First Vice President

Claire Doucet


  1. Publicity is a means of promoting the Classics through television, newspaper articles, pamphlets, posters, email signatures, car signs, bookmarks, community service, flyers, etc.

2.Monthly Publicity Ideas

  1. June – August:
  2. Wear Latin shirts out in public
  3. Toga bowling with friends
  4. Make posters
  5. September – October:
  6. Bring posters to show support for school teams
  7. Carving pumpkins in togas, Classics Halloween-cookie making
  8. Use flyers, bookmarks, and other promotional materials to encourage participation in your local chapter
  9. November:
  10. Make email signatures, telephone answering messages, car signs, license plates, etc.
  11. Community service
  12. December:
  13. Decorate stockings and make Christmas cookies
  14. Make Latin Christmas cards/cards for soldiers
  15. Latin Christmas caroling
  16. Donate presents – say it’s from Latin club
  17. January:
  18. Talk to elementary/middle schools about the Classics/Latin
  19. February:
  20. Last minute Latin Valentine’s cards
  21. St. Patrick’s Day Parade – get local chapter to participate
  22. Send off binders to State Convention
  23. March:
  24. State Convention (March 10-12)

For National Convention only:

  1. March:
  2. Mardi Gras Parade Floats with local chapter
  3. Ides of March
  4. April:
  5. Proclamations for National Classics Week for your local chapter
  6. Celebrate Rome’s 2770th birthday
  7. May:
  8. Send off binders to National Convention


  1. Chapter membership requires at least 5 delegates
  2. Must be sponsored by Latin teacher or other qualified adult
  3. Individual membership – active members of respective chapters
  4. Member-at-large – any student in Latin or took Latin; school does not have a chapter.

4.Officer Duties

  1. Assume the role of the President in the event of his/her absence
  2. Obtain publicity for this organization with all news media, coordinating state entries for the National Junior Classical League publicity contest
  3. Promote membership in the national, state, and local chapters
  4. Maintain a list of Latin, Greek, and Classical Humanities programs in Louisiana and contacting those programs about joining the Louisiana Junior Classical League
  5. Assist the Creative Arts Chair at State Convention
  6. Secure food and supplies for hospitality room at State Convention through donations if possible
  7. Update publicity forms if necessary
  8. Process publicity and membership contests at State Convention
  9. Perform all duties assigned to him/her by the President.

-LJCL 2015-2016 Constitution


  1. Send letters to schools that do not have JCL but have Classics programs
  2. Letters should include:
  3. Officer job descriptions and duties
  4. List of events and dates for the year
  5. Rules and regulations for competitions at convention
  6. Details about publicity, service, spirit, etc.
  7. As a local 1st VP, I encourage you to reach out to students taking Latin or another classics class to join and participate in LJCL.

6.Making Publicity Binders

  1. Entries containing more than 5 items must be submitted in a 3-ring binder and placed on rings.
  2. Publicities are divided into the following categories:
  3. Category 1 (Form 1): Radio and TV
  4. Category 2 (Form 2): Newspaper and other publications
  5. Category 3 (Forms 3 and 4): Off School Property
  6. Category 4 (Form 5): On School Property
  7. The state publicity forms are available on LJCL’s website; you should use these forms to document publicities.
  8. Put categories in order and put publicities in order of each form (this gets 10% bonus at national convention). Chapters must place a score sheet before each category. This can be found on the NJCL website.
  9. Pictures/copies of the publicity are required along with a sponsor’s signature.

N.B.You must have a sponsor signature in order for your publicity to earn points.

Publicities in Category 4 require a signature from a school administrator.

  1. If you do not know which category a publicity is, email me and/or put it under miscellaneous.
  2. Schools receive a 5% bonus if they send their publicity binder to the LJCL mailbox by a date set before state convention, likely sometime in February.
  3. The state publicity forms are available on LJCL’s website; you should use these forms to document publicities.
  4. Put categories in order and put publicities in order of each form (this gets 10% bonus at national convention).
  5. N.B. If you did any publicity during NCW, you can still submit your forms at Convention, but you will not get any additional points to your publicity.

7.National Submissions

  1. National entries must be sent to the address posted on the NJCL by June 1, 2017

The address will not be posted until May.

  1. Because publicity is a chapter contest, and not a state one, it is your responsibility to send out the publicity binder before national convention (even if you or your school is not attending).

8.Writing Proclamations

  1. A proclamation is an official public declaration by a government office for aparticular cause or event and serves as an effective method togenerate publicity for your state/local chapter.
  2. You must pick a specific government official to issue the proclamation.
  3. If you submit the proclamation portfolio viamail or fax, you are strongly advised to submit an introductory letter thatoutlines your state or local JCL’s history, goals, and community involvement.
  4. You should address the letter to the government official from whom you are
  5. seeking a proclamation.
  6. Finally, make sure your state chair(s) and/or local sponsor review your documents prior to submission.

Michael Kearney, 2015-2016 NJCL 1st VP

Current 1st VP is Emmalee Volk ()

9.Running for state office

  1. If you would like to run for state office, now is the time to consider it.
  2. Before Convention: Know that you will be committed to the office if you acquire it, write speech (which should include your qualifications for the office, plans for the next year, devotion to LJCL, etc.), find someone within your delegation (not on the state board or other candidates) to introduce you, gather campaigning materials.
  3. Introductions must be no longer than 1 minute.
  4. Candidates’ speeches must be no longer than 2 minutes.
  5. At Convention: Campaign with posters, stickers, flyers, etc. You will need blue painter’s tape to put up posters. You will be answering questions from the officers at Open Forum so be prepared to give answers on the spot.


  1. Decorate your favorite Latin motto, phrase, or quotation or think of another way to promote the Classics through your creativity.
  2. Put this sign up at your house tomorrow, and then you can document the publicity!!!
  3. Make sure to take a picture and get a sponsor’s signature.


  1. Following this colloquium, please give me your contact information:
  2. School
  3. First and last name
  4. Email
  5. Phone Number

Link to Contest Handbook: