For electronic lock 101.120 - “Ell cam2.0”

With capacitive keyboard

Dear customers, Mauer Locking Systems Ltd. congratulates you on the purchase of the electronic lock Ell-cam 2.0 and greets you with the choice you made. You will have the opportunity to convince yourselves in a series of its advantages, such as:

Small overall dimensions and easy mounting;

Capacitive keyboard with modern technology, touch sensitive.

Possibility to choose between three versions of software.

„Micro USB“ plugfor emergency power supply.

An extremely low power consumption;

Electronic emergency key for opening.


1. Lock 101.120 – “Ell cam2.0”- 1 pcs.

2. Screw М4х8- 1pcs.

3. Nut М18x1- 1pcs.

4. Stand-up cam- 1pcs.

5. Nut М8x1 - 1pcs.

6. Spring washer 8 - 1pcs.

7. Electronicemergencykey- 1pcs (option)

8. Micro USB cable- 1pcs (option)

9. Emergency power supply- 1pcs (option)


The lock has three codes: User code, Master code and Service code.

The fabric codes are:

  • User code: 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • Master code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
  • Service code: 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9.

Entering of Master code is done by pressing simultaneously buttons 1 and 9.

Entering of Service code is done by pressing simultaneously buttons 2 and 0.

Each entering of digit is indicated bya single sound and light signal(blue/green/red).

After installing the lock immediately change the fabric codes.

Forgotten “Master code” or ”Service code” can be restored only by Mauer Locking Systems authorized personnel.

The lockhas threeversions of thesoftware- (1) changing users(2) permanent users, and (3) restricted users.Switchingbetween the versions happens only with closedlock by means of the servicecode. When switchingbetween the versions, the fabric USER CODE is restored.

  • Version (1) changing users – during each locking a different client code can be entered. Opening is performed by using the same code, used for locking. The light signal is blue and red.
  • Version (2) permanent users – the client code is being programmed in advance. Opening is performed by using the code, and locking – by pressing „0“. Green and red light signal appears.
  • Version (3) limited users – for each locking a different client code can be entered. Opening is performed by entering the code used for locking.After a certainpre-programmed time, the lockcannot be openedwith the code with which is closed, but only with master code. The lightsignalis blueand red.

When entering digits place your fingerso that itfits tightly into the shape aroundthe digit. There is noneed to press heavily.Do notslide your fingerbetweenthe numbers, but lift at least2-3mmandthentap thenext digit.

Variant „Changing users“


  1. Enter the 4-digit client code, used for closing the lock. When opening for first time, enter the fabric user code – 1,2,3,4.
  2. After the last entered digit, and if the code is correct, you will hear an ascending sound signal and the blue light flashes. The lock is unblocked.
  3. Within 3 seconds after the unblocking, turn the handle to open the lock. After opening you will hear descending sound signal and flashing of the red light. The lock is opened and blocked.


  1. Enter the 4-digit client code.
  2. After entering the last digit you will hear ascending sound signal along with flashing of the blue light. The lock is unblocked.
  3. Within 3 seconds after the unblocking, turn the handle to close the lock. After closing you will hear descending sound signal along with flashing of the red light. The lock is closed and blocked.

CAUTION:If while entering the code you press a wrong key, wait 6 seconds and start procedure again from the beginning. After entering a wrong code, you will hear descending sound signal, along with flashing of the red light. After the entering wrong code 4 times, the lock blocks the possibility of code entering for 30 seconds.


The service code is used for changing the software between Version (1) – changing users, Version (2) – permanent users and Version (3) – restricted users.

  1. Press simultaneously buttons 2 and 0, with lock closed. You will hear triple sound signal along with triple flashing of the blue/green light.
  2. Enter the service code (fabric code is 778899). After entering the last digit you will hear triple sound signal along with flashing of the blue/red/blue light. You have the following options:

- to activate Version (1) – changing users, press „1“. The light signal changes to blue/red.

- to activate Version (2) – permanent users, press „2“. The light signal changes to green/red.

- to activate Version (3) – limited users, press „3” thereafter press number from 1 to 9 indicating after how many hours the lock not to open with the code used for locking. The light signal changes to blue/red.

- for changing of the service code press „0“. Enter the new 6-digit service code. The red light flashes. Re-enter the new code. The lock turns off and the new master code is accepted.

