Thank you for considering raising funds for the Little Princess Trust! The cost of one wig to the charity is, on average, around £350. Any amount of fundraising that you can offer towards this will help the charity to provide wigs to boys and girls throughout the UK and Ireland that have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment.

There are many ways that you can raise funds and there is a fundraising pack available from the Trust to assist you. The pack includes a guide, some posters and leaflets. It also includes a sponsor form & Gift Aid form. Whilst you may prefer to use these, we do however recommend that for ease you visit, or to create a fundraising page, so that your supporters can donate to the Little Princess Trust easily on-line. Arranging your fundraising this way means that after your event, you will not have to chase your supporters for their contributions.

Fundraisers have in the past organised all sorts of events from family fun days to sponsored bike rides. Some have even organised a sponsored haircut and then sent their newly-cut hair to the charity as well. We have an arrangement through a UK wig supplier to make use of hair donated in this way. However, please be aware that it is the decision of the wig manufacturer whether a hair donation is suitable for Little Princess Trust children’s wigs. Hair that is deemed suitable is made into wigs for the charity’s use. These are free to the Trust. They are manufactured in particularly small sizes, and can cost up to £2,000 each. For more specific details about sending your hair as part of your fundraising event, please see below. Please note that the charity does not have any special relationships with any particular hairdressers with regard to covering the cost of the hair cut. Therefore the charge for this remains the responsibility of the hair donor.

The Little Princess Trust is proud to confirm that it does not under any circumstances sell donated hair.

Suitable hair types:

·  Clean hair in good condition from males and females, and of any colour

·  Straight or curly

·  Containing the odd grey (less than 10%)

·  Coloured, bleached/highlighted

·  Layered (shortest layer must be 7”/17cm)

Unsuitable hair for Little Princess Trust children’s wigs:

·  Hair that is less than 7”/17cm in length

·  Largely/mostly grey hair

·  Permed or chemically straightened

·  Afro: the wig-maker is not a specialist manufacturer of Afro wigs (the Trust buys these in separately)

·  Dreadlocks

·  Hair extensions (used or unused)

·  Old hair, previously cut a long time ago

Guidelines if you are intending to donate your hair as part of your fundraising event (please note if you are 16 years or under you must obtain permission from your parents/guardians before having your hair cut for charity):

·  Prior to the cut, please wash and dry your hair. Please do not send wet hair in the post as this will sadly render your kind donation unusable. Please do not add any styling product. Conditioner is acceptable.

·  Have your dried hair tied into a plait(s) or pony-tail(s), secured at both the root end and the tip end.

·  Ask your hairdresser to cut your dried hair above the band at the root end, thereby releasing a plait/pony-tail, tied at both ends. You can now have your hair cut further & styled or shaved if that is your intention.

·  Place your dry plait(s)/pony-tail(s) in a clear plastic bag (for example a freezer bag) as soon as possible after it has been cut. Place it/them in a padded envelope and post using a standard postal service to:

Little Princess Trust Hair Donation

Sheridan House

114-116 Western Road



·  Please have your parcel weighed to attach the correct postage value. The Trust is not in a position to pay excess postal charges, therefore the Post Office will return your parcel back to you, undelivered.

·  Please include your email address in the parcel, using the attached slip, so that we can send you a certificate of thanks as a small token of our immense gratitude. Our aim is to do this within four weeks. Please note this certificate cannot be personalised due to the high volume of hair donations received.


First Name …………………… Surname …………………………………………….

Email Address ………………………………………………………………………….

(please write clearly)

Home Address (UK only*) …………………………………………………………….

(if no email address available)


……………………………………Postcode …………………………………………..

Date Posted …………………………………………………………………………….

* Please note that due to the high costs involved, the charity prefers not to post certificates. If an email address is not available, only certificates with a UK address will be dispatched. Therefore we are unable to acknowledge receipt of hair donations from outside the UK unless an email address is provided. Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

Please include this slip in the parcel with your hair & have your parcel weighed at the Post Office.

Please send your hair donation to:

Little Princess Trust Hair Donation

Sheridan House

114-116 Western Road



Thank you for your support!