Form for Submitting Issues to POINT Development CST

Submitting an Issue to the CST

Please complete this form in its entirety. Failure to do so may delay the creation of the FSIT and consequently the resolution of the issue.

  • PIJ issues should be submitted to the POINT_IN_J_DEV_CST email address.
  • Classic issues should be submitted to the POINT_IN_DEV_CST email address.

Guidelines for Completing this Form

When submitting the email, please include the following in the subject line:

1.Customer issue number

2.Customer acronym

3.Brief Description

Example: ABC 159775 - CB Number of Days to Invoice

If you are submitting CRITICAL issues make sure this is also indicated in the subject line.

Example: ABC 159775 Critical - CB Number of Days to Invoice

Please fill out all the required information on the CST form. Do not delete sections. The information you provide on the CST form is necessary in order to document the problem for:

  1. The Technician who is going to fix the problem.
  2. The Release Packages where we share this with ALL the customers.

Write in complete sentences, including punctuation. This will ensure there will be no misunderstanding as to the intent of the sentence, and will save us time getting the issue into FSIT.

Customer Information (Required):

Customer Name:

Date Reported:

Severity Level (Customer):

Customer Cross-reference #:

Services FSIT #:

Customer Support Representative:

POINT IN Information (Required):

Release or CDR number:

Component or Subsystem:

Operating System:

Client File on or off:

Customer Support Representative:

Problem Reported Information (Required):

Business Impact (how this affects the company’s business):

Detailed description of the issue reported:

Steps to recreate (attach screen prints of the problem as a separate MS Word file):

Additional Information Available (As Needed):

Were any reports affected?

If so include the report name and a copy of the report results as a separate MS Word file.

Can this issue be duplicated on a consistent basis?

Does the issue occur in the Browser, Green Screens or both?

Is your system modified in this area of functionality?

If so describe.

What function were you trying to perform when the issue occurred?

What results were you expecting?

Has the issue occurred before?

What error messages did you receive?

Guidelines for Determining the Severity Level:

The Customer Support Team categorizes system problems into five severity classifications:

Critical (1) / A critical defect is one that requires immediate attention and no procedural workaround exists. Production systems or applications may be down or severely limited.
Client and CSC must both assign a dedicated resource until a resolution or an agreed to workaround is found. A fix will be implemented with the next available release. Prerelease of the fix will be made available to the client.
Serious (2) / A serious defect involves significant impact to the customer. The function is usable, but some transactions may be limited, and no agreed workaround exists.
Resources will be assigned within 48 hours of the defect being reported, to correct these defects. CSC and customer resources will be available during normal business hours to assist in data gathering, problem identification or resolution. A fix will be implemented with the next available release. Prerelease of the fix will be made available to the customer.
Important (3) / A defect that is categorized as important is one that causes partial function loss, or impacts the customer’s ability to effectively utilize the function/feature. This would include a critical or serious defect with an agreed to work around.
Resources will be assigned to correct these defects to insure that a fix will be implemented with the next available release. Prerelease of the fix will be made available to the customer.
Moderate (4) / A moderate defect involves minor function loss, documentation issues or other defects, which have a small impact on the customer’s ability to effectively utilize the function/feature.
A fix will be implemented in a future release to be determined by customer needs and the Product Release Criteria. Prerelease of the fix will be made available.
Non-Critical (5) / A non-critical problem involves cosmetic or aesthetic problem such as style, spelling or grammar. A fix will be implemented in a future release to be determined by the Release Criteria.
1 / CSC Confidential – May 2012