Early Language and Intercultural Acquisition Studies
Multilateral EU-Comenius-Project
Parent Consent Form for ELIAS Language Assessments
Name of your child: ______
Dear parents,
In order to provide an ideal evaluation of your child’s progress in English, we would like to ask for your consent to obtain data from your child and, later on, to present these data in oral or written form in an academic forum. This evaluation also includes audio and video materials which have proven to be an essential tool for the analysis of the children’s language data. They will be used in an anonymous form only. In addition, we would like to illustrate our findings with pictures on the ELIAS project website.
We would therefore like to ask you for your consent to the following points (please tick the appropriate boxes):
1. q My child may take part in the ELIAS language assessments.
2. q My child’s data may be used anonymously in research publications (i.e. the name of my child will not be mentioned in any publication).
3. Pictures of my child may be used anonymously
q for research purposes and publications
q for research presentations
q on the website of the ELIAS project.
4. Audio materials of my child may be used anonymously
q for research purposes and publications
q for research presentations
q on the website of the ELIAS project.
5. Video materials of my child may be used anonymously
q for research purposes and publications
q for research presentations
q on the website of the ELIAS project.
(Place, Date) (Signature)
The ELIAS project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This product reflects the views only
of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.
© Early Language and Intercultural Acquisition Studies