Sunday, August 2nd–Buena Vista Gold Rush Days Pack Burro Race

2nd Leg of Triple Crown.

Entry Fee: $40.00 per entrant. Payment must accompany this registration form.

Race course: Approximately 12 miles consisting of pavement, bridges, single track and jeep road. West on Main Street, around the baseball fields, over the Arkansas River and up to the Midland Trail to the “Gentleman’s Loop”. Finish line is on Main Street near the Orpheum Theatre.

Registration: 8:00 am, at table near tracks.

Race Start: 10:00 am, east of stoplight of US 24 and County Rd 306.

12:30 pm: Top Awards presented at Entertainment Tent in McPhelemy Park

Fill out the release and waiver below, make checks payable to WPBA.

You may download this form and bring it the day of the race with payment.

Release and Waiver

The Town of Buena Vista, Buena Vista Chamber and Visitor Center, and all the landowners, Chaffee County, Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Forest Service, Western Pack Burro Association, Race Directors or any Volunteer for this race will not be responsible in case of an accident or injury to participants. I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to assume all responsibility, in regards to my health and accidents, in the Annual Buena Vista Gold Rush Days Pack Burro Race.

I also understand I am solely responsible to be prepared for the changeable climatic conditions that occur and to have the proper supplies needed to participate in an event of this nature such as food or water in addition to the 33# regulation packsaddle.

Name: ______





Signature: (Parent's if under 18 years old)

Burro Bio:

1. Name/Age/Sex______

Burro's Name/Age:______

2. Name/Age/Sex:______

Burro's Name/Age:______

Please tell us a little something about yourself and your burro for the announcer to use (i.e. how how have you been competing, how old is your burro (age listed above), etc.)