Lecture 5 – Windows Firewall Lab

Follow along with the PowerPoint to fill in the blanks.

1.Firewallsprotect networks by filteringnetworktrafficthatpasses through them.

2. Firewalls can be hardwareor softwareentities, or a combination of both.

3. The three types of rules that are used to allow internal traffic to leave and stop unwanted traffic from entering includeinbound rules, outbound rules,and connection-specific rules.

4. Inbound rules protect your computer from other computers making unsolicited connections to it.

5. Outboundrules protect your computer by preventing your computer from making unsolicited connections to other computers.

6. Connection-specificrules enable a computer’s administrator to create and apply custom rules based on a specific connection.

7. The two types of firewalls arenetworkperimeterfirewalls, and host-basedfirewalls.

8. Network perimeter firewalls are located at the boundarybetween the internalnetwork and external network.

9. The three location types of Windows Network Location Awareness are public, private, and domain.

10. Firewall rules associated with the publicprofile are the most restrictive.

11. Private profile firewall rules allow more network activity than public profile rules.

12. The domain network location type is detected when the local computer is a member of an ActiveDirectory domain. An administrator cannot manually assign this network location type.

13. Due to higher levels of security and isolation from the Internet, domainprofile firewall rules typically permit more network activity than the other profile rule sets.

14. Only users that are members of the local Administrators group, or who have been delegated the appropriate privileges are able to modify Windows Firewall settings.

15. If a program is blocked, the first time you try to run it you are notified by the firewall, allowing you to configure an exception that allows traffic from this program in the future.

16. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (WFAS) offers more powerful configuration options than the standard Windows Firewall.

17. To roll out the firewall configuration on a company network, it is better to use grouppolicy.

18. In addition to firewalls, the use of antispyware and virusprotection applications is also required to ensure that your computer remains protected.

19. Like antivirus programs, Windows Defender relies on definitions, which are used to determine whether a file contains spyware. Out-of-date definitions can cause Windows Defender to fail to detect some spyware.

20. MicrosoftSpyNet is an online community that can help you know how others respond to software that has not yet been classified by Microsoft.