2.09 robbers struck at wine and beer shop, East Krishna Nagar, Road No.57, Delhi. They got the shop opened forcibly and four of them went inside the shop and cornered the liquor vend staff at gun point. Three of their associates remained outside to guard their associates. They looted case Rs. 1, 50,000/- and fired at Sh. Ajay who had come for cash collection. Later on, Sh. Ajay succumbed to his injuries. In this connection FIR No. 54/09 dated 11.2.09 u/s- 396 IPC & 25/27 Arms Act has been registered at PS Krishna Nagar.
Chaman, Safir Ahmad, Imran @ Tony, Kasim @ Raju @ Bachain, Chhote Lal, Keshar, Salamat and Bhure were involved in this desperate criminal act of dacoity with murder. Chaman, Safir Ahmad, Imarn @ Tony, Kasim @ Raju @ Bachain, Keshar are resident of Brahampuri , Seelampur, Delhi. Salamat and Chhote Lal are residents of Balswa , Jahangirpuri, Delhi and Bhure is resident of kachi colony Kajuri Khas, Delhi.
On 23.2.09 at about 2 PM four robbers forcibly entered in the garment stitching factory of Sh. Manoj Jain in Gautampuri, Gali no.3, in the area of PS New Usmanpur. They all were armed with country made pistols and looted Sh. ManojJain and his two friends of Rs. 7400/- and mobile phone. While fleeing they fired to scare public and the bullet hit one Ms. Sarita Singh on her arm who was on the roof of her house. In this connection FIR No. 62/09 dated 23.2.09 u/s- 394/34 IPC was registered at PS New Usmanpur. Kasim @ Raju @ Bachain, Safir Ahmad, Keshar and Chaman were involved in this case of house robbery.
Further investigation is in progress and efforts are being made to ascertain whether the gang has been involved in other cases.
1 / Country Made Pistols / 9 (6 of .315 bore, 2 of 12 bore and 1 of .32 bore)2 / Live Cartridges / 48 (19 of 315 bore, 27 of .22 bore, 1 of 12 bore and 1 of .32 bore)
3 / Mobile Phones / 11 (including one robbed in bus robbery case)
4 / Robbed/looted Cash / Rs. 96,500/-
5 / Vehicles / One Santro car and 3 Motor Cycles used in the commission of various crimes.
Besides, 4 more Country Made Pistols and 7 live Cartridges were recovered in other raids conducted since the date of incident of bus robbery. In total 13 Country Made Pistols were recovered in the district in connection with various raids conducted for working out this robbery incident.
1. Chaman :- He is a desperate history sheeter of PS New Usmanpur, involved in 17 cases of robbery, dacoity, attempt to murder, arms act etc. of PS Seelampur, New Usmanpur. He was released from jail in the month of September 2008. Chaman is ring leader of this desperate gang of robbers/ dacoits. He is middle pass.
2. Suraj @ Ashish: - He is also a desperate criminal who had been involved in cases of PS Bhajanpura, Jama Masjid and Geeta Colony. He is 6th class pass.
3. Vinod: - He has recently joined this gang to earn easy money and lured by life style of gang members.
4. Pawan: - He is also a desperate criminal who had been involved in many cases of PS Welcome and Shahdara.
5. Shafeer Abbas: - He is also an active gang member who had been involved in many cases committed by this gang in area of PS Seelampur, Krishna Nagar.
6. Imran @ Tony: - He is also an active member who uses his santro car in commission of crime of this gang.
7. Kasim @ Raju @ Baichain: - He is 9th class pass and he frequently fires at the time of commission of crime.
8. Kesar: - He is also actively involved in rackey the targets.
9. Chhotelal: - He is a resident of JJ Colony, Bhalaswa Delhi and also collects information of soft targets for the gang.
PRESS RELEASEDated : 09.04.2009
With the arrest of (1) Chaman (BC of bundle A of PS New Usmanpur) s/o Dwarka Prasad, aged 31 years r/o X-19B, Gali no.9, Bharampuri, Delhi (2) Suraj @ Ashish s/o Ramchandra r/o 1/50, Garima Garden, Bhopura, UP (3) Pawan s/o Madanlal r/o Shiv Maidan Gali, Chhajupur, Delhi. (4) Md. Imran @ Tony s/o Taj Mohammad r/o C-67, Gali no.8, Bharampuri, Delhi (5) Vinod s/o Badan Singh r/o Vir Abdul Hamid Colony, Sector 12, Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP (6 ) Safeer Abbas s/o Chand Faizi r/o N-86, Gali no.16, Bharampuri, Delhi (7) Kasim @ Raju @ Baichain s/o Dilawar Hussain r/o Q-25, Gali no.18, Bharampuri, Delhi (8) Kesar s/o Gulam Qamar Ali r/o R 47, Gali No. 19, Bharampuri, Delhi (9) Chhote Lal s/o Harkaran r/o JJ Colony, Bhalasva, Delhi North East Distt. police has solved a blind case of bus robbery of PS Seelampur registered vide FIR No.117/09 dated 25.3.09 u/s- 392/397/34 IPC and liquor shop dacoity with murder case of PS Krishana Nagar, East Distt. registered vide FIR No.54/09 dated 11.2.09 u/s- 396 IPC & 25/27 Arms Act. Other robbery cases and hurt cases have also been worked out.
