Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 7 April 2010 at 7.00 p.m.
in the New Memorial Hall
PRESENT:S Jenson-BoonG NellessA Lowrie
J VeitchJ MunroG Innes
D Wright (Clerk)
Six members of the public
Four younger members of the public for part of the meeting
Finance:Business Saver Account as at 5 March 2010£5,893.28
Community Account as at 23 April 2010£5,260.01
Receipts:1st half-year precept£3,700.00
1st Half-year cemetery precept£ 750.00
Allotment rent£ 4.50
Payments:Northumbrian Water half-year £ 40.00
Stuartia Horticultural Services£ 86.75
D. Wright Clerk’s expenses (training half-day)£ 15.00
D. Wright Clerk’s wages, March£ 170.92
Devine Gardens, March grass cutting£ 187.50
Longframlington Music Festival donation£ 25.00
Apologies were received from Cllr Tulip who was on holiday.
No Community Police were present.
a.Public Transport
Members of the public attending the meeting expressed their dissatisfaction about the provision of public transport. Particular grievances included: no timetables available in Morpeth; still no express service available; not all buses have access for wheelchairs or children’s pushchairs; many buses are old and/or dirty; buses are often late causing problems with connecting services; poor connections at Morpeth; buses do no always have the capacity to accommodate all passengers. The lack of services on Sundays and Bank Holidays prevented people visiting local tourist attractions. As a result of these problems, people were now returning to using their cars rather than public transport. Cllr Jenson-Boon reported that she would be meeting with Mark Cusack to discuss public transport for children and would also raise these issues with him. Cllr Veitch suggested that the Clerk write to the other Clerks in the Coquetdale Forum asking if they would be willing to suggest to their councils that they write to Arriva and the County Council drawing attention to the problems raised as, presumably, their parishioners were having similar problems. It was also felt that this matter could be pursued by Cllr Thorne.
b.Play Builder
Cllr Jenson-Boon explained that the Parish Council had been awarded £27,000 to provide a play area that would be appropriate within a natural environment; therefore it was not possible to include skate parks or BMX tracks. A landscape architect had drawn a provisional plan but that could be changed. The next stage was for a group of young people (8 – 13 years of age) to get together to plan what they wanted. Cllr Jenson-Boon suggested they looked at websites for ideas. A similar scheme had just been completed at Prudhoe.
Possible features could include grassy mounds with tracks, use of logs, natural planting to include trees and grass. Cllr Jenson-Boon agreed to contact Alison Milling (the mother of one of the youngsters at the meeting) and arrange a date for a meeting to take the project forward.
Cllr Jenson-Boon reported that she had spoken to the Local Planning Authority and amended the letter relating to the Church Rooms to confirm that the Parish Council had concerns about this planning application (but had not objected). The LPA asked if the same decision applied to the proposed house on the site of the current church rooms. Cllr Jenson-Boon responded that she would have to refer that back to the Parish Council. At the meeting it was confirmed that the Parish Council did object to this planning application for the reasons previously stated.
A dog bin would not be sited at Dene House Farm.
The minutes were then signed as a true record.
a.Music Festivals
i.Peter Sutherland’s festival
Cllr Jenson-Boon reported that she had just heard that permission for this music festival had been refused. Councillors were concerned that they had not been kept fully informed about this proposed event. In particular, they were not informed about a Hearing to discuss the event and there had been no dialogue with the police or any meetings with them. It was agreed the Clerk would write to the police expressing the Parish Council’s dissatisfaction with the way this matter had been handled. ACTION: CLERK
ii.Emma Hare’s festival
It was noted that this committee now had a Secretary and Treasurer. It could be eligible for new LEADER funding. Cllr. Jenson-Boon is continuing to meet with the Committee.
iii.Burgham Horse Festival
The Clerk reported that she had been asked by Tritlington and West Chevington Parish Council to raise this proposed event at the Longframlington Parish Council meeting and also to write to the Clerk at Longhorsley PC drawing their attention to it as it was felt that there would be traffic issues during the time of the event. She referred to an article in April’s issue of Northumberland News promoting the event. Councillors noted the potential traffic issues.
