Forest OperationPlan

Private Native Forestry Code of Practice for Northern NSW

This templatesets out the information you need to record for a Forest OperationPlan (FOP)

that complieswiththePrivate Native ForestryCode of Practice for Northern NSW.

Refer totheFOP Guidelines.

Throughoutthis documentyou willsee referencesto the FOP Guidelines.The Guidelinesthataccompany this FOP template explainwhat you have to do withthe FOP onceit is complete, and contain background information, extra instructions, tips and examples to help you answer the questions set out in this template.

Contact yourLocal Land Servicesprivate native forestry officer or calltheLocal Land Serviceson1300 778 080if you have anyquestions about what youhave to do,or if you wouldlike help completing this FOP.


What is the name of the landholdingthis FOP applies to? OnwhatdatewasthisFOPcompleted?

Amendments tothe FOP

If you need to amend this FOP after it has been completed, record the changes here:

Date of amendment / What needs to be added or changed? / Which section of the
FOP does this apply to?


FOP mapchecklist3

1PropertyVegetation Plan4

2Forest operation planning and management4



2.3Forest inventory5

2.4Historyof forestdisturbance6

3 / Sil / vicultural operations7
3.1 / Forest operations7
3.2 / Harvesting technique7
3.3 / Timber products to be harvested7
3.4 / Timberspecies to be harvested8
3.5 / Harvesting methods and equipment8
3.6 / Stand heights and stand basal areas9
3.7 / Regenerationand stocking9

4Protection of the environment10

4.1Protection of landscape features of environmental andculturalsignificance10

4.2Protectionof habitatandbiodiversity10

4.3Minimising damage to retained trees andnative vegetation11

4.4Drainage feature protection11

5 / Con / struction and maintenance of forest infrastructure12
5.1 / Constructionand maintenance of roads (and crossings)12
5.2 / Log landings,portable millsites and snigtracks26

Appendix: Listed species26

Management actions for listed species26


FOP sign off30

Working witha Contractor30

Others who will work on site31


Whocompleted this FOP?31

FOPmap checklist

Refer totheFOP Guidelines page 9.

Features shownonthe FOPbase map

Check that the FOP base map (supplied by the LLS) shows the location of the followingfeatures, where they are present inthe FOP area:

xPrescribedstreams (see the FOP Guidelines page 16)

xFirst, secondand third order streams

xAreas whereannual rainfall erosivity is equal to or greater than 6000


xOld growth forest

xKnownrecord sites of listed threatenedspecies.

Features youneedtoaddtotheFOPmap

Mark the following additionalfeatures on theFOP map if they are presentin the FOP area: The locationandboundaries of the FOP area, if this is different from the PNF PVP area

Forest types (accordingto the ‘Broad forest types’ listed in the Code Table A) Heathland


Cliffs, caves, tunnels and disused mine shafts (excluding open pits less than 3 mdeep) Aboriginal objects or places

Listed heritage sites

Dispersible and highlyerodiblesoils

New and existing roads*

New and existing drainagefeaturecrossings*

Log dumps(referred to in the Code as ‘log landings’) Portable millsites

Site evidenceof listed threatenedspecies, ifyou find this during the forest operations

* Before you mark roads or crossings on the map, refer to section5.1 of this FOP template. The names and numbersyou use on the map shouldbe the same as the names and numbers you use in the tables.

You alsoneedto mark thefollowingfeatures on theFOP map. Checkthesketchmap that the LLS sent you as part of the PVP application process – this may showindicative locationsfor these features:


Steep slopes

Areas of existing mass movement

1Property VegetationPlan

Refer totheFOP Guidelines page 9.

What is the Private NativeForestry PropertyVegetationPlannumber (PNF PVP no.)?

2Forest operationplanningandmanagement

Refer totheFOP Guidelines page 9.

2.1 Landowner’sdetails

What is the name of the primary landowner? Phone number:


2.2 Propertydetails

What isthepropertyaddress?

What are theproperty’sDeposited Plan (DP) numbers and Lot numbers for the FOP area?

DPnumbers: / Lotnumbers:

2.3 Forestinventory

Refer totheFOP Guidelines page 10.

The table below lists the main types of forest that are present in this area of NorthernNSW (these are referred to in the Code as ‘broadforest types’).

xTick thebroadforest typesthat arepresentintheFOP area.

xUse this tableto describe the forest condition andspecies mix for each broad forest type in the FOP area.

xIf you haven’t already doneso, mark up the FOP mapsoit shows the areacovered by each broad forest type.

Broad forest type / Forest condition / Species mix
Tablelands hardwood
Tablelands ash
Spotted gum
Northcoast dry mixed hardwood
Northcoastmoist mixed hardwood
Northcoast flooded gum
Northcoast blackbutt

2.4 Historyofforestdisturbance

Refer totheFOP Guidelines page 11.

