Cllr Brian Murphy, Chairman / Highland Council / Maggie Wilson / Ballachulish CC
Emma Tayler / Highland Council / Dave Wrigglesworth / OCUK + Retail Association
John Hutchison / Campaign co-ordinator / Cllr Bren Gormley / Highland Council
Scott Dingwall / HIE Lochaber / Alasdair Ferguson / Chamber of Commerce
Patricia Jordan / Assoc of Community Councils / Donald Stewart / Glencoe CC
Richard Rumney / Chamber of Commerce / Ann Marie Cameron / Nether Lochaber CC
Cllr Roddy McGuish / Argyll & Bute Council / Cllr Allan Henderson / Highland Council
Andy Donaldson / Inverlochy & Torlundy CC / James Weir / Inverlochy & Torlundy CC
  1. APOLOGIES – Darren Chambers, Chief Inspector John Chisholm, Robert Hawkes, Neil Clark, Cllr Michael Foxley, Drew Purdon, Stewart Maclean, Cllr Donald Cameron
  1. CONSIDER STRATEGY –The strategy document was circulated. John Hutchison talked through the paper with the following points noted:-
  • The plan is a working document and is changing day to day.
  • A Transport Conference is coming up on the 18th March, it is important to have someone there who can champion the campaign message.
  • Brian & John Hutchison met Fergus Ewing on the 22nd February to outline the campaign strategy and seek support. The meeting went well.
  • Brian meeting with Argyll & Bute campaign group on the 28th February in Oban.
  • Letters to Ministers seeking meeting(s) have been sent.
  • The working group has agreed a launch date of the 10th March 2008.
  • Agreed for the need to gain support from the Glasgow chamber of commerce as appropriate

James Weir highlighted that a representative of the group had not been present at a consultation meeting of the National Planning Framework for Scotland 2 (NPF2) held the previous week. A number of important points were raised regarding the content of this document and subsequently it was agreed that there was a need to react.


Details of the petition wording were distributed by John Hutchison for discussion. The following points were noted:-

  • The working group had agreed the wording to the petition however, it appears that there is not the ability to take up 5 full lines as indicated. (JH to check with petitions clerk)
  • A shortened version was considered & agreed with amendments to reflect ‘trans-european’wording & ‘entire’ in reference to the community.
  • On item 3. Action taken – Agreed for need to beef this up with more definitive examples ie. Police support, HITRANS, support from Councils, FTA also amend campaign/concern time to 30 years.
  • Item 4 . Additional information. JH to look into possibility of getting ‘click on’ links inserted. This would give direct access to relevant sites ie A82 which could include video footage etc.
  • Group agreed that the tone of the petition needed to be more hard hitting.
  • JH to firm up detail with petitions clerk and organise lodging of petition to coincide with launch.
  • Agreed that petition would run for a 4 week period. (Mar/Apr)
  • Principle Petitioner – Ally Ferguson agreed, may be able to include an additional person ie Cllr Duncan MacIntyre ? (JH to look into).

A draft visual was circulated based on the working group preference. It was agreed to change the word support to demand and include details of web address ( The order was to be placed immediately to ensure material was ready for the launch.

Road Side Banners (x12) – Locations for these need to be identified and landowner permissions sought.

Car stickers (x 5000) – detail for distribution needs to be finalised.

Badges (x1000) – detail for distribution needs to be finalised.

Leaflet – is in draft form being worked on by Cllr Foxley and Ken Johnson as per discussions with the working group. The main campaign group discussions reflected those of the previous working group meeting in regards to content and layout.

Website –Agreed the need for an electronic letter to be downloadable from the website for those organisations / individuals who wished to send out letters of support in addition to e-petitioning. This could also go beyond the life of the live petition. Agreed that the website information needed to be updated (now and throughout the campaign).

Statistics/ accident data etc – These are currently being worked on. Acknowledged need to feed as appropriate into publicity material, PR opportunities etc. Darren Chambers (Scottish Ambulance Service) is also gathering useful data.


A paper written by Gordon Fyfe was circulated. The following points were noted:-

  • It was agreed that Ally Ferguson would be the figurehead for the campaign.
  • After discussion it was agreed that Inverarnan was a more suitable location for the launch (Not Bridge of Orchy). JH to investigate venue.
  • Gordon Fyfe has agreed to co-ordinate the launch. Working group is to discuss detail at their next meeting (Monday 3rd March).
  • Launch detail to be circulated once finalised.
  • Young people to be involved in launch and on-going campaign.


Named Person / Action / Comment
John Hutchison / Look further at NPF2 consultation document. Arrange meeting in response.
Update Campaign strategy document as required.
To amend petition detail as agreed.
Check number of lines & ‘click on’ issue with petitions clerk / To be live Mar/Apr
Submit petition as agreed
Draft electronic ‘campaign letter’ to be downloadable on website.
JH cont; / Liaise with Stewart Maclean regarding updating of A82 website and on-going campaign updates.
Liaise with Gordon Fyfe regarding campaign launch / Press
To pursue representation at the Transport conference on 18th March
Cllr Brian Murphy / To meet with Argyll & Bute Campaign group on the 28th Feb 08.
Patricia Jordon / Extend invite to Argyll & Bute for meeting 5th April with Scottish Association of Community Councils.
Emma Tayler / To arrange for amendment of campaign artwork and place order for stickers etc.
With John Hutchison, follow up involvement of young people in the campaign
All / Feed in any additional information / links for petition
Assist in launch / campaign as required.
AlasdairFerguson / Liaise with John and Brian as required.


Working Group meeting – Monday 3rd February 2008 at 9am-11amin the South Committee Room, Lochaber House.

Campaign Group meeting – Thursday 20th March 2008 at 10am – 12 noonin the Council Chambers, Fort William