St Mary and All Saints CE Primary School

Sex and Relationship Education Policy

Policy Date: February 2016 Policy Review: February 2017

Member of Staff Responsible: Clare Miller
Governor: Kathryn Richardson


At St Mary and All Saints we value the importance of sex and relationship education (SRE) to help and support young people through their physical, emotional and moral development. This programme is linked closely to the Policy for Personal, Social and Health Education, Sex and Relationship Education Guidance and the National Healthy School Standard Guidance.

We recognise the partnership of home and school, of parent and teacher, in this important area of personal development.

The Philosophy of the School

It is the philosophy of St. Mary and All Saints School that all children experience a planned programme of SRE that offers the opportunity to explore attitudes and values, within a Christian environment, and develop personal and social skills, as well as learning the facts necessary for life. This policy, embedded within PSHE, will help young people learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.

Aims and Objectives of the Policy

-  To reassure children of their value and self-worth, including aspects of dignity, self-respect and self-restraint.

-  To nurture a responsible attitude towards personal relationships, such as aspects of mutual respect and care, and to develop sensitivity towards the needs of others encompassing fidelity and loyalty.

-  To foster the ability to manage relationships in a responsible and healthy manner.

-  To promote the value of loving relationships and of family life.

-  To recognise that marriage is an important, but not exclusive, context for family life.

-  To provide knowledge of human reproductive processes.

-  To inform children on matters of personal hygiene and related health issues.

-  To encourage exploration of values and moral issues, taking into account the physical and moral risks associated with certain behaviour.

-  To educate against discrimination and prejudice.

-  To empower children to make informed choices about their developing sexuality.

This policy supports the following school policies:

-  Overarching Statement on Equality, Diversity & Community Cohesion

-  School Discipline

-  Health and Safety

-  Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship

-  Child Protection

-  Science

-  Literacy

Areas of Responsibility


-  To ensure the legal framework is followed.

-  To consult parents on the determination of the school’s SRE policy.

-  To implement the SRE policy through the Head Teacher.

-  To implement the annual reviews.

-  To make copies of this statement available for inspection by parents of pupils registered at the school and provide a copy free of charge to any parent who requests one.

-  To include a summary of the content and organisation of sex education in the School Prospectus.

Head Teacher

-  To implement the SRE policy.

-  To ensure the policy is followed.

-  To liaise with Governors on the teaching in the school.

-  To liaise with parents.

-  To ensure the policy is reviewed annually.

-  To disseminate information to staff.

-  To respond to individual problems experienced by children, enlisting external agency support if appropriate.

Class Teacher

-  To prepare short and long term plans to include SRE in the Curriculum.

-  To respond to the individual needs of children, giving relevant support should a child be experiencing difficulties.

School Nurse / Health Service Specialists

-  To give support throughout the school when appropriate.

-  To take and/or support separate lessons for Years 5 & 6 (at discretion of Head Teacher).

Who will teach SRE?

SRE can be enhanced by a supportive school ethos, where all are valued and encouraged, positive relationships are seen as important and there is a safe and secure school environment which is conducive to learning. All teaching staff (class teachers) will teach SRE as part of the Science and PSHE Curriculum. Opportunities will be provided in Years 5 and 6 for separate lessons on physical changes, conception and birth. Other members of staff, including the School Nurse, might be involved in these lessons.

Approaches to Teaching and Learning

SRE is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of marriage as an important, but not exclusive context for family life; the significance of stable and loving relationships; respect, love and care. It is also about the teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity.

It has three main elements:

-  Attitudes and values

-  Personal and social skills and emotional literacy

-  Knowledge and understanding

Our school can help young people develop confidence in talking, listening and thinking about sex and relationships. A number of teaching strategies help this, including:

-  Establishing ground rules with pupils

-  Knowing how to deal with unexpected questions or comments from pupils

-  Using discussion and project learning methods and appropriate materials

-  Encouraging reflection

To facilitate pupils learning in SRE:

-  The purpose of each lesson is made clear

-  Appropriate learning experiences are planned and meet the needs of all the pupils in the class

-  Learning experiences draw on pupils’ own experiences or existing knowledge and provide a range of opportunities for pupils to learn, practise and demonstrate skills, attitudes and knowledge

-  Time is given for pupils to reflect and consolidate their learning

-  Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and to record their own progress

-  Attention is given to developing a safe and secure classroom climate

-  Staff training needs are met

Dealing with Sensitive Issues

Governors and teachers are in agreement that teachers should answer all children’s questions relating to SRE in an open and factual way, taking into consideration the family background, culture, religious beliefs and pupils’ differing experiences. Teachers should use their professional judgement and discretion when faced with, or answering, questions which they deem to be of a sensitive nature.