Use the tablebelowto briefly describewhat you knowabout how the forest has been disturbedin the past. Disturbancesinclude harvesting, fire andgrazing. Thetime intervals used in this table as drop-down options

– ‘Last 10 years’, ‘10 to 25years ago’ etc. – are justsuggestions. Use other time intervals if appropriate.

When did
the disturbance occur? / Harvesting history: target species, products taken and harvesting intensity / Fire history:
fuel reductionor bushfire / Grazing history
Last 10 years
If otherspecify here:
Last 10 years
If otherspecify here:
Last 10 years
If otherspecify here:

Are there any other types of disturbance that have affected the current condition ofthe forest? If so, briefly describe themhere:


Refer totheGuidelines page 12. Harvesting must be carried out in compliancewith the Code section 3.

3.1 Forestoperations

Which of the followingforest operationswillbe carriedout? Tick allthat apply.

Commercialtimber harvesting

Non-commercialsilvicultural activities

Regenerationand restocking activities,e.g. prescribed burning, soil disturbance,seeding, etc. Constructionor maintenance of roads,crossings or tracks

3.2 Harvestingtechnique

Which silvicultural techniques will be used? Tick all that apply.

Single treeselection


Australian group selection

3.3 Timberproductstobeharvested

Which of the followingproductswillbe harvested? Tick all that apply.

Large sawlogs

Veneer or plywood logs

Poles or girders Small sawlogs Salvagelogs

Pulpwood or wood chips

Fencing products(e.g. posts, rails, stays) Sleepers


Other products:

3.4 Timberspeciestobeharvested

Which of the followingspecies willbe harvested?Tickall that apply.

Bloodwood Brown barrel Brush box Coastalblackbutt Flooded gum Forest red gum Grey box

Grey gum

Grey ironbark

Manna gum Messmate Mountain gum

New Englandblackbutt

Redironbark Red mahogany Redstringybark


Spotted gum

Sydney bluegum Tallowwood Turpentine

White mahogany


3.5 Harvestingmethodsandequipment

Which of the following harvesting methods and equipment will be used? Tick all that apply.



Snigging or extraction using a forwarder

Snigging or extraction using a dozer

Snigging or extraction using a skidder or rubber-tyredtractor

Log landing and loading using an excavator

Log landing and loading using a forwarder

Log landing and loading using a skidder,dozer or log loader

Other equipment or methods:

3.6 Standheightsandstandbasalareas

Refer totheGuidelines page 13. Harvesting limitsmust comply with the Codesections 3.1and 3.2. Use the tablebelow to record stand heights and stand basal areas for each broad forest type in the FOP


Note: ‘(25 m)’means where the standheight is less than 25m,

and‘( 25m)’ means where the stand heightis equal toor greater than 25m.

Broad forest type / Stand height(m) / Estimated stand basal area(m2/ha) / Minimum stand basal area from Code Table A (m2/ha)
Tablelands hardwood / (<25 m) / 12
( 25 m) / 16
Tablelands ash / (<25 m) / 12
( 25 m) / 16
Spotted gum / (<25 m) / 12
( 25 m) / 16
Northcoast dry mixed hardwood / (<25 m) / 12
( 25 m) / 16
Northcoast moist mixed hardwood / (<25 m) / 12
( 25 m) / 16
Northcoast flooded gum / (<25 m) / 12
( 25 m) / 18
Northcoast blackbutt / (<25 m) / 14
( 25 m) / 18

3.7 Regenerationandstocking

Refer totheGuidelines page 14.Theminimum stand stocking levels which must be achieved within

24 months of a harvestingor thinning event areset out in the Codesection 3.3.

If additionalactivitieswillbe carriedout to promote regeneration(i.e. in additionto harvesting)list them here:

4Protectionofthe environment

4.1 Protectionoflandscapefeaturesofenvironmental andculturalsignificance

Refer totheGuidelines page 14.Certain landscapefeatures must be protectedin accordance with the

Code section4.1. These features trigger the protection requirements listed in theCode TableC. Which of the followinglandscapefeatures arepresentintheFOP area?Tick allthat apply.

Endangeredecological communities

Endangeredpopulations Vulnerable ecological communities Rainforest

Old growth forest Wetlands Heathland


Cliffs, caves, tunnels and disused mine shafts (excluding open pits less than 3 mdeep) Steep slopes

Aboriginal objects or places (if you’re notsure, checkwith your local NationalParks and Wildlife

Service office)

Listed heritage sites(if you’re notsure, check with your localcouncil) Areas of existing mass movement

Dispersible and highlyerodiblesoils

Check that these features are marked on the FOP map.

