BID NO: 17-1137


BIDS DUE: August 18, 2017@3:00 PM Central Time

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Addendum 1 is issued to provide the list of attendees at the Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference (both in person and via WebEx), extend the proposal due date and to provide the questions received and SAWS responses to those questions.

The Proposal Due date is extended from August 11, 2017 at 3:00 CDT to August 18, 2017 at 3:00 CDT.

The questions received and the responses to those questions are indicated below:

  1. AT&T formally requests an extension for bid due date to August 24th. After having reviewed the RFP timelines as posted in the RFP the concern is that any modifications required based on answers to Q&A would not provide for ample time to provide SAWS with the best possible solution. The Q&A answers would be posted on the Aug 7th at 4pm and the bid responses are currently due Aug 11th at 3pm. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
  • SAWS will extend the bid due date to 8/18 to provide an additional week for responses.
  1. Is it possible to receive the RFP in Word format? It makes development of our proposal much easier.
  • Yes, an addendum will be posted on the website with Word document.
  1. Does the contractor need to include pricing for removal of existing GPS units?
  • SAWS Fleet Maintenance department will remove existing GPS devices.
  1. Are you looking for any installation options with ignition interlock capability?
  • Please provide your best proposal with any value added capabilities that you may have.
  1. 4.installation.b All installs will be done at a SAWS Fleet location. Vendor will provide install costper unit.“Install cost” paid to contractor staff/subcontractor?
  • Installation costs will be paid to the prime contractor that is awarded the contract.
  1. Are all installations required to take place at the Fleet locations operated by SAWS
  • SAWS preference is to have all installations occur at a SAWS Fleet location.
  1. 4.Software.c: Provide near real time equipment location. Asset GPS location must be updatedevery 15 seconds or lessIs this required 24/7 or while under specific condition (such as ignition on) or at alltimes?
  • Real time tracking should be provided while ignition is on. While ignition is off, provide updates if the vehicle location changes.
  1. 4.Hardware.c Equipment must provide for hardwired and or wireless installation where allwires and hardware are undetectable and have tamper deterrent features(i.e., tamper tape,etc.)Requirement for all or “select installations? Conflicts with additional features such as4.Software.a (driver ID via RFID), video feed, panic button, and with OBD2 connections
  • Solution shall be wired into the vehicle OBD2 and provide Driver ID.
  1. 7.b Platform must be AssetWorks 15.0.11 compatible. Elaborate on “compatibility”/ expectations?
  • Platform will be able to pass data to and ingest data from AssetWorks. SAWS is looking to vendor to provide optimal methods in meeting this requirement.
  1. Is the AssetWorks 15.0.11 implementation in house and owned/operated by SAWS or isit managed by another party and if so who? Are they contractually obligated to assist SAWS withthis initiative?
  • AssetWorks is operated in house and licensed by SAWS. While SAWS staff will support the provisioning of AssetWorks data and related services it is the vendor’s responsibility to apply said data and services in the GIS – AVL solution.
  1. Are there any known or published “Compatibility” or interoperability guidelines forSAWS’s implementation of AssetWorks 15.0.11 (ex: api, acceptable input socket or connectioninformation on language or formatting of data being fed from contractor’s platform toAssetWorks 15.0.11)
  2. SAWS is looking to vendor to provide optimal methods in meeting this requirement.
  1. Can SAWS provide the GPS Component Solution RFP document in a form that is not so locked down. We cannot even add text on top of the .pdf with Foxit Reader which is typically how we fill out the required forms. Foxit Reader allows you to add text on top of the .pdf forms.
  • Yes, an addendum will be posted on the website with Word document.
  1. The timeline posted in the RFP does not provide efficient time to provide SAWS with the best possible solution. Specifically, receiving written responses from SAWS to the questions late in the day on Aug 7th and the RFP due date being Aug 11th. Our request is to have the RFP due date extended to August 24th.
  • SAWS will extend the bid due date to 8/18 to provide an additional week for responses.
  1. Please provide additional details on ESRI integration. The specific requirements are not clear. Could you please provide an example on how it will work?
  • Solution will leverage Esri web services API for any map or data services to access required SAWS GIS content. Services may be provisioned from a SAWS instance of ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server (on premise or cloud). For more information see
  1. Yesterday on the pre-bid call it was mentioned the device could be plug and play or hardwired. There was also a mention the device needs to be able to report if it is disconnected from the power source. Is a back-up battery in the device a requirement?If so, how long do you need it to report? If the device does not contain a back-up battery will SAWS be open to other security methods for device tampering?
  • Unit shall be equipped with a backup battery capable of transmitting location data if vehicle battery is disconnected. Please provide details on estimated runtime of your solution.
  1. Can SAWS provide a detailed list of all assets, including make, model, and year?
  • Yes, please see attached equipment listing.
  1. Will SAWS consider extending the deadline for proposal submissions?
  • SAWS will extend the bid due date to 8/18 to provide an additional week for responses.
  1. How many total users will have access to the system?
  • SAWS would like for each driver to have the ability to log in to the system and view their driving history. Concurrent system login count is estimated to be between 50-100 users.
  1. How many users are covered under SAWS’ Esri license?
  2. All SAWS personnel are covered under SAWS Esri license for web based applications and services.
  1. How many users are covered under SAWS’ AssetWorks license?
  2. SAWS AssetWorks license limit applies to active equipment units only. The user license is unlimited.
  1. What mobile device types (phones, tablets, laptops) and operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows) should be supported to run the application? Do any of them need to be supported as GPS data sources?
  • SAWS would like the vendor to provide options on the platforms that they currently support as our mobile technology portfolio is constantly changing. Mobile device tracking capability is not in scope for this project but if support exists for that then please include details on supported hardware.
  1. Is SAWS interested in keeping its current RFID scanners, or are should they be replaced?
  • The existing devices no longer meet our needs and are not re-usable.
  1. Outside of the baseline Esribasemap data, does SAWS have data sources that can be shared for the “most current” Texas street map data?

