Mrs. Van Druff - 8th Grade General Music Assignment:

Current Events in Music

Each student is responsible for 2 Current Eventsummaries. .

  • Point deductions are made if late.
  • Current event summaries are worth 20 points each.
  • Reports must be in your own words. No plagiarism of material.
  • Reports must have source(s) listed. (i.e. Give the name of the website, book, magazine/newspaper article, et cetera, where you found the information.)
  • The heading (at the top of your paper) should include your name, due date, Class period.

Three Paragraphs

  • The first paragraph should give historical background about your musical genre, musical group or happening, so you will need to do some research about their past. (Write your sources. See above.)
  • The second paragraph should tell what is presently going on right now with your genre,musical group or happening (i.e. touring, recording, awards, etc.)
  • The third paragraph should say why you chose this musical genre, musical group or happening: Why do you like it?

All summaries must be in the students’ own words. Some examples of the types of acceptable current events are: genres of popular music, concerts, awards, theater productions, album releases, or current personal stories of artists, composers, or shows, etc. It is also acceptable to watch a live performance that includes music and to write a review of that performance.

The typedcurrent event summary should be turned in to Mrs. Van Druff’s T drive “Hand In” folder with the following heading:

  • Q2_P#_username_CurrentEvent#
  • This entry format is used with all hand-in assignments for the course.

The student may research and type the event summary at home and e-mail it to themselves. They can then access their account and save to their “P” drive at school.

The student may also research and type the event summary in the school library after school, or in the music technology lab – with permission from Mrs. Van Druff.

  • In either case, it must then be copied into Mrs.VanDruff’s “Hand In” folder in the T Drive.



Quarter 2:

Due Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 ( Group 1 )

Period 1- Dembofsky, Lang, Quinn, Seigel, Sierra, Spaulding, Steinke

Period 3–D’Angelo, Hunter, Kulliver, Loving, Malley, Navarro, Pratzner, Redican

Period 7–Ashbridge, Booth, Borden, Perullo, Politarhos, Prochniak, Raimo

Due Monday, Dec. 2, 2013 (Group 2 )

Period 1–Thomas, J. Thomas, Volz, Waldt, Watts, Whelpley, Wrenn

Period 3–Rosini, Ross, Scott, Smith, Subers, Sumner, Vincent

Period 7 – Roberts, Ruan, Santisi, Tannert-Schmidt, Torrerossa, Wilcox, Winkelvoss

Due Friday, Jan. 10, 2014 (Group 1)

Period 1-

Period 3 - SAME as Above

Period 7-

Due Thursday, Jan. 16,2014 (Group 2)

Period 1

Period 3 –SAME as Above

Period 7