Northern Services Boards Act
Loi sur les régies des services publics du nord

R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 737


Historical version for theperiod January 19, 2012 to September 27, 2012.

Last amendment: O.Reg. 7/12.

This Regulation is made in English only.

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Armstrong / 2
Aweres / 3-4
Batchawana Bay / 4.1
Britt-Byng Inlet / 5-7., 8
Cartier / 9
Dawson / 9.1-10
East Gorham / 10.0.1-11
Foleyet / 12
Gogama / 13
Goulais River / 14
Greater Oxdrift / 14.1
Hallebourg / 15
Hawk Junction / 16-18
Hurkett / 19
Jogues / 20
Kaministiquia / 21
KeeMan / 21.1
Kenogami / 22
King-Lebel / 23
Lac-Ste-Thérèse / 24
Lappe / 25
Laurier / 26-27
Loring — Port Loring and District / 27.1-29
Maisonville / 30-32
Melgund / 33-34
Minaki / 35
Missanabie / 36-37
Moose Factory / 38
Nolalu / 39-40
Peace Tree / 41-42
Rainbow / 42.1
Redbridge / 43
Redditt / 44
Restoule / 45
Robinson / 46
Rossport / 47
Round Lake / 47.1-48
Savard / 49
Searchmont / 50-51
Shebandowan / 52-53
Thorne / 54
Tilden Lake / 55
Upsala / 55.1
Wabigoon / 56
Wharncliffe and Kynoch / 57-58

1.Revoked: O.Reg. 303/06, s.1.


2.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Armstrong” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.2(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are that portion of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay beginning at a point in the centre line of the Canadian National Railways at a distance of 1 mile northwesterly from the middle of the main channel of the Whitesand River; thence due north 6 miles; due west 12 miles; due south 12 miles; due east 12 miles; and due north 6 miles to the place of beginning. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.2(2).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.2(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the Schedule to the Act. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.2(4).


3.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Aweres” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.3(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are all land in the Township of Aweres in the Territorial District of Algoma except Lots 1 to 20, inclusive, blocks A to G, inclusive, and Peace Tree Drive, all as shown on Registered Plan M-369. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.3(2).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.3(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 2, 8 and 9 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 301/09, s.1.

4.Revoked: O.Reg. 661/05, s.1.


4.1(1)A Local Services Board is established under the name “The Local Services Board of Batchawana Bay” effective the 24th day of April, 1989. O.Reg. 325/92, s.1.

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule to this section. O.Reg. 325/92, s.1.

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. O.Reg. 325/92, s.1.

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraph 2 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 325/92, s.1.


All those parcels of tracts of land in the Territorial District of Algoma being more particularly described as follows:

FIRSTLY: Sections D, E, F, G and H, in the Township of Ryan, the Township of Herrick and that part of the Townships of Tilley and Fisher lying north of the water’s edge along the northerly shore of Lake Superior, in the said territorial district.

SECONDLY: That part of the A. McDonell Location and part of the Montreal Mining Co. Locations, in the said territorial district, being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the westerly boundary of the Township of Ryan, distant 300 metres in perpendicular distance northerly from the centre line of the King’s Highway No. 17, as travelled;

Thence in a general westerly and northerly direction along a line every point of which is distant 300 metres from the nearest point in the said centre line to its intersection with the water’s edge along the southerly shore of Mamainse Creek;

Thence in a general westerly, southerly and easterly direction along the water’s edge of said Creek and Lake Superior to the intersection with the southerly production of the westerly boundary of the Township of Ryan;

Thence northerly along the said production and the said boundary to the place of beginning.

O.Reg. 325/92, s.1.

Britt-Byng Inlet

5.(1)A Local Services Board is established under the name “The Local Services Board of Britt-Byng Inlet”. O.Reg. 489/98, s.2.

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule. O.Reg. 489/98, s.2.

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. O.Reg. 489/98, s.2.

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 660/05, s.1.

(5)The election of the first members of the Board shall be held in the Board area on or after August 1, 1998 and before September 30, 1998 and the members so elected shall hold office from October 1, 1998 to September 30, 1999 and until a new Board is elected. O.Reg. 489/98, s.2.

(6)Esther Taylor, Northern Development Officer, is appointed to conduct the election of the first members of the Board and, for that purpose, has the general supervision of the election and the power to direct the manner of the election and to implement or to carry out any thing that may be required for the effective undertaking of the election. O.Reg. 489/98, s.2.

(7)The assets and liabilities of the former Local Services Board of Britt and Area and the former Local Services Board of Byng Inlet are transferred to The Local Services Board of Britt-Byng Inlet. O.Reg. 489/98, s.2.


