Annual General Meeting

Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow

Thursday 3rd October 2013

Lomond Auditorium

5.45 pm


Council Members Present:

Alistair Douglas, Incoming President and Website Lead (AD)

Roger Duckitt, Medical Non-Trainee Representative (RD)

Claire Charras, Communications and Marketing (CC)

Ruth Johnson, Trainee Representative (RJ)

Liz Lees, Nursing Representative (LL)

Nithin Narayan (NN)

Helen Pickard, Nursing Representative (HP)

Chris Roseveare, Outgoing President (CR)

Nicholas Scriven, Incoming Treasurer (NS)

Hannah Skene, Secretary (Chair) (HS)

Louella Vaughan (LV)

Mike Jones (MJ)

Nerys Conway (NC)

Monika Smekot (MS)

James Allen (JA)

32 people (including council members) were present.

  1. Minutes of Annual General Meeting 11th October 2012

There were no inaccuracies and the minutes were signed off

  1. President’s Report and handover

CR - SAM now has good representation at RCP. The RCP toolkits which have been published are being widely used.

There is still a need to increase membership

SAM is frequently asked by the press for comments

Successful social media session was held this afternoon

Recruitment - ST3 better than previous year and AIM was the second highest recruiter in 2013. Lots of posts at consultant level - great for our trainees but challenging for hospitals as more people move about

FHC is a huge opportunity for SAM. Previous SAM survey into GIM work noted

CR handed over to AD to take over role as SAM president

AD thanked CR for all his hard work as president

AD told members that there would be some uncertainty ahead. SAM will need to adapt and respond accordingly. AD reassured all that there is great expertise on council and within the membership to help secure SAM and acute medicine's future

  1. Treasurers report and presentation of accounts for 2012-2013

Deepak Bhattia (outgoing treasurer)presented the accounts - income, expenditure and current account balances. Increase in turnover and overall surplus has improved

AD thanked MH and Deepak Bhattia for their previous roles of Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

4.Secretary's Report

Election results confirmed to members. Mark Holland is SAM's new Vice President, Nick Scriven is Treasurer, and Vice Connolly and Roger Duckitt are non trainee medical representatives. Congratulations were given to the new council members

Members were updated on who currently sits on council

Current membership details and break downs were reviewed

Summary of Council's meeting on 3rd October

•This meeting has 680 delegates, from 13 countries

•Quality Standards and Guidelines Committee is to be formed, and will be led by an elected council member

•Future Hospital Committee Task & Finish Group chaired by Dr Mark Holland will also be formed

•SAM's link with EFIM is to continue with Roger Duckitt named as key link

•Non-medical register is to be started. It was felt that membership of nursing/AHPs is unlikely to increase, yet SAM needs a way to contact and engage with non medical staff. Those on the register will receive the electronic newsletters and conference information. Membership will continue to be available to nurses and AHPs

5.Any Other Business – consideration of a role for SAM in ‘General Internal Medicine’

GIM Society Representation

•CR told members that the FHC group will look at which aspects of this relate to us.

•Rhid Dowdle commented that nobody wants a new society to fail, but we need generalists, they need representation, and AIM is a specialty with enthusiasm for general medicine

•Mark Temple said he supports the generalist approach – valuing the internal physician. Geriatrics want to move more towards specialism. RCP want enthusiasm. The RCPL AGM conference in November will hold a Q&A session on the future of GIM. Need to move away from image of something nobody wants to a vibrant and successful specialty

•AD pointed out that if SAM were to be the society to represent GIM, it would not be rebranded

•CR informed members that there is a breakfast session on the future of generalism at 7.45am on Friday

•Derek Bell said that SAM has always been an inclusive society, yet it is already difficult to run our own ship. Data shows us that patients on the wrong ward do worse

•Abigail Banfield said that other specialties are dropping GIM. She views herself as both generalist and an acute physician. People feel generalism is part of the role as an acute physician. Aim needs promoted and embedded further.

•Chris Custard asked if doctors could revalidate if they were not doing acute medical takes. Roger Duckitt said no specific number or frequency of oncalls is required to revalidate – it’s down to the responsible officer.

•Roger Duckitt said FHC is an excellent opportunity for SAM. A lot of generalism is being perceived as the patients who are moved to the wrong area. Need to tighten up our own ship, work effectively, so downstream specialty wards work better

6.Date and Venue of Next Meeting

The next AGM will be held on 2nd October 2014 in Brighton