FORMED is an online, “digital platform”, of inspirational videos, bible studies, movies, documentaries, audio talks/books, and e-books available without cost to you with our Parish subscription. The suggestions below will help you live, love, and share your Catholic faith – and enable you to better understand the concepts your son or daughter will be learning in this coming year. Many of the options in the “Study” section of FORMED also come with downloadable Participant & Leader Guides if you wish to more actively explore a topic. See instructions on how to access our FORMED subscription at the bottom of this page. Feel free to contact anyone at the PREP office if you have any questions or need assistance.
Mastery topic / For Student / For Parents/Family / For CatechistsThe Trinity / Symbolon Session 1: Trinity, Faith & God Who is Love
In STUDY / Symbolon Session 1: Trinity, Faith & God Who is Love
The Mass / Brother Francis: The Mass
In WATCH / YDisciple Sacraments
Session 4: The Mass
In STUDY / The Lamb’s Supper
Baptism / Reborn Session 1: A New Creation
In STUDY / Symbolon Living the Faith Session 1: Baptism & Confirmation
Confirmation / We Must Go Out
In LISTEN / Symbolon Living the Faith Session 1: Baptism & Confirmation
Eucharist / A Communion of the Heart
In READ / YDIsciple Sacraments
Session 3 Eucharist
In STUDY / Symbolon Living the Faith
Session 2: The Eucharist
Apostles Creed / Convinced: Why Would Anyone Become Catholic
In WATCH / Symbolon for YDisciple:
The Creed
General / The Father in the Family
In READ / Sacraments in Scripture
For electronic copies, just click on the icon. Or to locate the title (or other titles) when on the FORMED website, click on “Content List” at the bottom of the Home Page and click on the title. Titles are listed alphabetically under each category (Study, Watch, Listen, Read) or utilize the “Search” function. Not registered yet? Go to, click on “Register” & enter our
parish code ______ (case sensitive). You’ll be asked to enter a user name for yourself and create a password. In the future, just log in with your user name & password. Enjoy!