All those parcels or tracts of land in the geographic Townships of Henvey, Mowat and Wallbridge and lands to the west of the geographic Township of Mowat in the Territorial District of Parry Sound, in the Province of Ontario, described as follows:


Beginning at a point along the water’s edge of the northerly bank of the Key River, said point being on the southwesterly production of the southeasterly limit of Crown Location CL 4850 designated as Part 1, on Reference Plan 42R-9593, deposited in the Land Registry Office at Parry Sound and shown as having a bearing of N 36° 14' E;

Thence northeasterly along the said southwesterly production and along the southeasterly limit of Crown Location CL 4850 to the most easterly angle of said Part 1;

Thence northwesterly and westerly along the northerly limit of said Crown Location CL 4850 crossing the westerly boundary of the geographic Township of Mowat to the northwest angle of Crown Location CL 4850 being the northwest angle of Part 2, Plan 42R-9593 and a point on the easterly limit of Crown Location CT 11;

Thence northerly along the easterly limit of Crown Location CT 11 to the northeasterly angle thereof;

Thence southwesterly along the northerly limit of Crown Location CT 11 and the southwesterly production thereof, to the westerly limit of Highway No. 69;

Thence northerly and along the said westerly limit of Highway No. 69 to a point being on the westerly production of the southerly limit of GrundyLakeProvincialPark;

Thence in a general easterly direction along the said westerly production and the southerly limit of Grundy Lake Provincial Park to a point distant 0.804 kilometre measured easterly from, and perpendicular to, the centre line of Highway No. 69;

Thence southerly and parallel with that centre line, 0.804 kilometre in perpendicular distance therefrom, to the water’s edge along the northerly bank of the KeyRiver;

Thence in a general westerly direction along that water’s edge to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the geographic Township of Henvey;

Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of that geographic Township to the water’s edge along the southerly shore of StraightLake;

Thence westerly along the water’s edge to the easterly limit of Henvey Inlet Indian Reserve No. 2;

Thence in a southeasterly and southwesterly direction along the easterly and southerly limits of that Reserve to a point distant 0.804 kilometre measured westerly from, and perpendicular to, the westerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 69;

Thence southerly parallel with that King’s Highway and 0.804 kilometre in perpendicular distance therefrom, to the intersection with a line drawn parallel to and distant 1.609 kilometres perpendicularly from the northwesterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 526;

Thence southwesterly and parallel to the northwesterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 526 and at a perpendicular distance of 1.609 kilometres therefrom and continuing to the most southeasterly extremity of Doctor Oil Island;

Then south astronomic in a straight line to the centre of the North Channel;

Thence easterly along the centre of the North Channel, Byng Inlet and the Magnetawan River to the intersection with the southerly production of the easterly boundary of the geographic Township of Henvey;

Thence northerly along that southerly production to the place of beginning.


All that parcel or tract of land in the Township of Wallbridge, in the Territorial District of Parry Sound being composed of part of the Clarke, White and Co.’s Milling Location, Mill Location B and part of that Township, more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the west limit of the Magnetawan Indian Reserve No. 1 with the southerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 645;

Thence west astronomic 1,000 metres to the point of commencement;

Thence west astronomic 3,920 metres more or less, to the southerly production of the west limit of the Clarke, White and Co.’s Milling Location;

Thence northerly along that southerly production and west limit 1,360 metres more or less, to the water’s edge of Byng Inlet;

Thence easterly along that water’s edge to its intersection with a line drawn north astronomic from the point of commencement;

Thence south along that north astronomic line 1,900 metres more or less, to the point of commencement.

O.Reg. 400/06, s.1.

6.Revoked: O.Reg. 489/98, s.1.

7., 8.Revoked: O.Reg. 303/06, s.1.


9.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Cartier” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.9(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule to Ontario Regulation 326/82. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.9(2).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.9(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 2, 5, 6 and 8 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 478/06, s.1.


9.1(1)A Local Services Board is established under the name “The Local Services Board of Dawson Township”. O.Reg. 510/00, s.1.

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are all land in the Territorial District of Manitoulin composed of the geographic Township of Dawson O.Reg. 510/00, s.1.

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. O.Reg. 510/00, s.1.

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 660/05, s.2.

(5)The election of the first members of the Board shall be held no later than February 1, 2001 and the first members shall hold office until no later than September 30, 2002 and a new Board is elected. O.Reg. 510/00, s.1.

(6)The Northern Development Officer for Manitoulin/Espanola is appointed to conduct and supervise the election of the first members and he or she may do any thing that is reasonably required for that purpose. O.Reg. 510/00, s.1.

10.Revoked: O.Reg. 303/06, s.1.

East Gorham

10.0.1(1)A Local Services Board is established under the name “The Local Services Board of East Gorham”. O.Reg. 307/02, s.1.

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule. O.Reg. 307/02, s.1.

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. O.Reg. 307/02, s.1.

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraph 2 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 307/02, s.1.

(5)The election of the first members of the Board shall be held on 10 days notice, no later than November 30, 2002, and the first members shall hold office until no later than September 30, 2003 if a new Board is elected by that date or until a new Board is elected if a new Board has not been elected by that date. O.Reg. 307/02, s.1.

(6)The Manager of the Thunder Bay Area Team of the Ministry is appointed to conduct and supervise the election of the first members and he or she may do anything that is reasonably required for that purpose. O.Reg. 307/02, s.1.


