Economic Development Reading List (kindly provided by Professor Alan McGregor, University of Glasgow)

The best general texts are:

  • Blair, J.P. (1995) Local Economic Development.
  • Blakely, E.J. and Bradshaw, T.K. (2002). Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice.
  • Malecki, E.J. (1997) Technology and Economic Development. Longman

The Context for Local Economic Development

Blakely, E.J. and Bradshaw, T.K. (2002). Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice, pp. 39-51, Sage Publications, London.

H.M. Treasury (2001). Productivity in the UK: 3 – The Regional Dimension, Ch.1.

Porter, M. and Ketels, C. (2003). UK Competitiveness: Moving to the Next Stage, DTI Economics Paper No. 3., DTI/ESRC, London, Ch. 2.

The Economist (1997). 1897 and 1997: The Century The Earth Stood Still, The Economist, December 20th, pp. 77-79.

Theoretical Perspectives on Local Economic Development

Bartik, T.J. (1990). 'The Market Failure Approach to Regional Economic Development Policy', Economic Development Quarterly Vol.4, pp. 361-370.

Bingham, R.D.,and Mier, R. (eds.) (1993). Theories of Local Economic Development: Perspectives from Across the Disciplines, Sage Publications ,Ch. 2.

Blakely, E.J. and Bradshaw, T.K. (2002). Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice,Sage Publications, Ch. 3.

Porter, M. (1998). On Competition, HarvardBusinessSchoolPress, Ch. 7.

Innovation, Technology and the New Economy

Botham, R. (1999). Promoting Innovation: A Briefing Paper and Issues for Discussion, TERU, University of Glasgow.

Kay, J. (2001). ‘What Became of the New Economy?’, National Institute Economic Review, No. 177.

Morgan, K. (1997). 'The Learning Region: Institutions, Innovation and Regional Renewal', Regional Studies, 31, 5.

Philpott, J. (2000). The New Economy, EPI Economic Report 14, 8.

Stockdale, B. (2002). 'UK Innovation Survey 2001', Economic Trends, 580, March.

Education, Training and Human Resource Development

Campbell, M. (2002). Learn to Succeed: The Case for a Skills Revolution, Policy Press, Ch 4.

DfES (2003). Developing a National Skills Strategy and Delivery Plan: Underlying Evidence, The Stationery Office.

HM Treasury (2002). Developing Workforce Skills: Piloting a New Approach, HM Treasury.

Machin, S. and Vignoles, A. (2001). The Economic Benefits of Training to the Individual, the Firm and the Economy: The Key Issues, Centre for the Economics of Education.

Dynamics of Labour Markets

Adnett, N. (1996). European Labour Markets, Longman, Chapter 2.

Dickens, R., Wadsworth, J. and Gregg, P. (Eds.) (2001). The State of WorkingBritain – Update 2001, Centre for Economic Performance, LondonSchool of Economics. Chs. 1 and 8.

HM Treasury (2003a). A Full Employment Strategy for Europe.

HM Treasury (2003b). Full Employment in Every Region.

Developing the Business Base

Burns, P. (2001). Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Palgrave Publishers, Ch 1.

Ernst and Young (2003). European Investment Monitor 2003 Report, Ernst and Young International Location Advisory Service.

Pain, N. (2001). ‘Inward Investment: Closing the Productivity Gap within the UK.’ New Economy, September.

Smallbone, D., Wyer, P. (2000). ‘Growth and Development in the Small Firm’ in Carter, S. and Jones-Evans, D. (eds). Enterpriseand Small Business: Principles, Practice and Policy, Pearson Education.

Creating Competitive Places

Ashworth, G.J. and Voogd, H. (1994). 'Marketing and Place Promotion' in Gold, J.R. and Ward, S.V. (eds.) (1994) Place Promotion: The Use of Publicity and Marketing to Sell Towns and Regions, Wiley, Chichester, pp.39-52.

Bailey N., with Barker, A. and MacDonald, K. (1995). Partnership Agencies in British Urban Policy, UCL Press, London, Ch.2, pp.5-37.

Begg, I. (1999). 'Cities and Competitiveness', Urban Studies. 36 (5-6) pp.795-809.

Gibb, K. et al.(2002). ‘The Property Sector and Its Role in Shaping Urban Competitiveness: a Selective Review of Literature and Evidence’ in Begg, I. (ed.) (2002), Urban Competitiveness: Policies for DynamicCities, The Policy Press, pp. 81-100.

Tackling Economic Exclusion

HM Treasury (1999). Tackling Poverty and Extending Opportunity.

McGregor, A. et al. (2003). Developing People – Regenerating Place: Achieving Greater Integration for Local Area Regeneration, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Social Exclusion Unit (2001). Preventing Social Exclusion, Chapters 1 – 6.

Stewart, M. et al. (2002). Collaboration and Coordination in Area-Based Initiatives, Neighbourhood Renewal Unit and Regional Coordination Unit, ODPM, Sections 1, 2 and 9.

Promoting Sustainable Economic Development

Chatterton, P. (2002). "Be Realistic: Demand the Impossible. Moving Towards Strong Sustainable Development in an Old Industrial Region". Regional Studies, July.

Lovins, A. et al. (1999). ‘A Road Map for Natural Capitalism’, Harvard Business Review, May-June. Online: RMINatCap.pdf.

Pretty, Jules (1998). Sustainable Development for Local Economies, Centre for Environment and Society; University of Essex.

Policies and Agencies for Economic Development

Blakely, E.J. and Bradshaw, T.K. (2002). Planning Local Economic Development (3rd Edition), Sage, Ch 12.

Scottish Executive (2004). A Smart Successful Scotland, Edinburgh.

Shutt, J. (2002). 'New Regional Development Agencies in England: Wicked Issues', in Bentley, G. and Gibney, J. (Eds.), Regional Development Agencies and Business Change, Ashgate.