The following ground rules should be established:

-  Teachers should not enter into discussions about personal issues and lifestyles.

-  No one (child or adult) has to answer a personal question.

-  Nobody is forced to take part in discussion.

-  In discussion, teachers will promote the knowledge and use of appropriate names of body parts, suitable for each age group.

-  Meanings of words are explained in a sensible and factual way.

The School Curriculum

Within the Science Curriculum, the children should:

Key Stage 1:

-  Know that all creatures, including humans, move, feed, grow, use their senses and reproduce,

-  Recognise the main external parts of their bodies,

-  Know that humans and animals can produce offspring, which grow into adults, and treat others with sensitivity.

Key Stage 2:

-  Know that the life processes common to humans and other animals include nutrition, growth and reproduction,

-  Know about the main stages of the human life cycle.

Specific classroom Arrangements

When planning lessons, teachers should consider appropriate grouping in respect of pupil experience and need. Mixed-gender classes would be the norm for the younger pupils. At the discretion of the Head Teacher, girls are taught separately about menstruation to avoid possible embarrassment.

Specific Issues

Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Procedure

Teachers and other adults involved in SRE will sometimes hear disclosures that suggest a child may be at risk of abuse. It is essential that all are aware of the school's child protection policy. Where an adult believes a child may be at risk the designated teacher must be consulted before any further action is taken.

The Child Protection Procedures as laid down by the LA are followed. All referrals, whatever their origin, are taken seriously. The procedures adopted within the LA area for handling cases of neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, involving children and young persons, are based on the principle that the interests and welfare of the child or young person are of paramount importance.

Confidentiality should not prevent action being taken if a child is at ‘risk’. Teachers should listen sympathetically to anything a child tells them in confidence, however if a teacher believes that a child is at risk, the appropriate people must be contacted, in accordance with the Child Protection Procedures. A copy of this is available in school for parents.

Child Withdrawal Procedure

Sex Education at St. Mary and All Saints School is taught across the Curriculum and it is not possible to separate all sex education lessons. There will be specific lessons where Health Professionals are invited to address the children in the presence of the class teacher. Notification is always sent to parents in advance, which includes a reminder of their right to withdraw their child. If parents wish to withdraw a child they should discuss their concerns with the Head Teacher.

Complaints Procedure

If a parent or guardian has any cause for concern about the SRE they should approach the Head Teacher and staff. If the concern cannot be resolved, the Chair of Governors should be contacted.

Procedure for the Involvement of Health Professionals and Visitors

Visiting Health Professionals are involved in the implementation of the SRE Policy only after detailed consultation concerning lesson content and method of teaching. The class teacher remains in the lesson throughout.

Working with Parents

This policy is available in school for all parents to inspect and a summary of the policy are published in the School Prospectus, so that parents of potential pupils are fully aware of St. Mary’s School position in this matter. A copy is sent to those parents and guardians who request one.

Dissemination of the SRE Policy

This policy is discussed collaboratively with full-time teaching staff and the Head Teacher during a staff meeting. The PSHE Co-ordinator reads through the draft policy with staff and amendments are made during this consultation process. The final copy of the policy is available to staff on the Curriculum network under ‘policies’ and a hard copy is held in the school’s policy files, located in the staff room and school office. The policy file is available, on request, to governors, visitors, Local Authority Officers and OFSTED Inspectors.

We do not assess pupils in all areas of the PSHE and citizenship programme; however, opportunities for pupils to reflect on their progress are identified.

Procedures for Reviewing the SRE Policy

Staff and Governors review the SRE policy annually.