
Dear Parent or Guardian of _______________________:

The purpose of this communication is to inform you that I am presently experiencing some problems with your child. I would greatly appreciate your cooperation in working with me in trying to take corrective measures to eliminate these problems.

The attitudes and habits listed below are important elements that are definitely essential in order to maintain stability within the classroom. Furthermore, they must be corrected in order for your child to develop his/her maximum potential.

Please observe the items below which represent the areas in which we’re experiencing difficulties:


_____ Excessive talking _____ Disturbs others

_____ Lack of effort _____ Inattentive

_____ Disrespectful to others _____ Bad attitude

_____ Excessive tardies _____ Excessive absences

_____ Not prepared for class _____ Does not complete work on time

_____ Incomplete assignments _____ Missing assignments

_____ Poor test scores _____ Request parent conference

_____ Excessive detentions _____ Inappropriate materials (toys, etc)

_____ Is failing at this time _____ D grade at this time

If you have any questions, you may contact us at 595-2880. If you would like a personal conference, please contact Mrs. Glocker or Mrs. Jackson in the counseling office for arrangements.


Seventh Grade Team

Sharon Gilmore, Team Leader

R. P. Ashanti-Alexander, Principal