b.Parking and Highway issues
Cllr Veitch reported on the meeting with David Cherrie which had also been attended by Cllr Tulip and the Clerk. Mr Cherrie agreed to the installation of a low metal fence (the length of two kerb stones) outside David Carr’s shop to prevent lorries damaging the porch roof of the adjoining property. Cllr Munro noted that an apparent lack of forward planning had resulted in remedial roadworks being carried out only to be dug up days later. He asked that a letter be sent to Mr Cherrie drawing his attention to this waste of time and money. ACTION: CLERK
Mr Cherrie had suggested that a meeting be held with the police to discuss all the parking issues. In the meantime, parking problems should be monitored and recorded. It was agreed the Clerk would write to the police requesting their attendance at the next Parish Council meeting. ACTION: CLERK
c.Fruit trees
These had been planted and the project was complete. Cllr Lowrie would purchase plant stakes.
d.Textile bank
This had been delivered and was in use.
e.Sports court
Cllr Lowrie reported that she had sent two estimates to Cllr Thorne asking for a donation from his small grants fund and had subsequently followed up this request. ACTION: Cllr THORNE
f.Cemetery – ownership of common land
It was noted that no information had been received from Cllr Thorne. ACTION: Cllr THORNE
The Clerk reported that the Cemetery precept had been paid in to the Parish Council’s bank account in error. It was agreed she would contact the relevant person at NCC and also ask for a printout of the payments made and received during the year. ACTION: CLERK
It was agreed that Allotment Rules would be put on theAgenda for discussion at the next Parish Council meeting ACTION: CLERK
h.Dog bins
After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that dog bins should be located at Harecross Lane, a location near the URC and an additional one in the dog walking area. It was agreed to consult with parishioners with regard to the location of a fourth dog bin and reference to this would be made in the next issue of Fram News.
Notice had been received that a Community Forum was being held in Swarland Village Hall on Monday 26 April at 7 p.m. to discuss broadband services and the state of the county roads. A notice would be displayed on the notice board. Cllrs. Lowrie and Veitch and the Clerk would attend. ACTION: Cllrs LOWRIE, VEITCH AND CLERK
Cllr Veitch confirmed she would attend the Area Committee meeting in Alnwick.
a.Northumberland County Council
Steel framed extension to recently approved agricultural shed: G and S Organics
NCC objected.
b.Acknowledgements for donations had been received from CAN and Great North Air Ambulance
c.Requests for donations had been received from the Northumberland Theatre Company and Ellington Juniors Football Club. Councillors agreed not to make a donation to either organisation.
a.Bank Mandate: The Clerk explained there was a problem with the existing Bank Mandate that would require all councillors who were cheque signatories signing new forms.
b.Bus fire: Cllr Munro noted that Arriva had made no effort to clear up the debris following the fire and suggested a letter be sent to Arriva. ACTION: CLERK
c.Planning matters: Cllr Munro queried when planshad been submitted for change of use at Dene House Farm. The Clerk was requested to contact Dr Francis (NALC) to clarify planning and licensing laws. ACTION: CLERK
The location of advertising signage in the village was raised and the Clerk agreed to contact Melanie Thew, NCC, for advice. ACTION: CLERK
d.Football team: The Clerk was requested to contact Phil Steele to request the nets be removed to allow grass cutting in the area. ACTION: CLERK
e.Litter pick: Cllr Veitch reported on the successful letter pick that had taken place in the village on 27 March and asked the Clerk to display a notice thanking all those who had helped.
f.Overhanging hedges: Cllr Veitch noted that overhanging bushes had been pruned following the Clerk’s letters but noted there was a further hedge that needed pruning. The Clerk was requested to write to the owner. ACTION: CLERK
g.Moles: Cllr Munro noted the emergence of mole hills on the corner of Villa Road and Rothbury Road and agreed to contact the mole catcher. ACTION: Cllr MUNRO
h.Flooding: The road by the URC was flooding and the Clerk was requested to write to David Cherrie and copy the letter to Cllr Thorne. ACTION: CLERK
i.Damage to roadside verges: this was near to Cheviot Lodge and Cllr. Munro agreed to ask Jamie Devine to investigate. ACTION: Cllr MUNRO
j.Trees on Morpeth Road: Cllr Nelless reported that two trees had been felled. Cllr Munro agreed to investigate. ACTION: Cllr MUNRO
k.Overgrown footpath: It was noted that the footpath against the telephone exchange was overgrown. Cllr Munro agreed to investigate. ACTION: Cllr MUNRO
l.Cllr Jenson-Boon was concerned about the level of car parking on Church Street. The possibility of a leaflet drop to every house in the village was discussed, to ask householders to park vehicles in their drives where ever possible.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.