A special team was constituted consisting of Sh. Data Ram ACP/Seelampur, Inspector Jai Kishan Gautam (Inasp. Special Staff/NE), Inspector Ved Singh Malik (SHO/Seelampur), Insp.N K Lamba (Insp. Investigation/NE), SI Rakesh Yadav, SI Arun Kumar, SI Shailendra Kumar, SI Pramod Anand, SI Ajay Singh Negi ASI Devicharan, ASI Satyapal Singh, ASI Satbir Singh and others.
A sensational robbery in the running bus occurred on 25.3.09 in the area of PS Seelampur. The bus route no.216 plying between Birla Mandir and Seemapuri was near the foot of flyover of Seelampur when three robbers got into the bus. All of them took out their country made pistol and closed the door of the bus. One of them went to the driver slapped him and warned him at gun point to drive slowly or to face bullet. The other two robbers started looting passengers one by one at gun point. They even looted the conductor of the bus and all of them fled away when the bus came down from Seelampur flyover. They decamped with cash rupees about 7500/- and four mobiles from 8 passengers. In this regard case FIR No. 117/09 dt. 25.3.09, u/s- 392/397/34 IPC was registered at PS Seelampur. This case was given wide coverage by print media as well as visual media. During investigation, it was revealed that a jail release and BC of PS N U Pur namely Chaman along with his two associates is involved in this incident. On 8-4-09 secret information was received that Chaman and his associates are present at house of Chaman. Accordingly a raid was conducted and Chaman, Pawan and Suraj were apprehended and 3 Country made Pistols were recovered from them.
During sustained interrogation Chaman, Pawan and Suraj broke down and confessed their involvement in bus robbery case. At the instance of Chaman one robbed mobile phone and one SIM card were recovered. Their three associates namely Imran @ Tony, Safeer Ahmad and Kasim @ Bechain were apprehended from factory of Tony in Gali No. 8, Bhram Puri, Delhi and 3 Country made Pistols were recovered from them. Their 3 more associates namely Chote Lal, Vinod Kumar and Keshar were apprehended from near Gurdwara, Seelam Pur, Delhi and 3 Country made Pistols were recovered from them. During sustained interrogation all of them confessed their involvements in several other criminal activities.
There had been spat of house robberies, bus robberies, dacoity cum murder at liquor shop and robbery in running bus during the month of February and March. On 11.2.09 robbers struck at wine and beer shop, East Krishna Nagar, Road No.57, Delhi. They got the shop opened forcibly and four of them went inside the shop and cornered the liquor vend staff at gun point. Three of their associates remained outside to guard their associates. They looted case Rs. 1, 50,000/- and fired at Sh. Ajay who had come for cash collection. Later on, Sh. Ajay succumbed to his injuries. In this connection FIR No. 54/09 dated 11.2.09 u/s- 396 IPC & 25/27 Arms Act has been registered at PS Krishna Nagar.
Chaman, Safir Ahmad, Imran @ Tony, Kasim @ Raju @ Bachain, Chhote Lal, Keshar, Salamat and Bhure were involved in this desperate criminal act of dacoity with murder. Chaman, Safir Ahmad, Imarn @ Tony, Kasim @ Raju @ Bachain, Keshar are resident of Brahampuri , Seelampur, Delhi. Salamat and Chhote Lal are residents of Balswa , Jahangirpuri, Delhi and Bhure is resident of kachi colony Kajuri Khas, Delhi.
On 23.2.09 at about 2 PM four robbers forcibly entered in the garment stitching factory of Sh. Manoj Jain in Gautampuri, Gali no.3, in the area of PS New Usmanpur. They all were armed with country made pistols and looted Sh. ManojJain and his two friends of Rs. 7400/- and mobile phone. While fleeing they fired to scare public and the bullet hit one Ms. Sarita Singh on her arm who was on the roof of her house. In this connection FIR No. 62/09 dated 23.2.09 u/s- 394/34 IPC was registered at PS New Usmanpur. Kasim @ Raju @ Bachain, Safir Ahmad, Keshar and Chaman were involved in this case of house robbery.
Further investigation is in progress and efforts are being made to ascertain whether the gang has been involved in other cases.
1 / Country Made Pistols / 9 (6 of .315 bore, 2 of 12 bore and 1 of .32 bore)2 / Live Cartridges / 48 (19 of 315 bore, 27 of .22 bore, 1 of 12 bore and 1 of .32 bore)
3 / Mobile Phones / 11 (including one robbed in bus robbery case)
4 / Robbed/looted Cash / Rs. 96,500/-
5 / Vehicles / One Santro car and 3 Motor Cycles used in the commission of various crimes.
Besides, 4 more Country Made Pistols and 7 live Cartridges were recovered in other raids conducted since the date of incident of bus robbery. In total 13 Country Made Pistols were recovered in the district in connection with various raids conducted for working out this robbery incident.