The areas of land and land under water in the geographic Townships of Gorham and Jacques, in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, being composed of those parts of the geographic townships designated as Parts 1 and 2, on a plan known as The Local Services Board of East Gorham, filed on April 23, 2008, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.

O.Reg. 442/08, s.1.

10.1Revoked: O.Reg. 279/10, s.1.

11.Revoked: O.Reg. 303/06, s.1.


12.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Foleyet” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.12(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule to Regulation 602 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1980. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.12(2).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.12(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 147/93, s.1.


13.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Gogama” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.13(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule to Regulation 603 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1980. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.13(2).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.13(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 1 to 6 and 8 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 453/00, s.1.


14.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Goulais and District” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.14(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule. O.Reg. 361/97, s.1(1).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.14(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 2, 6 and 8 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 438/10, s.1.


The portion of the Geographic Township of Dennis lying north of Goulais Bay and all of the geographic townships of Fenwick, Havilland, Kars, Ley, Pennefather, Tupper and Vankoughnet in the Territorial District of Algoma except for Batchawana Island, Maple Island and the Goulais Bay Indian Reserve No. 15A.

O.Reg. 1/00, s.1.

Greater Oxdrift

14.1(1)A Local Services Board is established under the name “The Greater Oxdrift Local Services Board”. O.Reg. 186/09, s.1.

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule. O.Reg. 186/09, s.1.

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. O.Reg. 186/09, s.1.

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 2, 6 and 9 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 186/09, s.1.


The areas of land and land under water in the geographic Townships of Rugby, Britton, Eton, Wainwright, Zealand, Brownbridge, Aubrey and Van Horne and part of the bed of Wabigoon Lake in front of the geographic Township of Van Horne, in the Territorial District of Kenora, being composed of that part of the said lake bed and geographic townships designated as Part 1, on a plan known as Plan of the Local Services Board of Greater Oxdrift filed on November 6, 2008, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.

O.Reg. 186/09, s.1.


15.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Hallebourg” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.15(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule to Ontario Regulation 688/85. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.15(2).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.15(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 421/08, s.1.

Hawk Junction

16.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Hawk Junction” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.16(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule to Ontario Regulation 85/81. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.16(2).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.16(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 660/05, s.4.

17.Revoked: O.Reg. 153/96, s.5.

18.Revoked: O.Reg. 303/06, s.1.


19.(1)The Local Services Board known as “The Local Services Board of Hurkett” is continued. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.19(1).

(2)The boundaries of the Board area are those described in the Schedule. O.Reg. 664/05, s.1 (1).

(3)The Board shall be composed of five members. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 737, s.19(3).

(4)The Board may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs 2, 6 and 8 of the Schedule to the Act. O.Reg. 411/00, s.3.


All that parcel or tract of land in the Geographic Townships of Stirling and Lyon, in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, described as follows:

Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 1 in Concession 3, in the said Township of Stirling;

Thence northerly along the limit between Concessions 3 and 4, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 6 in Concession 3;

Thence easterly along the north limit of Lot 6 in Concessions 3, 2 and 1, to the limit between the east half and the west half of Lot 7 in Concession 1;

Thence northerly along the limit between the east half and the west half of Lots 7, 8, and 9 in Concession 1, to the north limit of Lot 9 in Concession 1;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of Lot 9 in Concession 1 to the northeasterly corner of Lot 9 in Concession 1, being a point on the limit between the Townships of Stirling and Lyon;

Thence northerly along the limit between the Townships of Stirling and Lyon to the northwesterly corner of Lot 2 in Concession 11, in the Township of Lyon;

Thence easterly along the north limit of Lot 2 in Concessions 11 and 10, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 2 in Concession 10;

Thence southerly along the east limit of Lots 2 and 3 in Concession 10, to the northeasterly corner of Location AL 764;

Thence southerly along the east limit of Location AL 764 to the northwesterly corner of Lot 4 in Concession 9;

Thence easterly along the north limit of Lot 4 in Concessions 9 and 8, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 4 in Concession 8;

Thence northerly along the west limit of Lot 3 in Concession 7, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 3 in Concession 7;

Thence easterly along the north limit of Lot 3 in Concession 7 to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and perpendicularly distant 766.85 metres (38.12 chains) measured westerly from the easterly limits of Lots 2 and 1 in Concession 7;

Thence northerly along said line to the north limit of Lot 1 in Concession 7, being a point in the north limit of the Township of Lyon;

Thence easterly along the north limit of Lot 1 in Concessions 7 and 6 to the limit between the east half and the west half of Lot 1 in Concession 6;

Thence southerly along the limit between the east half and the west half of Lot 1 in Concession 6, to the south limit of Lot 1 in Concession 6;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of Lot 2 in Concessions 6 and 5 to the limit between the east half and the west half of Lot 2 in Concession 5;

Thence southerly along the limit between the east half and the west half of Lot 2 in Concession 5 to the south limit of Lot 2 in Concession 5;