SAWS seeks vendor recommendations and insights regarding what street map data sources are available to meet the RFP requirements.

  1. We would like to formerly request an extension to the response due date.
  • SAWS will extend the bid due date to 8/18 to provide an additional week for responses.
  1. Will we be able to get an editable version of RFP document to be able to fill in the forms? At least being able to copy and writer over the top using Foxit Reader.
  • Yes, an addendum will be posted on the website with Word document.
  1. Are any of SAWS existing CalAmp telematics devices re-useable? In other words, can they be left in place and re-used with new system thus reducing SAWS initial deployment of new system.
  • The existing devices no longer meet our needs and are not re-usable.
  1. Is SAWS wanting industry standard, non-proprietary telematics devices?
  • SAWS is seeking a platform as a service that provides the capability to receive multiple telematics feeds. It is our desire to bring other devices into the portal as needed.
  1. We would like to formally request 2 week extension (until August 25) allow for time to prepare and submit a response to this RFP. Decision is critical to us participating in this RFP.
  • SAWS will extend the bid due date to 8/18 to provide an additional week for responses.
  1. Do all devices need to be weather proof? Or is this requirement for assets only
  • Hardware proposed to meet the minimum requirements of this RFP shall be weatherproof and shock resistant (IP67 preferred).
  1. Please clarify what is meant by Emergency Alert System- Same as Emergency Operator Panic Button?
  • SAWS is interested in technology that provides features such as crash detection and can send alerts to different notification groups.
  1. Please elaborate on desired functionality of Dispatching and Route Management. Is Dynamic Routing and prioritization of daily activities a desirable feature? How do you anticipate using vehicle location services with Routeware? Are Tablets and MDTs predicated on VAN?

•SAWS is interested in capabilities that optimize the workforce and improve route efficiency. RouteSmart is currently being implemented by SAWS for route planning, assignment, optimization and management. Interoperability between the GPS / AVL solution and RouteSmart is desired. SAWS is asking the vendor to describe if their solution can be integrated, how it can be integrated and what related capabilities would be available.

  1. Please clarify driver’s hours of service. Do you mean federally mandated Hours of Service logs/reporting? Or are you looking for vehicle hours of service?
  2. SAWS is looking for a report to show how long the driver operated the vehicle.
  1. What does the implementation team from SAWS look like? How many staff will be assigned?
  • SAWS is looking for a service provider to provide a turnkey solution that can meet the objectives of the RFP with minimal integration effort required from SAWS staff.
  1. What are the anticipated requirements for sensors? (PTO, Doors, Warning Lights, Bucket arm up/down) What vehicle types will typically will have sensors? Will any sensors utilized be installed by SAWS staff after initial installation by selected vendor?
  • SAWS would like to see options for PTO, Generator, Hydraulic Pump, Booms Up/Down, Dump Bed Up/Down. Combo, Dump Truck, TV Van, Cement Truck, Asphalt Truck. SAWS Fleet’s ability to install sensors depends on the complexity of the selected vendor’s equipment.
  1. Please supply a vehicle list including VIN/year/ make/ Model. If possible add senor requirements and Driver ID requirements for each vehicle.
  • Yes, please see attached equipment listing.
  1. Are there any bonds required?
  2. Bonds are not required.
  1. Are open APIs acceptable response to Item 7.b PlatformmustbeAssetWorks15.0.11compatible. There are many moving parts and costs essential to Assetworks integration. Is SAWS anticipating and accepting the burden of the setup costs of integrating with Assetworks and the possibility of additional monthly fees for data transfer into FA Suites 15.0.11?

