AP Literature and Composition
Mrs. Sturgeon 2014-2015
Course Overview
AP English Literature and Composition is designed to be a college/university-level course that will provide you with the intellectual challenges and the workload consistent with a typical undergraduate university English literature/Humanities course. As a culmination to the course, you will take the AP English Literature and Composition Exam given in May (required) to receive the AP designation on his/her transcript.
Essential Questions
What arguable, recurring, and thought-provoking questions will guide inquiry and point toward the big ideas of the unit?
v How does literature help us understand ourselves and others?
v How has writing become a communication tool across the ages?
v How does literature reflect the human condition?
v How does literature express universal themes?
Course Goals
v To carefully read and critically analyze literature (development of close reading skills) through discourse and writing
v To understand the way writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure.
v To consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone
v To study representative works from various genres and periods (from the sixteenth to the twentieth century) but know a few works extremely well.
v To understand a work’s complexity, to absorb richness of meaning, and to analyze how meaning is embodied in literary form.
v To consider the social and historical values a work reflects and embodies.
v To write focusing on critical analysis of literature including expository, analytical, and argumentative essays as well as creative writing to sharpen understanding of writers' accomplishments and deepen appreciation of literary artistry.
v To become aware of the resources of language: connotation, metaphor, irony, syntax, and tone etc. In other words, be prepared for intellectual discourse and writings J
Texts: You are encouraged to purchase the required reading texts so you may annotate them. Books will be ordered through the school to ensure the lowest price possible. You should plan on spending around $15 each semester.
Preliminary Texts (subject to change, please do not purchase ahead of time):
Semester One: Semester Two:
Frankenstein-Mary Shelley Hamlet-Shakespeare
“Oedipus Rex”-Sophocles The Awakening-Kate Chopin
Heart of Darkness-Joseph Conrad Poetry/Print Art/Essays
Book Group 1 “The Importance of Being Earnest”-Oscar Wilde
Poetry/Print Art/Essays Book Group 2
Performance Tasks
v Timed essays based on past AP prompts (scored on AP rubric)
v Essay questions as required of college-level writers (process essay, research/critical response essay)
v Participation in self editing, peer revision and writers workshop
v Reading/responding/analyzing novels, drama, fiction, non-fiction and poetry
v Multiple Choice exam questions
v Imaginative writing/creative projects including but not limited to: poetry, imitative, and group presentations
v Completion of 10 literary device submissions
v Graphic organizers, double-entry journals, paragraph responses, questions
v Reading logs/note cards
Writing Expectations
You will be expected to practice your best composition skills at all times. Composition assignments will include: statements, paragraphs, timed writes (essay tests), and formal essays (personal, expository and argumentative). Please consider the tips below to help you be as successful as possible in this course. You are also encouraged to re-write in response to teacher and peer feedback.
- Many times you will be asked for your opinion or idea about an aspect of a work of literature. Please use complete sentences with clear support for your ideas as well as the guidelines for standard English.
- All assignments will include a specific grading rubric. We will go over the rubrics prior to submitting papers and review expectations for the particular composition or paper. Please consult each rubric carefully before submitting your work. You will be expected to rewrite larger papers and literary analysis after you receive feedback from the teacher and your peers.
- Timed writes (essay tests) will be scored based on scoring guides used by the AP English Literature and Composition Exam for that specific question. Timed writes must be hand written and completed in class unless you are instructed otherwise.
- Grammar and usage: As a senior in an AP English Literature and Composition course, you should have a good command of Standard Written English. There will be mini-lessons throughout the course dealing with complex grammar and usage issues, sentence constructions, and diction. Occasionally you may need some additional help with this. Please refer to A Writer’s Reference Sixth Ed. By Diana Hacker, Bedford Glossary of Composition Terms, and The St. Martin’s Handbook
Classroom Expectations:
Be on time
Be prepared in your work
Be ready to participate
· binder, dividers, lined paper (a lot!), note cards, composition book
· Sticky notes (3x3-any color, at least 2 packs)
· #2 pencils (a lot) and additional erasers
· Pens-blue and black, purple/green (not red, it makes paper look as if it is bleeding)
· Highlighter pens: yellow, green, orange, pink and blue
Grading Scale:
Grade Descriptions: What is your goal for the course?
A-Students working at this level engage fully in every assignment and demonstrate a willingness to examine their own thinking and assumptions. All work reflects a level of thinking far beyond the obvious and superficial. Students come to class fully prepared to discuss assigned readings and to participate actively in all areas of the course. All assignments are submitted on time and all make-up work from excused absences is turned in when due per school policy.
B-Students working at this level competently engage in every assignment and consistently attempt to examine their own thinking and assumptions. The majority of work reflects a level of thinking beyond the obvious and superficial. Students come to class fully prepared to discuss assigned readings and to participate actively in all phases of the course. Most assignments are submitted on time and most make-up work from excused absences is turned in when due per school policy.
C-Students working at this level do not yet engage in every assignment and inconsistently demonstrate a willingness to examine their own thinking and assumptions. Only a minor portion of the student’s work reflects a level of thinking beyond the superficial and obvious. Students are reluctant to challenge themselves beyond what they have already accomplished in reading and writing showing little or no growth in these areas. Students come to class minimally prepared to discuss assigned readings and to participate actively in all phases of the course. A majority of assignments are submitted on time and a majority of make-up work from excused absences is turned in when due.
D-Students working at this level seldom engage in any assignments and consistently demonstrate an unwillingness to examine their own thinking and assumptions. The student’s work reflects a level of thinking that is obvious and superficial. Students come to class ill prepared to discuss assigned readings and to participate actively in the course. Several assignments are submitted late or missing completely. Make up work from excused absences may be missing or seriously late. Students at a D level at progress report time will conference with parent, teacher and counselor to get back on track.
AP 12 Student Contract-Please sign and return by Monday September 12th.
1. I recognize that participation in AP Literature and Composition class requires me to:
· Demonstrate increased independence
· Think and write critically about complex literature
· Meet higher standards than students in non-AP courses
2. I commit to remain enrolled in AP Literature and Composition for the entire year
3. I realize that by enrolling in this course I am encouraged to take the corresponding AP exam in May. (funding and support is available to some students)
4. I agree to uphold the school’s honor code and understand that I will not receive points on any assignment if I plagiarize, cheat, or submit work that I did not personally complete as an assignment in this class.
Student Name (print) and period Student Signature
Student e-mail
Parent/Guardian Signature phone e-mai