FINANCIAL AID FORM <Place school letterhead over the paragraph below.>

DIRECTIONS: Students requesting financial aid must present Duke TIP with written verification that they qualify for free or reduced lunch at

your school. They must submit this form on school letterhead or provide a copy of their free or reduced lunch approval paperwork. Educators submitting applications in bulk for their school may list all eligible students on one financial aid form or attach a list. Submit by upload, email, fax, or mail (see step 4 below).


Re: Financial Aid Form for the 2018–2019 Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search

To Whom It May Concern:

This financial aid form certifies that the student listed below is eligible to receive financial aid from the Duke University Talent Identification Program for participation in the 7th Grade Talent Search. This form does not certify that the student listed below takes part in the free or reduced lunch program, only that he/she is eligible under program guidelines.

A reduced fee of $30 is still required for enrollment, and enrollment is not complete until payment is made.

Student Name:


Print Name of Counselor, Teacher, orSchoolOfficialName ofSchool

Signature of Counselor, Teacher, orSchoolOfficialCity andState


If enrolling online, carefully follow this step-by-step process:

Step 1: Create a new account or log into your existing account at and select and fill out the 7th Grade Talent Search enrollment.

Step2:Checktheboxonthefinancialaidpagethatindicatesthestudentiseligibleforfreeorreducedlunch. Step3:Finishthetalentsearchenrollmentbysubmittingapaymentof$30byDiscover,MasterCard,orVisa. Step4:Submitthisfinancialaidformbyoneofthefollowingfourmethods.


•Email: scan this financial aid form and send by email as an attachment

•Fax: (919)668-9139


If enrolling by paper application, include this financial aid form (or free or reduced lunch approval paperwork) with the application and reduced fee of $30. Make check or money order for $30 payable to Duke University.