• Open API’s are acceptable if the API is able to support integration with AssetWorks. SAWS currently usesMAXQueue middleware to import and export data between AssetWorks and other systems of record using CSV files. Note that the vendor solution should factor in AssetWorks data schema for data transfer. While SAWS Information Services will provide support on the AssetWorks side, it will be limited to data transfer services between the AssetWorks and the GPS / AVL solution. Applying and integrating the data transferred between AssetWorks and the GPS / AVL Solution should be supported by the GPS / AVL vendor. Ultimately, SAWS is looking to the vendor to provide optimal methods and details in meeting this requirement for evaluation by SAWS. Any monthly fees required for the vendor’s GPS / AVL solution to integrate with AssetWorks should be included in the vendor proposed costs.

  1. What is the desired outcome of Single sign on? Are other protocols acceptable?
  • SAWS would like the solution to leverage our existing Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services so that clients can authenticate to the portal using their domain credentials. This will eliminate the need to manage and maintain a separate user account and password for access to the provider’s portal.
  1. Regarding VAN Telematics monitoring-- what information do you expect to see from the device in a multi device multi manufacturer environment.
  • SAWS would like to leverage the VAN Telematics device to provide similar monitoring capabilities as outlined in the scope for the project. Provider should describe what their capabilities are regarding third party VAN Telematics solutions.
  1. Is there a device (fuel, WIFI telematics device) occupying the OBDII port on your vehicles today- Even those without GPS.
  • SAWS Fleet currently utilizes the ODBII port for an EJ Ward Fuel system. An ODBII Splitter (Y-Cable) will be required during the installation of each unit.
  1. Do you anticipate requiring driver ID on all motorized assets or mainly light and medium duty vehicles with some heavy duty (dump trucks)?
  • SAWS does not anticipate having a driver ID solution attached to every asset but would like to have the ability to add as needed.
  1. Who should receive IT security questionnaire questions- such as who or what is COPA?
  • Please disregard “COPA” that is a typo that should read SAWS.
  1. Should the need arise, is there a document to indicate no bid?
  • Please see attached “No Bid” document.
  1. Do you need diagnostic data from the heavy equipment?
  • SAWS would like to receive diagnostic information from heavy equipment.
  1. How will you resolve the conflict between a device that is already plugged into the OBD port and the GPS telematics device that needs to get data from the same port?
  • SAWS Fleet currently utilizes the ODBII port for an EJ Ward Fuel system. An ODBII Splitter (Y-Cable) will be required during the installation of each unit.
  1. The Submittal Response Checklist, Respondent Questionnaire, Good Faith Effort Plan, etc., are required forms included in the GPS/AVL Component RFP, of which the completed form(s) must be submitted with the proposal; however, the PDF of the solicitation we received is locked and requires a password to extract these forms. Can you provide a PDF without the security enabled or provide the required forms as a PDF without the security enabled?
  • RFP has been attached as a word document.


Purchase of GPS/AVL Component Solution and Three Years Monitoring

Bid No.17-1137

Due Date:August 18, 2017

If your firm chooses not to submit a proposalfor this procurement, please complete this form and submit to:

Yvonne Torres, Director Purchasing

San Antonio Water System

2800 US Hwy 281 North

San Antonio, TX 78212



Please check the items that apply:

[ ]Do not sell the item(s) required.

[ ]Cannot be competitive

[ ]Cannot meet the Specifications highlighted in the attached bid.

[ ]Cannot provide Insurance required.

[ ] Cannot provide Bonding required.

[ ]Job too large.

[ ]Job too small.

[ ]Do not wish to do business with SAWS.

[ ]Other reason, please explain: ______

Company Name:



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