
Councillor Mr Andrew Round Parish Council Chairman (AR)

Councillor Mr Andrew Slater Parish Council Vice-Chairman (AS)

Councillor Mr Jamie Dover (JD)

Councillor Mr Adrian French (AF)

Councillor Mr Lee Harper-Smith (LHS)

Councillor Mr Ray Rose (RR)

Councillor Mr Terry Smissen (TS)

Councillor Mr John Beavan (JB)

Councillor Mr Paul Burridge (PB)

Parish Council Clerk/RFO

Mrs. Marion Scott

Also Present

Ward Councillor Mr Bob Matthews (Arrived 7.50pm. Left 8.20pm))

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm

1.0 Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Dot Pullen due to family commitments.

Locality Steward Mr. Mike Gill not present

No presence for the local police

2.0 Declaration of Interest & Dispensations

2.1 Declaration made by JD as he is now a member of Community Hall Committee

2.2 No applications for dispensations received

3.0 Speakers - Opportunity for visiting speakers to address council

3.1 Ward Councillor Mr. Bob Matthews provided the following up-dates:

  • Hereford Housing have now drawn up plans – there shall be a scaling of the turning area.

It is anticipated that there shall be some cost to the PC.

  • Up-date on work carried out by Mike Gill, the locality steward.
  • Letter received from Post Office introducing Mobile Service commencing February 2016.

A letter of support to be sent by Parish Clerk.

  • Up-date on new Scout Hall. Councillor Bob Matthews very keen to move project forward. Councillor TS had not yet been able to contact the Scouts regarding the Working Group for the proposed project.
  • Councillor Bob Matthews noted that following the incident at Credenhill over the New Year, more police presence would be appreciated.

4.0 Public Question Time – Opportunity for members of the public to raise issues or ask the Parish Council

questions. None raised.

5.0 Minutes

Following a proposal by AF and seconded by AS it was resolved that The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on the 16December 2015 having been previously distributed were unanimously confirmed as true records and signed by the Parish Council’s Chairman.

6.0 HALC

A meeting has not yet been arranged with HALC. Correspondence to be sent to HALC by Parish Clerk regarding detailed items on timesheet provided by HALC and to state that any response would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

7.0 Financial Report

Financial Information: January 2016

Account balance 14th December 2015

Current account: 5,348.72

Reserve account: 11,405.79

Total bank balance: £16,754.51

Payments made during December.

Cheques (authorised at last meeting)

C Powell (Oct-Nov. 6 hrs cleaning, 22.25 hrs litter)243.13

Pip printing (Dec-Jan)612.59

Direct Debits

Bins (community - quarterly)108.42

Orange phone(monthly) 24.80

British gas (changing rooms) 10.00

British Gas (car park lights) 27.37

Total payments£1,026.31

Payments received:

Football 120.00

CCN Adverts 86.00

Total received£206.00

Cheques to authorise:

C Powell (December 3.75 hrs cleaning,18.5 hrs litter)191.00

M Scott- Clerk (Nov-Dec.32.25 hours @ £9.00 net)232.20

M Scott (expenses, paper, cartridge, broadband,


HMRC 58.05

D. Tyler(hedge-cutting) 881.00

St. Mary’s Church (refer 8.4)250.00



Electric refund 868.45

Social Club (car park electric)127.82

S. Glover (repaid 21.01.2016) 430.20


Halc 608.40

Closing balance £14,217.35 (Opening balance 14/12/15 £16,754.51 - £2,537.16)

8.2 Payments to be agreed. Following a Proposal by TSand Seconded by LHS it was resolved that the above payments are paid from the parish funds.

8.3 Payments received. See above.

8.4 Requests for financial aid: St Mary’s Church - Following correspondence received in 2015 it was resolved that a cheque for £250.00 be sent to the St. Mary’s Church Committee.

9.0 Items from Meeting 20 December

9.1 Scout Hut – Refer to item 3.1.

9.2 Safety concern of Roman Park Gate– A meeting to be arranged with Mike Gill and AR and RR, to be

arranged by Parish Clerk

9.3 Social Club – A letter to be sent to P. Beavan to request an up-date on the funding of the roof repairs.

9.4 Shared Access – Funding for Roman Park –No further developments with Shared Access.

10.0 To Receive Reports

i Community Hall Jamie Dover gave an up-date on the Community Hall, stating that Financial and Committee procedures to be up-dated before applications can be made for funding.

ii FootpathsOngoing discussions with Forestry Commission.

iiiPlanning Report from TS re planning application 20 Ecroyd Close No. 153805. No objections raised.

iv Shops/BusinessOngoingissue with Pot-holes in the Car Park. AR to contact Hereford Council regarding the refuse at the back of the shops.

v Flood Alleviation SchemeAwaiting feed-back from a proposed meeting of relevant parties.

vi Imagination StationA meeting to be arranged to discuss Standing Order payment and various maintenance issues.

viiSchoolsNo issues to report.

viii Roman Park Football C. Powell to be informed of date of football matches so that cleaning of
changing rooms is after the match.

ix Roman Park – General Request that annual inspection be made of play equipment at Roman Park.

Parish Clerk to confirm inspection May/June 2016.

x Web-site Now up-dated. CCN details up-dated.
11.0 Business arising from correspondence received since last meeting

11.1Correspondence received re litter bin in Credenhill. Proposed to correspond with Balfour Beatty

11.2 Proposed Mobile Post Office Service (Refer to Item 3)

11.3 Parish Council have requested that Parish Clerk send any relevant information received when sending out the Agenda as well as sending out a weekly update on a Wednesday of any correspondence received in the proceeding week.

12.0 Confirmation of the date time and venue for the next meeting

The next meeting was confirmed as 7.30pm on 17th February 2016 to be held in the Youth and Resource Centre.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm

Councillor Mr Andrew Round Parish Council Chairman

Signed…………………………………………………….Dated 17 February 2016


Marion Scott – Parish Clerk to Credenhill Parish Council E-mail: