GarrowhillPrimary School
Fundraising Committee Meeting
Date Tuesday 27th October 7-8pm
In attendance:-
Margaret Keoghan
Julie Kennedy
Karen McChesney
Lynee Kernweiss
Samantha and Paul Deveney
Lorna Thomson
Anne Carrick
Victoria Harris
Lesley Shannon
Yvonne Walker
Janis Smith
Wendy Harris
Rosemary Ashley
Marilyn Jackson
Alison Carter
1Apologies – Cheryl Rennie, Theresa Wallace
Margaret discussed the Agenda/new structure and asked for a Secretary to be appointed. No-one came forward – Julie to take minutes this time.
2Minutes of Meeting of 8/9/09 and 7/10/09
3Actions from Meeting 8/9/09
Christmas Fayre
3.1a) Anne Carrick to provide map/planner/flyers for event – AGREED
3.1b) Janis Smith organising Fair Trade stall – AGREED
3.1c) Richard organising Santa and elves – AGREED
Julie will buy books for Santa’s gifts and Marilyn agreed to wrap the books.
3.1d) Theresa to organise sweets for tuck shop – AGREED
3.1e) Richard Buchan to consult with teaching staff with regards to Guess the Santa. NOT BEEN DONE YET – Action – MK to email RB
3.1f) Lesley Shannon to obtain more information with regards to People Portraits. It was agreed to strike this off for Christmas Fayre.
Actions from Meeting 7/10/09
3.2a) Committee agreed that the donation for people having stalls at the Fayre would be £20 plus a raffle prize. AGREED
Anne Harley would like a stand – COMMITTEE AGREED – Action - MK to email Anne Harley to confirm this.
3.2b) Paul Devaney would be selling Glasgow Voucher Book.
Committee decided not to sell it at Fayre but will put it in newsletter and gauge feedback. We would get £6 per book if we sold 100+ for more information go to
3.2c) Richard Buchan confirmed that Victoria McLean would be attending to provide alternative therapy at the Fayre. Lesley has her phone number and will pass to Margaret. It was also advised that this stallholder donates everything she makes to the school.
3.2d) Paul Devaney to publish GFC Newsletter after October week? Paul printing enough for 327 families. Committee will have a presence on the nights of Parent’s Evening. Samantha and Victoria agreed to go along on 10th and Margaret on the 4th.
Matters Arising
4Items for Discussion
Christmas Fayre
4.1a) Confirming: Stalls, locations, stock costs, budget
Tableplan – Lynne to send this to Anne and Margaret.
Margaret circulated spreadsheet which will allow everyone to show an approximation of spend on stock. Paul’s new system will allow us to count costs to show more accurately how much each stall takes. Some people have been allocated to certain stalls already. All to email Margaret with stall preference/budgets and any comments before 10/11 meeting.
A flyer will be produced 2 weeks before asking parents to hand donations in 2 weeks before (larger items the day before) Anne Carrick will do posters to advertise the Fayre and flyers for school folders. It was agreed that the Toy Stall should be in the games hall.
4.1b) Free Raffle. A free raffle will be held alongside the main raffle (different colour of raffle to be used) to allow us to gauge visitor numbers.
4.1c) Presents from Santa – already discussion – Marilyn and Julie handling
4.1d) Setting up/confirming times – a new time of 10-12 was proposed for the Fayre but the committee agreed it was preferable to have it at usual time and therefore a let form will completed for 9am – 2pm.
The school will be opened until 6pm the day before to set up the Fayre. All helpers welcome!
It was agreed that The G Factor will not go ahead for the Christmas Fayre – may be considered as a separate fundraising event.
4.1e) Yellow Moon Catalogue – Rosemary has catalogue and may propose purchases for the Craft Room. Lesley Shannon also proposed a trip to Country Baskets to buy items for sale. She’ll go ahead and do this on Sunday.
4.1f) First Aid – Lesley Shannon to provide details to Margaret to allow us to book St Andrews. £50 cost.
4.1g) Fire Engine/Police presence. It was agreed that this is not suitable; however, other proposals were Road Safety/Land Services, Dog’s Trust, and Zest/Young Scot.
4.1h) Proposed new times for fundraising meetings. A new time of 6.30pm – 7.30pm was proposed but it was agreed that the time should not change.
4.1i) Reporting accounts
Paul has a new system called Fundmaster which he will start using and he will update us on accounts at every meeting.
Paul will supply each stall with money bags and each stallholder will be responsible for their own money and the counting of their money. Action -Paul/Mrs Smithto speak to the Bank about a money counting machine.
Items for Noting
Margaret Keoghan Chair: 771 3588
Julie Kennedy Vice Chair 771 2162
Secretary to be agreed. If you are interested, please contact Margaret or Julie.
- Fire Brigade need to be booked straight after New Year. Lesley to provide contact details.
- Summer Fayre – 12/6/09
- Richard asked for £840 for a ceiling mounted projector – AGREED
- Treasure hunt Room 9 – Smartboard presentation – Action – MK to speak to Richard re this
- Mid Term Disco – February – need to book lets
- Rosemary knows a parent in P2 who will make a comical cake for the Fayre Action – Rosemary to email MK
Apologies for next meeting – Marilyn Jackson