MEETING MINUTES – September 15, 2014
Dave Gearhart called the meeting to order at 9:40 am. There were 29 members, guests and staff present.
Next Friends’ Meeting –Oct. 20, 2014 at 9:30 am
Boat Dedication Event-Oct. 11, 2014 at 10:00 am
Halloween Event-Oct. 25, 2014 from 2-4pm.
The minutes of the August 18, 2014 meeting were approved.
Income 725.24
Expenses 737.00
Net Income -11.76
Previous Balance 7/31/14 12,598.52
Current Assets:
CD-Carter B&T 5,446.88
Checking 5,069.23
Savings 2,070.65
Total Balance 12,586.76
The treasurer’s report was approved and Patti explained a new program with Kroger’s to obtain some funds.
Gene was away.
PARK STAFF REPORT – Cliff Goodwin and Dave Gunnells
Cliff had the tag for the boat so hopefully there will be a trial run this week. A vinyl banner is being made to be snapped on the side of the boat when in use. The park has 2 vehicles that can pull the boat from the water. The boat is being stored at the maintenance shed.
Dave thanked the group for all they do, especially the boat and their support. The dock at the DC has been overhauled. The wet lab will not be completely done by the dedication, but shortly after.
Jett thanked all who have helped with her programs. She said there will be a Halloween event on Oct. 25, from 2-4 and has a sign up for volunteers to help and donate candy. She will also be offering school field trips in October and will send e-mails of the dates to obtain some help. She is concerned about the landscaping and hopefully some members can do some work or she can ask maintenance.
Boat Committee-Jim Gerhart
He is hoping to get the boat on the water tomorrow. The dedication is by personal invitation. He is having caps made for the primary contributors that will also be available to be purchased.
Bernie Tipton-
Bernie said the Boat Dedication would be held Oct. 11 at 10 am. We want to limit the attendance to approximately 100 people. He asked people to carpool if possible, as we only have about 50 parking spaces at the DC
The ceremony will consist of state representative speakers, Brian Heft and Dave Gearhart. Refreshments and boat rides will follow.
The Friends are inviting donors, Music in the Park sponsors, and AEP representatives. The Park is inviting the Chamber of Commerce, state representatives from the 3 counties and Ed Waters who has a rental concession at the park and Alice Swain with the Virginia Dare.
Committees will be needed for landscaping, refreshments and cleaning up the DC. You can also volunteer by replying to this document.
Boat rides will be offered. Members need to wear their shirts.
Tractor rides-Bernie Tipton
He said there is one this Friday and 2 people will be needed for the Halloween event, one to drive and one to supervise.
Music in the Park-Ray Judd
Ray said it was a successful year and looking forward to more sponsors next year, thanks to Janis Erickson.
Publicity-Jim Gerhart
All the newspapers have been good to us. He will personally invite the TV., radio and news people to the boat dedication. Pat Eastwood has a blog, which covers many of the activities. There were 500 brochures made for fund raising and only 50 were used but they are suitable and will be distributed at the dedication.
Trails-Jim Gutzwiller
There will be trails this Thursday. Meet at the VC at 9:30 am.
Volunteer Hours-Ann Marie Smith
There were 184 hours reported by 23 members. YTD 1636
Website-Kathy McDonough
She has been adding lot of pictures and has added new link to recent happenings.
Old Business-Vote for the Best of Smith Mountain Lake every day.
New Business- The Fischers will be attending a Virginia Association of Parks meeting at Virginia Beach and Falls Cape.
Dave thanked Trudy Hakin for providing coffee.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30
Respectfully submitted,
Dot Tipton