CHPD Juvenile Diversion and Education Program

The Citrus Heights Police Department operates a Juvenile Diversion and Education Program (JDEP) for first time juvenile offenders who commit minor offenses. The purpose of the program is to not only hold offenders accountable, but to help the offender and the parent(s) understand why the crime was committed, and to prevent recidivism. Most minor offenses are not prosecuted by the District Attorney and instead are held for one year and prosecuted only if further offenses are committed.

The JDEP is a voluntary program designed to give first time offenders a “second chance” for a clean criminal record. Through the years, the JDEP has developed into a model program for the region. The JDEP encompasses all infractions and misdemeanor offenses, as well as case-by-case on minor felonies. The program is individualized to the juvenile offender based on the offense, the juvenile’s attitude, the arresting officer’s report, and input from the parents and/or school they attend.

The juvenile is enrolled into JDEP for two to four months, depending on the offense and the requirements assigned for the juvenile to complete. Some examples of requirements/assignments to complete the program are a 13-week domestic violence workshop for simple DV offenders; an 8-week parent/teen education class; an 8-week anger management workshop; established hours of community service to be completed at the offender’s school or within the community (church, hospital, assisted living facility); and several writing/research assignments. Upon completion of the JDEP, the juvenile’s arrest record is cleared and the case is closed without criminal charges. This gives the juvenile a goal to work for and a valued reward at the end. Ultimately, the JDEP assists the juvenile offender with accepting responsibility for his/her actions.

During the completion of the JDEP requirements, if the juvenile reoffendshe/she is automatically dropped from the program and referred to the Juvenile intake DA for filing. If the juvenile reoffends after successful completion from JDEP, the previous charges are used as criminal pattern, but will not be filed for additional prosecution.

The purpose of JDEP is two-fold. The primary purpose is to reduce juvenile crime within the city of Citrus Heights and the likelihood of recidivism for juvenile offenders. As well, and certainly as important, is to educate the juvenile on the ramifications of the impact of the offense on themselves, their victim, and their family and friends. The program aims to get the juvenile offender to accept responsibility for his/her actions, and to essentially own their decision and the consequences of their actions.

Most common offenses for the JDEP:

Theft – shoplifting, petty theft

Vandalism – graffiti, property damage

Assault/Battery – simple

Alcohol/Drugs – possession, use


Possible requirements/consequences of offense:

1) Five page essay based on offense - handwritten to encourage focus

2) Community Service – 10 to100 hours based on offense

3) Apology letters – handwritten to parent(s), victim(s), and arresting officer

4) Restitution to parents – in the form of hourly work based on a set hourly dollar

amount established by parent

5) Mandatory counseling and/or education classes – offense related

and completed through certified counseling/education resources

6) Follow-up with juvenile after completion of JDEP – 6 mos / 12 mos / 24 mos

JDEP failure: Referred to the Juvenile District Attorney’s Office for filing of criminal charges.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Sergeant Lee Herrington, Investigation Services Division at (916) 727-5574 or .