Saturday, October 28at Sky’s The Limit:

Deep Sky Highlights

Sky’s The Limit Observatory and Nature Center invites stargazers to enjoy the desert night skyon Saturday, October 28. Thisfree public event begins at 5:30pm and ends around 9:00 pm. The Observatory is at 9697 Utah Trail in Twentynine Palms, just outside the main (north) entrance to Joshua Tree National Park.

Take a tour of the best cosmic wonders in the early winter sky: two remarkable galaxies in the constellations of Andromeda and Sculptor, the Double Cluster in Perseus, the Owl Cluster in Cassiopeia, and the well-known Pleiades star cluster in Taurus.

Also visible are Uranus, Neptune, and the dazzling multi-colored double star Almach in the constellation Andromeda.

Prominent constellations are Andromeda (the Princess),Pegasus (the Winged Horse),Cassiopeia (the Seated Queen),Aquila (the Eagle), Lyra (the Harp), and Cygnus (the Swan).

Volunteers will set up a variety of kinds and sizes of telescopes on the winding sidewalks, and guests are welcome to use them or may bring their own binoculars and scopes as well. The presentation is very casual, so come at any time and leave when you wish. Bring a red flashlight to preserve night vision.

The campus is always open, so arrive around sunset toallowtime to visit other educational attractions before the cosmic tour begins at dark.Dress for unpredictable desert weather and bring snacks, water bottles, and chairs.

There are no overnight stays and NO CAMPING anywhere on the Observatory and Nature Center property. No pets, no smoking or alcohol allowed, and visitors must carry out all trash.Adults must accompany and take responsibility for the safety and behavior of children under 16.

The seasonal sky is very unpredictable and aviewing event may have to be delayed, rescheduled, or cancelleddue to cloudiness, rain, or excessivewind. Check Sky’s The Limit Facebook Pageor follow @STL29Palms to learn the latest status of an event, or call Steve at (760) 401-3004.

For more information and to see photos taken through STL’s 14” Celestron Schmidt–Cassegraintelescope, visit the STL web site at. STL is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations to support Sky’s The Limit’s educational programs are gratefully accepted.