By DebalaAdhikari

Travel details

09.02.2015, Monday

On that day first we took a taxi from Narendrapur to Sonarpur at 4.30 a.m. Then we got 5.30 a.m canning local. When we arrived canning we reserved an Auto for ShibgunjChampaMahila Society guest house. We arrived there at 7.30 a.m. After that we visited the NFE Centers with the help of local ChampaMahila Society volunteers by bikes. After visitimg the NFE Centers we went to SaradaBalikaBidyamandir(SSB) and Girls Home at Shibgunj. Then we went to Jharkhali to visit another NFE Center.

After that we came to Shibgunj and visited to Boy’s Home and Special Children and then we went to Champabati SevaSadan(Health).

10.02.2015, Tuesday

On that day we went to Amlamethi KheyaGhat by bikes with the members of ChampaMahila

Society.Then we went by boat to the island Amlamethi. After that we reserved a motor van to visit two NFE Centers and then we visited the SurendraSmritiBidyaniketan(SSB).

11.02.2015, Wednesday

On that day we went to visit NFE Centers by bikes with the members of ChampaMahilaSoceity. We visited 5 nos. of NFE Centers and then we revisit the Special Children.

No. / NFE Centers Name / Teachers Name / Total
Student / Present Student / Remarks
1 / Ahalla Non Formal Education / SakuntalaNaskar / 25 / 25 / Registers are well maintained, teacher and students are active.
2 / Kachipata Non Formal Education / Rina Patra / 25 / 31 / Registers are well maintained, teacher and students are active.
3 / Binapani Non Formal Education / SumitaMaity / 25 / 25 / Registers are well maintained, teacher and students are active.
4 / Gadhkhali Non Formal Education / SrabaniNaskar / 25 / 25 / Registers are well maintained, teacher and students are active.
5 / Sabujayan Non Formal Education / Jamuna Mondal,
Sabitri Mondal / 56 / Arrived afternoon could not see students but met with teachers. The members of ChampaMahilaSamiti and local villagers requested to build a Junior High school.
6 / SundarbanAdarsha Non Formal Education / Shandha Jana / 31 / 26 / Registers are well maintained, teacher and students are active.
7 / NagendraSmriti Non Formal Education / Subhadra Payra / 26 / 21 / Registers are well maintained, teacher and students are active.
8 / KalidangaGitanjali Non Formal Education / Rita Paul,
Sarifa Mondal,
MamtazMollah / 80 / 58 / Three NFE Centers in one Building,Open Shed ,requested to build the shed ,children are really needy.
9 / Rabithakur Non Formal Education / Sefali Das / 29 / 27 / Shefali Das built this NFE Center house by her own hand.
10 / Srijani Non Formal Education / ManjuSingha / 25 / 30 / Registers are well maintained, teacher and students are active.

Remarks – Visited 5 NFEs of their choice and 5 of own choice. The charts and registers seemed new. Teachers receive Rs. 3 per for per kid tiffin which is same as budget but one day food is provided by the local people. Teachers are very good and dedicated. There were some primary kids in centers, seemed the age range is varied not just the pre-primary kids. When shared with Project head, they said they would improve the checking system and create better screening. Some kids come to the NFE in the morning and go to the primary school in the day.

Date / Address / Name of
Teacher in Charge / No. of Teachers / Total
Student / School Timing / Documents Maintained / Remarks
10-Feb-15 / Mathurakhanda,
Block+P.S-Gosaba / Swapan Mondal / 10 / 341 / 10.30 A.M-4.30 A.M / * Students Enrolment Form(last year) *Students and Teachers Attendance Register *Students Academic progress Register by class *Students Enrolment Register *Expenditure with receipts / Teachers and Students are very much active.
School staffs are good and active. School Premises is so neat and clean. Food is good. New buildings doors and windows are donated by local guardians and 16 nos. of benches donated by the Panchayat Pradhan. In the old building there is one hall room on 1st floor where 3classes are being continuing. Teachers are requesting to make partitions there. In the new building there is no concrete floor.Small children are facing so many problems particularly in winter and monsoon seasons. Teachers are requesting to build the floor immediately. Teachers are so much conscious about teaching they wanted to train themselves by teachers training program (Science). Teachers are giving the best quality of teaching. According to their performance Teachers and staffs are requesting to increase their salary because their really needy.
Date / Address / Name of Teacher-in-charge / No. of Teachers / Total
Student / School Timing / Remarks
9-Feb-15 / Shibgung, Block+P.S-Basanti / AllauddinMollah / 10 / 210 / 10.30 am-4.30 pm / Teachers and Students are very much active. School staff is good.In the school building there is no partition in all classes except class viii.Teachers are requesting to build the partitions. It’s hard for both teachers and students to pay attention. Teachers are giving really good quality of teaching.According to their performance Teachers are requesting to increase their salary because they are really needy.
210 / None / 3 / Water problem is major problem there.There is only two tube-wells which is not sufficient for the whole school students and girls home children. Home children are requesting to make water supply system for them. They are facing too much hygiene problems for the lack of water.Home building is dirty because there is no supervisor and no person who can take care of that. Girls are falling sick. In the home building there is only one toilet for the 210 children.Home children are requesting to make 2 more toilets for them.Amalda is requesting for donation for the home children because the children is really needy.
Asha no more supports home but should care to know for the well-being of the students.
Date / Student / Remarks
& 11-February-2015 / 11 / On 9th February,2015 & 11th February, 2015 We visited Special students' home and found only eleven students instead of nineteen students as for list. They have requested one computer for them.
Date / DOCTOR / Nurse / AYA / SUPERINTENDENT / Patient
& 10-February-2015 / Nil / 1 / Nil / 1 / 1

Remarks :We did not find any doctor. We found one operation female patient, one nurse and one superintendent. After talking with the nurse, I realized that she does not have any formal nursing training; she looks after the ChampabatiSevaSadan at night.