Version „Permanent users“


  1. Enter the 4-digit user code.When opening for first time, enter the fabric user code – 1,2,3,4.
  2. After entering the last digit, and if the code is correct, you will hear an ascending sound signal and green light will flash.The lock isunblocked.
    Within 3 secondsafter the unblocking, turn the handleto openthe lock.After openingyou will heara descending sound signal and a red light will flash. The lock isopened andblocked.


The user code can be changed only when the lock is opened.

  1. Press simultaneously buttons 1 and0. You will hear three sound signals along with three flashings of the green light.
  2. Enter the new 4-digit user code. Red light flashes.Re-enter thenew code.The lockswitches off andthe new codeis accepted.


  1. Press"0".You will hearan ascending sound signal along with green light flashing. The lock isunblocked.
  2. Within 3 secondsafter the unblocking, turnthe handleto closethe lock.After closingyou will hear descending sound signal along with red light flashing. The lockis closed and blocked.

OPTION „Limited users“

Opening and locking is performed identical to "Changing users”. If the lock is closed, after expiry of the pre-programmed time, the lockwill not openwith theclient code. It should be opened by using the master codeand wait the time needed for changing of the master code to expiry.


The master code serves to open the lock if the user code is unknown. After opening, the user code could be changed or saved (see Note).

  1. Press buttons 1 and 9 simultaneously. You will hear triple sound signal along with triple flashing of the blue/green light.
  2. Enter the master code (the fabric code is 123456). After the last entered digit you will hear three sound signals while the blue/red/blue (green/red/green) flashes. The lock is unblocked.
  3. Within 3 secondsafter the unblocking, turn the handle to open the lock. After opening you will hear descending sound signal and red light flashing, followed by flashing of blue/green light. The lock is opened, blocked and in mode for change of the master code. This mode continues for 6 seconds.

- if you intend only to open the lock, wait 6 seconds for the mode to expiry;

- if you intend to change the code, enter the new 6-digit master code. Red light flashes. Re-enter the new code. The lock turns off and the new master code is accepted.

note: Only in version „Changing users“and „Limited users“ the lock can be closed by master code. In this case the client code is saved.

power supply and battery change

The lock operates with 3 batteries „ААА“. When it is necessary to replace them: release screw М4and nut М18х1. Take off the compartment cover and change the batteries, keeping the polarity. Close the cover and tighten nut М18х1 and screw М4. Always use alkaline batteries.

CAUTION:If the batteries voltage is too low (the batteries are low), after entering the correct code and turning the handle you will hear three sound signals along with three flashings of yellow/red/yellow light signals. There is still enough power to open the lock another 50 times approximately. The light stopping should not be considered as batteries recovery, so they should be replaced opportunily.

If wrong code is entered, the signalization for low batteries is after the wrong code signal.

If thebatteries are fullydepleted, slide the battery coverlocatedat the bottomof the locktoaccess themicro USB coupling of the lock. Place the micro USB coupling of the cable intothe lock. The cable should be connectedto the emergencypower supply or to a laptop, tablet, and other devices providing5VthroughUSB.

Enter the code and open the lock. Change the batteries following the described manner. Slide the cover back in order to block the lock coupling compartment.

Emergencyelectronickey serves to openthe lock.Onekey canbe programmedto openan unlimited number oflocks. At one point,the lockcan only haveone emergencykey.

The lock should be in closed position when programming the emergency key. Slide the cover locatedat the bottomof the locktoaccess themicro USB coupling. Insert themicro USB coupling ofemergency keyinthe lockand enter the servicecode(rememberthat the servicecodeis entered by pressingbuttons2and0 simultaneously).The lightsignalisconstant yellow andblue (green) light. Yellow light indicates thatthe lock has recognized the emergency key.

After entering the servicecodefor programming theemergency key, press "9". You will hear three ascending sound signals and then the lock will turn off. Eject the keyand slidethe coverbackto close themicro USB coupling. The emergencykeyis programmed.

Place the programmedemergencykey inthe lockmicro USB coupling and press"0". Yellow and blue(green) light flash simultaneously,the lockisunlockedand canbe opened.
In case of forgottencodes andlow batteries, insert the programmedemergencykey inthe lock coupling, connect the otherend of the cableto the emergencypower supplyand press"0".The lockwill unlockandcan be opened in order to change the batteries.