4.2 Protectionofhabitatandbiodiversity

Refer totheGuidelines page 14.Certain trees mustbe retained inaccordancewith the Codesection 4.2. If there are not enough hollow bearing trees, extra recruitment trees must be retained from the ‘next cohort’ (see Guidelines)so the total number of hollow bearing and recruitment trees in each 2-hectare area is 20 (or more) andcomplies with the Code Table D.

How will you indicate on site which trees have to be retained? Tickone or both ofthe followingoptions, and provide extra information if necessary.

Trees to be retainedwill be marked asset out in the tree marking checklist at the end of thisFOP. Trees to be retainedwill be indicated as follows:

4.3 Minimisingdamagetoretainedtreesandnativevegetation

Refer totheGuidelines page 16. All the trees that have to be retained are defined by the Code as

‘protected trees’. Trees must be protected inaccordance with theCode section 4.3.

Which of the following plantspecies, alsodefined as ‘protected trees’, are present in the FOP area?

Grass tree (Xanthorrheoa) Forest oak (Allocasuarina) Banksia

How will you indicate on site which trees have to be protected? Tick one or bothof the following options,

and provide extra information if necessary.

Trees to be protected will be marked asset out inthe tree marking checklist at the end of thisFOP.

Treesto beprotectedwillbeindicatedasfollows:

How will youminimisedamage to protected trees?

4.4 Drainagefeatureprotection

Refer totheGuidelines page 16. Drainage features(also referredto in the Code as ‘streams’ and including dry drainage features) mustbe protectedin accordancewith the Code section 4.4. Forest operations must not occur inriparian exclusion zones (see the CodeTable F) exceptfor the purpose of crossing drainage features.

Check that the FOP map shows the location of all the mapped first, second and third order streams and prescribed streams in the FOP area.

5Constructionandmaintenance offorest infrastructure

Refer totheGuidelines page 17. Infrastructure used in the forestoperations must comply with the Code section 5.

5.1 Constructionandmaintenanceofroads(andcrossings)


Refer totheGuidelines page 18.All new roads that will be constructed and used in the forest operations must comply with the Codesection 5.1.

xUse the tablebelow to provide details about how new roadswill comply with the Code. Include all new roads that willbe used in the forest operations.

xMore than onenewroadcan be listedin eachcolumn of the tableprovidedthat the management prescriptionsare thesamefor these roads.

xThe table is providedtwicein this form toallowyou to report on up tofour new roads (or groups of new roads). If youneed to report on more roads than this, open the template a second time and fill in as many extra pages as you need to fully completethe table. When you are finished, print these extrapages out, identify them clearly, and insert them in order along with the other completed FOP template pages.

xCheck that the roads are shown on theFOP map using the same names or numbers used in this table.

New road name or number:
Willclearingberequired? / YesNo / YesNo
If yes, describe the clearing required:
How willgroundcoverbe established over cleared areas? / Groundcoverwill be established through natural regeneration.
Groundcoverwill be established as follows: / Groundcoverwillbe established through natural regeneration.
Groundcoverwillbe established as follows:
Will the roadgradeexceed
10 degrees? / YesNo / YesNo
If yes, the reason for the grade being greater than 10 degrees (but no more than
15 degrees) is:
Is any sectionof the road located on groundwith a slope greaterthan 25 degrees? / YesNo / YesNo
Howwillfill or cut batters be stabilised?
How willsoil erosionon roads be prevented? / Maintainingvegetationcover Establishinggrasscover Crossfall or shaping
Drainagestructures / Maintainingvegetationcover Establishinggrasscover Crossfall or shaping
New road name or number:
How will drainage be provided (e.g.what types of drainagestructures will be used)?
Will the road be stabilised and allowed to revegetate after this forest operation? / YesNo / YesNo
New road name or number:
Willclearingberequired? / YesNo / YesNo
If yes, describe the clearing required:
How willgroundcoverbe established over cleared areas? / Groundcoverwill be established through natural regeneration.
Groundcoverwill be established as follows: / Groundcoverwillbe established through natural regeneration.
Groundcoverwillbe established as follows:
Will the roadgradeexceed
10 degrees? / YesNo / YesNo
If yes, the reason for the grade being greater than 10 degrees (but no more than
15 degrees) is:
Is any sectionof the road located on groundwith a slope greaterthan 25 degrees? / YesNo / YesNo
Howwillfill or cut batters be stabilised?
How willsoil erosionon roads be prevented? / Maintainingvegetationcover Establishinggrasscover Crossfall or shaping
Drainagestructures / Maintainingvegetationcover Establishinggrasscover Crossfall or shaping
New road name or number:
How will drainage be provided (e.g.what types of drainagestructures will be used)?
Will the road be stabilised and allowed to revegetate after this forest operation? / YesNo / YesNo

