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Name ______Chapter 8_Exodus

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Write your answers in the blank spaces at the left.

1. _____ In the Book of Exodus, God is spoken of as all of the following except ______.

A. as a God who saves

B. as a God who persecutes

C. as a compassionate God

D. as a God who longs to be in a conventional relationship

2. _____ What caused the pharaoh to order the enslavement of the Israelites?

A. He realized that Moses had been chosen as the Israelite leader.

B. His military leaders could not control the Israelites.

C. He saw the growing number of Israelites as a threat.

D. He discovered that Moses had killed an Egyptian.

3. _____ How did God respond to the enslavement of his People?

A. He sent an angel to destroy the house of Pharaoh.

B. He sent Aaron to talk to Pharaoh’s daughter.

C. He convinced Pharaoh’s army to turn against the government.

D. He called Moses to be his voice of truth and arm of justice.

4. _____ The story of the Israelites’ crossing the Red Sea from the Book of Exodus is read every year ______.

A. during the Easter Vigil

B. on Ash Wednesday

C. on Palm Sunday

D. on Christmas

5. _____ Which of the following does not describe Passover?

A. The night the Lord passed over the houses of Egypt marked by lamb’s blood.

B. The night the firstborn children and animals were killed in houses not marked by
lamb’s blood.

C. The feast that celebrates the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.

D. The feast that celebrates the deliverance of the Chosen People from bondage in Egypt.

6. _____ The tenth plague convinced Pharaoh to release the Israelites because ______.

A. he was grief-stricken when his firstborn son was killed

B. Moses had left Egypt

C. there were not enough burial places in Egypt

D. he was afraid of the Israelites’ god

7. _____ The Ten Commandments are sometimes called ______.

A. the Torah

B. the Decalogue

C. the Pentateuch

D. the New Commandment

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Part 2: Matching

Match each statement in column 1 with a term from column 2. Write the letter that corresponds to your choice in the space provided. (Note: There are two extra items in column 2).

Chapter 8 Test Page | 2

Column 1

8. ____ The account of the enslaved Israelites, their liberation, and trust.

9. _____ Occurrences meant to upset the authoritative patterns of the Egyptian Empire and lead to the freedom of the Israelites.

10. _____ The sacred ground where God forms a covenant with his Chosen People.

11. _____ Little flakes the Israelites collected and boiled or baked into a breadlike substance.

12. _____ The form in which God identified himself to Moses as “I am who am.”

13. _____ The list of norms, or rules of moral behavior, that God gave to Moses and that are the basis of ethical conduct.

14. _____ The brother of Moses whom God asked to assist Moses in confronting Pharaoh.

Column 2

A. Book of Exodus

B. Ten Commandments

C. Mount Sinai

D. Israel

E. Book of Genesis

F. Aaron

G. Esau

H. manna

I. Promised Land

J. tongues of fire

K. ten plagues

L. burning bush

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