Does this table continue onextra pages?YesNo


Refer totheGuidelines page 21.All existing roads that will be used in the forest operations must be maintainedand,if necessary,upgradedso they complywith the Codesection5.1.

xUse the tablebelow to provide details about how existing roads willbe maintained or upgraded so they comply with the Code. Include all existing roads thatwill be used in the forest operations.

xMore than one existing road can be listed in eachcolumn of the table provided that the management prescriptionsare thesamefor these roads.

xThe table is providedtwicein this form toallowyou to report on up tofour existing roads (or groups of existingroads). If you needto report onmore roadsthan this, open the templatea secondtime andfill in as many extra pagesas you needto fully completethe table. When you are finished,print these extra pages out, identify them clearly, and insert them in order along with the othercompleted FOPtemplate pages.

xCheck that the roads are shown on theFOP map using the same names or numbers used in this table.

Existing roads
Existing road name or number:
Willclearingberequired? / YesNo / YesNo
If yes, describe the clearing required:
How willgroundcoverbe established over cleared areas? / Groundcoverwill be established through natural regeneration.
Groundcoverwill be established as follows: / Groundcoverwillbe established through natural regeneration.
Groundcoverwillbe established as follows:
How willsoil erosionon roads be prevented? / Maintainingvegetationcover Establishinggrasscover Crossfall or shaping
Drainagestructures / Maintainingvegetationcover Establishinggrasscover Crossfall or shaping
Is the road surfaceshaped for infallor outfall? / InfallOutfall / InfallOutfall
Doesthe current (pre- harvest) roadcondition comply with the Code? / YesNo / YesNo
If not, whatmaintenanceor upgrading workwill be carried out to bring theroad up to the Code standard?
Existing roads
Existing road name or number:
Is the existingdrainage up to standardwiththe Code? / YesNo / YesNo
How will drainage be provided (e.g.what types of drainagestructures will be used)?
Are fill and cut batters currently stable? / YesNo / YesNo
If they arenot stable,what work will be carried out to stabilise them?
Will the road be stabilised and allowed to revegetate after this forest operation? / YesNo / YesNo
Existing roads
Existing road name or number:
Willclearingberequired? / YesNo / YesNo
If yes, describe the clearing required:
How willgroundcoverbe established over cleared areas? / Groundcoverwill be established through natural regeneration.
Groundcoverwill be established as follows: / Groundcoverwillbe established through natural regeneration.
Groundcoverwillbe established as follows:
How willsoil erosionon roads be prevented? / Maintainingvegetationcover Establishinggrasscover Crossfall or shaping
Drainagestructures / Maintainingvegetationcover Establishinggrasscover Crossfall or shaping
Is the road surfaceshaped for infallor outfall? / InfallOutfall / InfallOutfall
Doesthe current (pre- harvest) roadcondition comply with the Code? / YesNo / YesNo
If not, whatmaintenanceor upgrading workwill be carried out to bring theroad up to the Code standard?
Existing roads
Existing road name or number:
Is the existingdrainage up to standardwiththe Code? / YesNo / YesNo
How will drainage be provided (e.g.what types of drainagestructures will be used)?
Are fill and cut batters currently stable? / YesNo / YesNo
If they arenot stable,what work will be carried out to stabilise them?
Will the road be stabilised and allowed to revegetate after this forest operation? / YesNo / YesNo

Does this table continue onextra pages?YesNo

Newdrainagefeature crossings (e.g.bridges,causeways or culverts)

Refer totheGuidelines page 23.All new crossings that willbe constructed and used in the forest operations must comply withthe Codesection 5.1.2.

xUse the tablebelow to provide details about how new crossingswill comply with the Code. Include all newcrossingsthat willbeusedin the forest operations.

xThe table is providedtwicein this form toallowyou to report on up tofour new drainage feature crossings. If you need to report on morecrossings than this, open the template asecond timeand fill in as many extra pagesas you needto fully completethe table. When you are finished,print these extra pages out, identify them clearly, and insert them in order along with the othercompleted FOPtemplate pages.

xCheck that the crossings are shown on the FOP mapusing the same names ornumbers used in this table.

Newdrainage feature crossings
New crossingname or number:
What type of structure will be used (e.g. bridge, causeway, culvert)?
What materialwillbe used
for the base or surface of the crossing?
What constructionwork will be carried outto build the crossing?
What sedimentand erosioncontrol works willbecarriedout?
How will roaddrainageon the crossingapproaches be provided?
Newdrainage feature crossings
New crossingname or number:
What type of structure will be used (e.g. bridge, causeway, culvert)?
What materialwillbe used
for the base or surface of the crossing?
What constructionwork will be carried outto build the crossing?
What sedimentand erosioncontrol works willbecarriedout?
How will roaddrainageon the crossingapproaches be provided?